America's largest burger chain could close its dining rooms on delta variant

McDonald urges the franchisees to temporarily prohibit the indoor dining room in light of the propagation of the variant.

ManyMcDonalds Franchisees across the United States plan to close their dining rooms due to the creeping propagation of the COVID-19 delta variant, according to oneReuters.

To Sunday 29 August theThe United States has reached a daily average 100,000 hospitalizations of COVID-19 for the first timeFrom the Winter Peak. At the end of July,The estimated CDC thisMore than 80% of COVID-19 cases were dushed with the Delta variant. McDonald's interior restore privileges temporarily removed the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, but last month, the Giant of Fast Restoration reopened 70% of its dining rooms at the national level, Reuters reported.

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The largest American burger chain announced on July 28 that he had ambitions to reopen 100% by the day of work, as long as Covid-19 cases were not collapsing. But at last week, McDonald's called for her franchisees and informed them of being ready to take action to reapprove the dining rooms in the counties where the delta variant spreads rapidly.

mcdonalds workers

Specifically, McDonald's leaders suggested that franchisees plan to close the indoor dining room in counties where cases exceed 250 per 100,000 people on an average of three weeks.

McDonald is not the only big chain that takes precautions. Reuters also reported that some of the 40 KFC and Taco Bell's 40 PMTD restaurants have PMTD restaurants between Alabama and Georgia had to reduce their hours because of CIVID-19 infection staff. According toLatest OpenTable Data16 States are implementing certain restrictions on domestic restoration. These include states on the west coast, such as California, Oregon and Washington, as well as Colorado, New Mexico, Louisiana and North Carolina.

Some cities begin to apply their own restrictions. August 12,New York Institutions Including restaurants, concert halls and gymnasiums now require guests to show evidence of CVIV-19 vaccination to enter.

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