The best supplement # 1 for your heart, says dietitian

Strengthen the strongest body organ with the help of this common supplement.

It may seem obvious, but yourheart is probably the most important muscle of your body. He keeps life that crosses your body, after all! CornIf your heart does not work at full capacityThis can significantly affect your quality of life. Considering that cardiovascular disease affectsAlmost half of American adultsIt is worth your sentence to stay at the top of your heart health and take proactive action for this vital organ to stay at its best. But with so much lifestyle and genetic factorsThis can affect the risk of heart disease, of a lack of exercise to follow a diet of great fat, where do you start?

"Good nutrition and lifestyle play important roles in maintaining a healthy and functional heart muscle", explainsRebekah BlakelyRDN, nutritionist of dietitians recorded forThe vitamin shoppe. BLAKELY highlighting that supporting cardiac health should be a holistic approach, but it can sometimes be more targeted if your body is missing from certain nutrients: "When the daily needs of your body can not be satisfied, or deficiencies occur, a supplement food can be able to help fill in the gap. "

There areSeveral effective supplements for cardiac healthBut there is one, in particular, which recommends Blakely:magnesium, which has many functions in the body. (Note that you should always consult a health professional before changing the drastic changes in your diet or additional routine.)

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"Magnesium works alongside calciumContract and relax the cardiac muscleE, creating a healthy heartbeat, "says Blakely." Magnesium has a relaxing effect on the muscles and blood vessels, and therefore also plays a role in maintaining healthy blood pressure. And levels. low magnesium even have evenbeen associated with increased mortality rates, including cardiovascular causes. "

Magnesium deficiency is also common in adults, according to Blakely, and contributing factors may include high levels of stress, poor regimes, a decrease in mineral content in our soils and foods, our use of drugs and diseases Chronicles.

Continue reading: Surprising side effects of magnesium supplements, say dietitians

Studieshave shown that Nearly two-thirds of the Western population do not meet the daily recommendation of magnesium intake. According toNational health institutesIt's 420 mg for men and 320 mg for women.

And anto study Discovered that 80% of patients treated with diuretic drugs for hypertension for six months or more were observed as exhausted magnesium levels.

magnesium supplements

If you want to start a magnesium supplement, start by ensuring that you meet the daily recommendations of the contribution.

"Discuss your specific magnesium needs with your doctor or dietist that has your complete list of health conditions and available drugs," says Blakely.

Try these brands recommended by the dietitian:

  1. Vitamin Shoppe Magnesium Glycinate: Sweet on the stomach and well absorbed.
  2. Vitamin Shoppe Magnesium Powder Quiet Zone: Rapid absorption in a form of convenient powder; Drink hot or cold.
  3. Natural vitality calmly magnesium gummies: A tasty and low croquette option for those who do not want more pills.

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