Secret effects of eating plums, says science

There is more to this small summer fruit than you do.

As the days become shorter and the nights become colder, nothing like to savor the last bites of all that is amazingSummer products. Tannedtomatoes andfisheries always seems to be late from the favorites of the summer. Tart, juicy plums are also a late dodging delicacy but seem to be underestimated compared to its fishing counterpart. And yet, when you immerse yourself in all the incredible health benefits that eat plums to eat, you can think twice on what fruit you really want to stick. Eating plums, even dried plums (prunes), have been linked to several studies to enjoy your body in an incredible way that you probably do not know.

We have listed some of the secret effects that you probably do not know about this underestimated summer fruit. Here's why you should hang a few plums the next time you are atfarmer's market before the summer does not shoot and for even healthier food tips, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Pluns protect your heart.

halved plums

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help reducearterial pressure Thank you to theirantioxidantsAnd enjoy prunes (dried plums) can specifically enjoy hypertension in your body. According to a clinical study published in theJournal of Ayub Medical CollegeThe consumption of prunes is linked to a reduction in blood pressure and even linked to the reduction of LDL blood cholesterol levels. Since these two health concerns are linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, reducing blood pressure andCholesterol LDL will ensure ahealthier heart.

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Plums are anti-inflammatory.

fresh plums

Speaking of antioxidants, plums are full. A study published by the newspaperFood & Function found that the polyphenols of dried plums are powerful and antioxidant anti-inflammatory agents.Polyphenols Powerful antioxidants can help combat free radicals in your body, reduce oxidative stress and the risk of developing chronic disease.

here isWhy do you need antioxidants in your diet and how to eat more of them.


Plums can help control blood glucose.


In a review published by theReviews in Food Science and NutritionDried plums have been linked to increased feelings of fullness that can in turn reduce food consumption. Reduced food consumption can help control weight-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular. This can potentially be related to the fact that plums do not cause a sharp increase inblood glucose And the release of insulin in the body, which tend to be the factors that cause such diseases.


Plums could increase your memory.


Antioxidants are not the only advantage of eating plums. According to a review published byPhytotherapy research, plums also have memory improvement characteristics. The examination examined 73 articles, including 25 human studies and found that plums have been linked toImproved cognitive function.

The study specifies that dried versions of plums were used on fresh fruit in human tests. It is therefore necessary for more research to make such a request. However, plums are rich in anthocyanins - a type of antioxidant in the flavonoid group that gives food a blue, red or purple pigment (likeblueberry) According toBiomedicine and biotechnology diaryAnthocyanins are credited to improve cognitive performance.


Plums can improve bone health.

bowl prunes

According toAging search ReviewsAnimal studies and a 3-month clinical trial discovered that dried plum consumption could have positive effects on bone density. Studies have shown in some cases dried plums have contributed to reversing the loss of bone due to skeletal unloading, resulting in a decrease in bone formation and bone mass. This is particularly important as you get older since your bone mass decreases as you have an increased risk of developingosteoporosis.


Plums can help with constipation.

bowl plums

This one is probably not as much surprise as the others, but still important to note. Plums and prunes - are the two fruits related to the relief assistance of constipation. According toPediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutritionPurns contain sorbitol, fructose, fibers and phytochemicals that can all help relieve constipation.

Prunes, in particular, can be beneficial for constipation because of their high levels offiber. A criticism ofPharmacology and food therapeuticsEven emphasizes how prunes seem superior to improving the frequency of stools with respect to psyllium, which is generally used to help relief constipation.

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