8 useful properties of Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a very popular plant in the beauty world. Discover 8 useful properties of this plant.

Aloe vera is a plant widely used both in the beauty world as to treat skin and digestive conditions, due to some of its natural properties. The Egyptians called it the "plant of immortality" and several other civilizations, such as Greek, Indian, Mexican, Chinese and Japanese, used it for medicinal purposes. In this text, you know 8 utilities and properties of Aloe vera for your day-to-day.

1. Cure for skin

First, we must mention one of the main reasons why Aloe vera has been used for millennia. The plant extract gel and already proved able to increase collagen synthesis in wounds, accelerating healing and reducing the occurrence of scars.

Some studies evaluated the efficacy of Aloe vera in the treatment of ulcers, and one of them found that the administration of the gel twice daily for a period of three months has improved and accelerated healing, reducing the time of hospitalization. Another survey found that Aloe vera helped in the recovery of tissues in case of burns and promoted healing of cesarean section.

2. Skin protection

Besides being a great ally in wound healing, Aloe vera has also proven to help maintain healthy skin. One of the reasons why the extract and gel of Aloe are used on the skin is to protect it from radiation. Antioxidants present in the plant can "shield" the surface of our skin from damage caused by UV rays from the sun, preventing burns.

3. Effect of anti-aging and moisturizing

Encouraging the formation of collagen provided by Aloe also keeps the skin hydrated and elastic, reducing wrinkles. Therefore, the plant has anti-aging effect and moisturizing effect. Furthermore, to have anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce the appearance of acne.

4. Natural Laxative

Far beyond the skin, Aloe vera greatly helps the digestive system and can operate even as a natural laxative. Therefore, it is recommended to use the rarely plant in case of constipation; and, according to the Mayo Clinic, a dose 0:04 to 0:17 grams of its juice is enough.

5. protection against digestive diseases

A survey of 2010 suggests that consuming a little Aloe vera gel with meals can reduce the severity of gastroesophageal reflux, digestive condition quite common that can result in heartburn. In addition, the plant can alleviate some other problems of any kind, being a safe remedy if consumed in low amounts.

6. Effect anticancer and antiviral

The active even acts as a laxative in Aloe vera, anthraquinone, is also able to disable some viruses, such as influenza, herpes simplex and varicella zoster. And so, Aloe vera has great anticancer properties and may be a factor in inhibiting the formation of certain tumors. For example, a recent survey studied the therapeutic properties of emodin, a component of the leaves. It is suggested that the aloe vera has the potential to reduce the growth of breast cancer.

7. antidiabetic effect

One study showed that drinking two Aloe vera juice daily tablespoons can help reduce blood sugar levels in the blood of people with type 2 diabetes, helping them to control blood sugar. Many believe that, therefore, the Aloe vera will be part of the treatment for diabetes in the future.

However, if you already use medicines to reduce blood sugar levels, take care to drink the juice of aloe vera. The consumption both at the same time has the potential to lead to glucose to dangerously low levels.

8. antiseptic properties

Aloe vera has 6 antiseptic agents: lupeol, salicylic acid, urea, cinnamic acid, phenols and sulfur. A 2014 study stated that the plant extract is safe and effective as a mouthwash, and may block the formation of plaque and relieve inflammation of the gums.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: health
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