7 signs that your relationship is no longer saved
Often, love passes, and the habit of being together remains. How to understand this in time?

Often, love passes, and the habit of being together remains. How to understand this in time? Here are some disturbing bells pointing to the fact that you will not be able to save the relationship.
1. Physical violence
Physical violence, threats, persecution is not just anxious bells, but a natural disaster signal, eloquently speaking that you are in mortal danger next to such a partner.

2. Disgust
Does your partner constantly annoying you? Do you unpleasant his kisses and hugs? Maybe you just disgust to be next to him and you are looking for any reason not to see him? Things are bad. If you have a sense of disgust for your partner at least a minute, there will be no place for love and mutual understanding in your relationship.

3. Treason
If you at the initial stages of acquaintance agreed on free relations, there are no questions here. Or treason occurred impulsively under the influence of alcohol. Here, too, everyone decides itself: betrayal is this or a stupid error? But if you regularly change each other or change someone alone, why do such relationships need such relationships. It turns out that formally people together, but their emotions and feelings are isolated from each other.

4. Gazlatik
Gaslighting is a form of psychological violence, when one person tries to convince the other that he is inadequate. Gaslight likes to use such phrases: "You exaggerate", "you just seemed!" "You are too nervous (Aya)", "I did not say this (a)!". As a rule, a completely bad guys, like Narcisss and Psychopaths, deliberately resort to Gas Lighting. But one unsure of himself can subconsciously gaslight. After all, the ultimate goal of such psychological reception is total control over the victim.
At first glance, such manipulations seem harmless. But, as practice shows, people who are constantly living in a distorted gaslight world begin to experience serious problems with the psyche, right up to depression and suicide.

5. Permanent control
Does your partner make you throw a job? Forbids meeting friends? Doesn't you develop? Because of this, you constantly feel the depressed, sleep badly and feel health problems. What kind of peace can we talk about?

6. Difference
You can not rely on your partner. He is constantly involved in some unpleasant situations, secretly spending money from your total budget, refuses to independently solve its problems. Attempting to keep such relationships will eventually lead you to a dead end. It is not worth spending your time on someone who cannot provide you comfort and confidence in the future.

7. Relationships are needed only to you
It happens that there are problems in the relationship. But only someone is trying to solve them: constantly goes on concessions, reads the right literature, offers to visit the family psychologist. His partner does nothing. He, as if anyway. In relation to the relationship in which only one person is interested, there is no future.

"Danger!" Begins to film in the days, but the competitors refuse to compete