A major side effect to eat a bottle vinaigrette, says science

Before going supposing that each salad is healthy ...

Honestly, the best part ofeat a salad is probably the dressing. Salad vinaigrettes are so diverse that you can always find the perfect for your own needs in any grocery store. Maybe you like a creamy vinaigrette, something on the sweetener side, a tangy vinaigrette, or a simple vinaigrette based on olive oil. Whatever you prefer, there is just abottle salad vinaigrette for you.

Although salads can be a dense meal and nutritious calorie with tons ofHealth benefitsThey can quickly turn into an unusable choice. Some sales of bottled salads can be loaded withadded sugar, adding fat or conservatives and delicate ingredients that we can not pronounce.

But a major side effect to eat a bottle vinaigrette that not as many people speak isThe possibility of consuming too much sodium!Here's what you need to know, and for more tips for eating healthy, be sure to checkThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.

How much sodium is in bottle of bottled salad?

The amount of sodium in your dressing varies depending on the type you buy. Since the standard service size of most bottles are two tablespoons, it is easy to consume large amounts of sodium without even noticeing, especially if you are a dressing lover.

If you choose something like a normHidden valley ranch, You will get 260 milligrams of sodium in just two tablespoons. If you are more in aKraft a thousand dressing of the islandYou will also get 260 milligrams of sodium per serving.

It is particularly important to look for "healthier" dressings on the shelves, as something labeled "bold" which is loaded with added sugars and sodium for the flavor.

For example, you will consume a quantity of 350 milligrams of sodium by two tablespoons ofWish-bone without fatand 290 additional milligrams ofKen's fat-free raspberry Pad.

Who can really surprise you is thePrimal cuisine Caesar Vinaigrette, who is Keto and Whole30 - friendly. This vinaigrette can use better ingredients, but you still get 210 milligrams of sodium in a portion.

RELATED:10 brands of healthy salad dressings to buy (and 10 to avoid)

Bottled salad dressing

What happens when you consume too much sodium?

The FDA recommends adults to get less2,300 milligrams of sodium A day, even if the average American is close to 3,400 milligrams a day.

According toFDA,consuming too much sodium can create an excess water in our blood, which can finally lead toHypertension. And if we encounter high blood pressure over long periods, this can put a lot of strength on our vital organs and lead to serious health problems such as strokes, heart attacks and renal diseases, among many more. Possible problems.

High blood pressure andheart disease are closely linked, the blood pressure being one of the main factors of increased risk of CVD. According toJournal of Human HypertensionThere is not only a positive correlation between salt intake and high blood pressure, but this relationship also increases as we get older.

Additional research is underway on how sodium affects our hearts because doctors still need to see the long-term effects of reducing our consumption. However, a handful of studies found that sodium reduction could have a positive effect on our cardiovascular health.

According toThe Journal of the American Cardiology College, A random test group revealed that the reduction of daily sodium consumption could result in a decrease in stroke and CV up to 20%.

Take out

It is prudent to say that even though more and more research is done on sodium subjects, blood pressure and heart disease, enough evidence has been found so far to conclude that we should stay at the Too much sodium gap.

With bottled salad dressings, it is difficult to control the amount of sodium you really consume, especially with smaller service sizes. If you are going to reach a store bought salad dressing, maybe try something with less sodium As Girl Organic Avocado Cilantro Where Bragg Vinaigrette .

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