21 subtle signs that you have already had Covid

There is a good chance that you had coronaviruses and you never knew it ever.

Could you have hadCOVID-19 [Feminine And even even realize it? May be. "The majority of people who contract the coronavirus will suffer lightlysymptoms, the most common being a high temperature and a new dry cough and continues. A lower percentage of people will undergo more serious symptoms, "says Dr. Daniel Atkinson, led by GP Clinical Treated.

However, because the coronavirus actually has a spectrum of symptoms - some so sweet, they are barely perceptible or easily confused with something else - it can go unnoticed or not diagnosed.Read on to discover the 21 subtle signs you have ever had coronavirusand to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Nose flowing, sore throat and congestion

Sick woman blowing her runny nose in paper tissue at home.

Dr. Atkinson argues that trifecta of a flowing nose, from the throat of sore throat and congestion, can mean a mild case of Covid-19. However, because it "sounds and probably feels, much like cold, or an allergy to hay hay", many people have probably brushed them.


Reduced, or loss of sense of taste and smell

female cook standing at the hob in her apron tasting her food in the saucepan with a grimace as she finds it distasteful and unpalatable

Some people who suffer a loss of their taste and smell may have contracted the coronavirus. "It's a symptom that could accompany very good symptoms, like those who are not different from the nose, congestion and cold throat of the cold, but it can also accompany very soft symptoms, such as muscle pain , fatigue, fever and continuous cough, "Dr. Atkinson points out. Although it is not yet perfectly understood why some people report loss of taste and smell, it is thought that in the majority of cases, the meaning comes back after no more than six weeks, he explains.


Reduced appetite

Displeased young woman doesn't want to eat her breakfast

Dr. Atkinson adds that when your body is infected with a virus like Covid-19, your appetite can become reduced. "If this is accompanied by a loss of taste and smell, he can make the will to eat or drink really difficult," he explains. "It's really important to drink a lot of fluids to help your body fight the virus and minimize symptoms and even if you do not feel it, try eating something, even if it's just a snack or a small meal . "


Shortness of breath

Asian woman having difficulty breathing in bedroom at night

As the coronavirus novel is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, objects like coughing, a throat and a breathing can occur like symptoms, explains Dr. Atkinson. While the most common is the dry cough and continues often reported, if you feel out of breath, more than usual, and if it happens when you are at rest, it may be the concern and Your choice to have) Ask immediate medical advice.


Fatigue and Fatigue


When your body fights all infection, it uses energy. "Most people will feel tired or lethargic, so do not exercise or go to work when they are sick, but some fitness enthusiasts insist on the continuation of the exercise to try to fight," explains the Dr. Atkinson. This is usually not useful, the body needs time to sit physically while the immune system makes the work take a break from the circuit formation for a few days. "You should not ignore the signals of your body," he adds. "Rest and sleep while you're unhappy, it's an essential part of your recovery."


"Tops Covid"

Man's Hand Holding Magnifying Glass In Front Of His Feet

Dermatologists have observed violet lesions on the feet and hands of some patients with COVID-19 infection,to explainCaroline Nelson, MD, yale medicine dermatologist. These lesions are most often found in children and asymptomatic adults, and can be itchy or painful.

Although the association is always under investigation, this finding is often called "Covid 's toes". It is important to note that severe CIVID-19 infection can also increase the tendency of blood to fence, depriving the skin of blood flow and leading to purple skin lesions. The subtle differences in appearance provide indices physicians for differentiating the causes of purple skin lesions associated with CVIV-19 infection.


Pink eye


If you have recently suffered conjunctivitis, a.k.a. Pink Eye, it could have been due to Covid-19. "Several reports suggest that SARS-COV-2 can cause alight follicular conjunctivitisotherwise indistinguishable other viral causes, and possibly be transmitted by the contact of the aerosol with the conjunctiva, "the American Academy of Ophthalmology recently said in adeclaration. That's why some experts recommend contact lenses to get to glasses during the pandemic.


Diarrhea or nausea

Suffering From Abdominal Pain Touching Aching Stomach Lying On Couch At Home

According toCDC"Some people with COVID-19 have experienced gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and nausea before developing the fever and signs and symptoms of lower respiratory tract." In fact, a study published inThe American Journal of Gastroenterologyhave found that the digestive problems were more common in those who have a CVIV-19 thought that previously, and until half of the diagnosed patients complained of one of these symptoms.


A tip of fever


Have you had a fever that came and went so fast that you have brushed it? Well, it could have been Covid-19. According toWorld Health Organization, 87.9% of the 55,924 cases of laboratory confirmed coronaviruses reported a fever of the fever, which made it by far the most common symptom.

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Muscle pain

back view of man sitting on bed and suffering from back pain

Perhaps you have written these body pain, pains and pains because of the overexercision. Or maybe you thought you were influenza. However, according to the CDCMuscular pain is a symptom of coronavirus.


