What does the 17-year-old daughter of the ex-tatoo Yulia Volkovkov look like

The daughter of the former soloist group T.A.T.U Julia Volkovkov, whom she gave birth at 19, severely matured and became a copy of his star mother. Offers to see how the girl looks like now.

Yulia Volkova gave birth to a daughter Victoria in 19 years. Her father - Pavel Sidorov. The man worked as a personal bodyguard of the singer. At the beginning of zero between them, a passionate novel was twisted, which, alas, ended as rapidly as it began. Paul had a family and a small child. Birth of Victoria's daughter only aggravated by a halted atmosphere in the relationship of Volkova and Sidorov

This year Victoria will be 18 years old. She grew up a real beauty, very similar to his famous mom. With his father, the girl practically does not communicate.

The most ex-tattoo will soon knock 37 years. Despite the rather solid age, next to his beloved daughter it looks like a peer.

From nature Victoria - Blonde, but a couple of years ago, the girl decided to repaint her hair into a dark color. Now she is even more like her mother.

The girl is professionally engaged in vocals and dancing. She naturally wants to become a singer and conquer the Russian show business. Julia supports daughter's desire. Now she is for her the main mentor.

"Vika - Beauty! You will never tell you that they are a mother and daughter, "the Folloviers write in the comments under the pictures in the instagram wolves.

Victoria also leads his own account in Instagram. True, the pictures she publishes quite rarely.

Sometimes a girl pleases fans with rare joint photos with mom. In the comments to them, she often calls the wolf with her best girlfriend.

"Thanks to God for you! I love you madly, Mom, "the girl writes.

Recall that in 2018, the media appeared in the media that Julia Volkova was married for the second time. But at the same time, who became the chief of the artist, it is still not known. The singer diligently hides the personality of his spouse from prying eyes.

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