10 Top Fashion Hits from 2021

Already passed for the year 2021, although it was the year that we had to fight with the epidemic situation all year But one thing that makes us happy Is to track fashion from all over the world

Already passed for the year 2021, although it was the year that we had to fight with the epidemic situation all year But one thing that makes us happy Is to track fashion from all over the world And including the wedding trend in Thailand In which the article today will include 10 top fashion hits from the past year to everyone.

1. Shirt

Or that we call oversized shirt Who will think that the shirt That may be viewed in the past Become a chic item That will make us look chic in the eye Which if you match with the correct dress Will make you look as a young woman And with luxury as well

2. Flower dress

Year 2021 is a fashion year of brightness. We can see from the runway of many brands. With various flower printing fabric Come to forming into various sets Making it look brighter

3. Pastel color dress

Both the fashion of Thailand And abroad Tat my heart to dress with bright pastel clothes. Which will make you look sweet And as well

4. Suit

This winter, the outerwear is another option. That will keep you warm And make you watch Complete And can see chic Get this over-site suit Is another option To make a sweet girl like you Can become a cool

5. Hair tie

Another item that will make your hair dress is not boring. By adding the features of various colorful hair ties That will make you look a lot

6. Earth tone tone

Can't deny that A couple of years ago was the year of the minimal style. The colors of this dress will focus on natural colors, white, beige and various Earthone tones.

7. Sport girl dress

In the early years of the year 2021, there is skate boster. And surf skate That is very popular in Thailand So dress Or sports as a popular stay

8. Many long lines necklace

In the previous year, Choker's necklace was very popular. But in the past 2021, we can see that the girls Popular in the necklace, minimal style, long lines

9. Square shoes

Shoes like this Start hits among girls in South Korea. And Thai girls have been popular By this shoes Will make your casual day look more easily

10. Butterwear ring

We will see that the actress is hits. Which the shirt is of the Jacquemus brand, which reveals the superb

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