Covid rashes

Young man with skin allergy

"The skin is often a window in a person's health and can show signs of Covid-19 infection," says Dr. Nelson. Cutaneous eruptions may have small bulbs, morbillriforms ("measles type") (many, often symmetrical, red pink bumps that can be merged) and hives (red wheels itching on the skin). Purple skin lesions reported in patients with COVID-19 of the range of itching to painful bumps on the hands and feet ("covidation toes") to angled areas of cutaneous injury of the lack of blood flow.

"It is important to note that these skin panels are not specific, which means that they can be associated with other infections, systemic disorders and drug reactions. It is important to consult a doctor from your doctor", said Mr. Nelson.

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An old man touches his head. Headache. Alzheimer's disease

Some Victims of COVID-19 suffer from disorientation and confusion. Ato studyPublished inJama found that over one-third of Wuhan's hospitalized patients, China showed neurological manifestations of the disease - including loss of balance or coordination, loss of consciousness and seizures.


Dry cough

woman cough sneeze in elbow

A dry cough is one of the defined symptoms of COVID-19, according to theWHO. What is theDifference between a wet and dry cough? As its name suggests, a wet cough will probably produce mucus or mucus, while a dry cough is, well, dry.

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Frieslands or repeated jolts


The CDC has created six new additionstheir official list of CVIV-19 symptoms. Among them was not just "chills" but "dried up with chills". The symptom usually goes hand in hand with a fever.


Throbing headaches

Close up Portrait of young woman with headache

If you feel a blammer in your head, it can be Covid-19. "The results of an observation study of more than 100 patients show that the beginning of the head can occur during the presymptomatic and / or symptomatic phases of the progression of COVID-19 and sometimes voltage or migraine voltages," reportsOptometry time.

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Chest pain

Mature woman having heart attack on stairs, outdoors

"Some people say they continue to experience symptoms months after the infection", reportsHeart.org. "In doctoire visits and social media groups, a growing number of patients report persistent symptoms ranging from light problems, such as continuous loss of taste or smell, to more serious, such as cardiac palpitations. , chest pain, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, cognitive difficulties or recurrent fevers. That these symptoms finally resolve or if they report that the permanent damage of the virus remain unknown. "


Loss of speech or movement

Close-up portrait of charming old lady, covering her mouth with hands

"The inhabitants of all ages who feel fever and cough associated with breathing difficulties / trials of blast, pains / thoracic pressure or loss of speech or movement should request medical care immediately", reports reportsWHO.

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You become forgetful

Memory Disorder

"Our experience of previous coronavirus forms suggests that in long-term patients could develop depression, insomnia, Parkinson's disease, memory loss or accelerated aging in the brain," says Dr. Majid Fotuhi, MD, Ph.D., which is the medical director of the Neugrow Fitness Center in Northern Virginia and affiliate staff at Johns Hopkins Medicine. "For those who are recovering from Covid-19, I recommend a regular exercise by eating healthy cardiac nutrition, reducing stress and improves sleep; they are critical means of patients who can rejuvenate their brains and minimize poor results to the mediocre. to come up."


You were at the beginning of last year

Woman Wearing Winter Hat and Gloves Blowing Her Sore Nose with a Tissue

If you were sick in January or February and turned off like the flu or cold, it could have been Covid-19. Although the first known case of coronavirus in the United States was reported in early January, the spread of the community did not seem to be a question - nor so we thought. In fact, it was not until the end of February that the disease control and prevention centers (CDC) confirmed the first case of CIVID-19 in a California patient who had no known contact with anyone which had been diagnosed with the virus or No trip history in an epidemic.

However, recently it wasconfirmedThat there were two deaths related to coronavirus in February in California. Since the Covid epidemic took place during the cold and flu period, it is quite possible that you beat coronavirus and you did not know.

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You spent time in a hotspot

Group of party people - men and women - drinking beer in a pub or bar

If you spent time in one of the firstcoronavirus hotspots-Special, restaurants, bars, places of worship or offices - and felt under the weather, it could have been Covid-19. Who added many of the places or situations where the virus had the potential to spread airborne involving closed spaces where people were likely to be "shouting, talking or singing".

"In these epidemics, the transmission of the aerosol, especially in these interior places where there are congested and unusually ventilated spaces where infected persons spend long periods of time with others, can not be excluded:" Advised people.


To be worried if you were around others who tested positive

Man sitting on the bed wrapped in a blanket feeling sick while girl hugging him and trying to help him.

If you were around other people who were positive for Covid-19, there is a good chance that you too. According toresearch, an overwhelming amount of people are asymptomatic carriers. In most study groups, they lived in the same region as others who tested positive. So, if someone at home was sick, but you never showed symptoms, there is a good chance that you too have it.

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There is only one way to check if you have ever had coronavirus

A mature Caucasian man in a clinical setting being swabbed by a healthcare worker in protective garb to determine if he has contracted the coronavirus or COVID-19.

Dr. Atkinson points out that the only way to really know if you had Covid-19 consists of using an antibody test, a test that confirms whether someone had been infected or not with the virus in the past. Although no test is 100% accurate, including these - and some people who had COVID-19 may not show any antibodies. Call your doctor to ask for one or if you think you are currently Covid-19.And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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