Popular drinks that increase inflammation, explains science

Some of our favorite drinks can lead to serious health problems on the road

When we think to try toFight inflammationIt's important to look at the entire photo. Although there are foods and drinks, we can consume who areanti-inflammatory, "There is really no one with food, drink or specific ingredient thatcauses inflammation, "saysAmy Goodson, Ms, rd, cssd, ld.

The problem is more about our habits and things we consume regularly. "In most cases, it is a coherent intake of certain foods and / or ingredients that can contribute to health problems, which has finally leading to low-quality chronic inflammation," says Goodson.

So when it comes to drinking that couldto augment Inflammation, we need to examine the frequency at which drinks are consumed and potential health problems that they might trigger. "People who regularly consume large quantities ofa soda, sweet tea, other sweet-sugary drinks are probably more likely to experimentchronic inflammation Following other health problems, "says Goodson.

In this spirit, here are some drinks that can increase inflammation and lead to other health problems if it is consumed in excess or long periods. And for healthier food tips, be sure to readThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


A soda

Hamed Mohtashami Pouya / Beldposh

Soda Can be delicious, but they are packed full of sugar. Although the drinking of the soda can therefore often have no instant inflammatory effects, the soda on a regular basis for a longer period of time can lead to the road to chronic inflammation.

According to a study published inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Drinking a bobbin of Soda a day led to more resistance to insulin and higher cholesterol in the participants of the study. They also saw a peak in their CRP levels (C-reactive protein), which is a common inflammatory marker.

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The Thai Font Rio / Morne

According to product products, excessive amounts of alcohol can possibly result in inflammation over time. "While the American Heart Association and the Dietary Guidelines of Americans conclude that moderate consumption can be integrated into a healthy lifestyle (a glass per day for women and two drinks a day for men), declares Basic products ", exceeding this recommendation could lead to health problems that contribute to inflammation. "

A report found inAlcohol search Also concluded that too much alcohol over time can cause gastrointestinal problems leading to inflammation. Indeed, excessive amounts of alcohol can erode part of the intestinal lining and modify our gut microbiota.

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Sweet tea

sweet iced tea
McDonald's courtesy

If you grew up anywhere near the South, you are probably falling in love with sweet tea at an early age. But this drink always comes from sugar, no matter where you order it. In a 16.9 ounce bottle ofSweet southern style tea from Arizona For example, you will get 43 grams of added sugar.

Excessive amounts of sugar can sometimes result in weight gain. According to a report inBMC Nutrition and Metabolism, carrying extra weight over a long period of time has been known to cause chronic inflammation of low quality in the body. A glass of sweet tea alone does not have the power to cause inflammation, but excess sweet drinks over time.


Energy drinks

energy drinks
Jorge Franganillo / BELVSHSH

Energy drinks are another beverage containing added sugar, which can result in inflammation over time. "Typically important sugar intakes can cause weight gain," says Goodson, "which can put individuals with a greater risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, metabolic syndrome and other health conditions contributing to chronic inflammation. "

This study of theNewspaper of the American Society of NephrologyDiscovered that high levels of fructose can lead to more inflammation due to its interaction with our endothelial cells, cells that help regulate inflammation in our body.

RELATED:12 dangerous side effects of energizing drinks, according to science


Take out

energy drinks

In the end, we want to try not to have extremely sweet drinks in moderation. No beverage will lead to inflammation after a single sip, but excessive consumption of these can lead to larger health problems that trigger long-term chronic inflammation.

"The best basic rule is to focus on water and other low calorie beverages for hydration," says Goodson, "and if you are looking for anti-inflammatory drinks to help reduce inflammation, look for Drinks such as cherry juice, green tea, pomegranate juice, etc. "

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