Top 10 moments from the life of the Ukrainian under attack

We have collected a few pictures and episodes for you, which will illustrate life in many Ukrainian cities at the moment.

With almost a million people - mostly women and children - except land, as refugees mostly in the neighboring countries, there are also people who have decided to stay behind. Her life has changed significantly at the moment, but many of them hold up the minds by sharing images of their everyday reality in social media, mainly on Tiktok and Instagram.

Their everyday reality means to meet at home, among the tables or in the improvised air protection bunkers. It shows how children, parents and grandparents come together in confined spaces, in the hope to escape the effects of a targeted or lost rocket or bomb grenade.

We have collected a few pictures and episodes for you, which will illustrate life in many Ukrainian cities at the moment.

The trumpeter singing the national anthem of Ukraine before bombing

This trumpeter has brought a brave act: under the backdrop of bomb sounds, he sings the national anthem on the balcony, a direct act of defiance of the Russian occupiers, but also encouraging those who live under the stress of attacks.

Baby born in the air protection cellar

In an air protection bunker in Kyiv, a woman gave birth to a girl, Mia. Many other children were born in the last days in Ukraine under the same conditions. This beautiful new life, which was born in the midst of the Killing Fields created by the Russian army, is a symbol of hope that life will hopefully be normal again.

Prepared an emergency backpack with the essentials

Ukraine has a young population, so there are not too many who still remember the horrors of the Second World War. However, many learned very quickly and instead of finishing their party outfits, they set emergency backpacks to take them quickly if the military missions near. These sets contain medications, clothing for a few days, the most important ID documents and finally chargers for their devices.

Sleep together, in an emergency

People experience the need to stay together under the terrible stress state. In an emergency, it is important to stay together, so many families are very at night, not just to keep warm, but also to be prepared for emergency.

Mother and four children cuddle together in a cold cellar, which acts as a air protection bunker

Many new apartment blocks in Ukraine, especially in big cities, have no air protection bunkers. Therefore, many cellars use to protect themselves from the bombs. Fortunately, many of these cellars have enough food and are cold enough to keep supplies fresh under all circumstances.

Kiev spend the night in a provisional air protection bunker, built in a underground car park

In some cases, however, not everyone is lucky enough to have a cellar. Recently, some Kiev had to spend one night in a provisional air protection cellar that was improvised in a underground car park. The conditions were not so bad, and in fact it offered many residents the opportunity to enjoy this relative security.

"Bring your pet into the air protection bunker"

Either it has to do with various immigration provisions, or literally bring them into the air protection cellar, the animals are in a difficult state during this time. Scared from the explosions, they feel the desperation of their people and are often in a situation of despair. However, people like to enjoy pets in their accommodations, as the furry animals can offer the hurdles there, especially children, a lot of comfort.

Add window with adhesive tape so you do not break

Another ability that people have quickly learned in Ukraine in Ukraine in Ukraine is the protection against bombing. One of the most important is the protection against window splinters. So with Tesafilm glued windows are a new visual reality of Ukrainian cities.

"Our house is destroyed"

Not only houses, but also important buildings such as hospitals and public squares are destroyed in Ukraine. In some cases, the bunkers are converted into hospital facilities for children and their parents. The Ukrainian social media show many examples of people standing in front of their destroyed houses, many of them not even finished.

A provisional bunker in the basement of a family

People tried to bring as many items as possible in their bunkers: some may even expect to do something or at least properly informed what's going on around them. Especially after two years of pandemics, it is used to stay together long, but still it is a stressful experience. Creating a relative family feeling finally helps to overcome the terror of the last days.

If you want to make a difference in everyday life of the people affected by the war from Ukraine, we recommend thembothverifyDonateto consider. Each post can significantly change the life of all the war affected by the war, especially children who experience the horrors of a threatened life.

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