This is what happens to all your missing luggage

The mystery of mia bags - resolved!

This is the worst nightmare of all travelers wait through the luggage claim and watchingsuitcase After the circle of suitcase around the conveyor belt with yours, we do not see anywhere. Then, after hours complaining to customer service on your missing luggage, you are blocked without clothing or personal possessions. Talk in a terrible way to start or put an end to the holidays.

Fortunately, chances are quite thin as your check bag will be lost during your travels. In 2018, 24.8 million bags were "poorly manipulated" -Mans: lost, damaged, delayed or scattered - according to a2019 Report by SITAA aviation technology company that monitors baggage tracking data for airlines around the world. Of course, it's a massive number of missing suitcases, but it compared to the total number of air passengers that stole the same year: 4.36 billion people. Assuming that each passenger brings at least one bag (including transport) with them when they travel, it means that only 0.6% of all stolen bags in 2018 were manipulated.

The truth? It is rare to lose your luggage for good. In 2018, only 5% of all missing baggage, about 1.24 million bags in total were finally returned to their owners. The airlines are responsible for getting your bag at your final destination, then they will usually simply stick the bag on the next flight.

Where unclaimed suitcases are sent

If you are among the unfortunate rare whose suitcase is good and it's really lost - whether it's stolen or just disappeared - it's a good bet they'll be in the same place: theUnclaimed Luggage Center, a 40,000 square foot warehouse in Alabama where foreigners had recyclable stuff like a savings shop. The airlines have 90 days to make the baggage missing; After that, they belong to the airline, which can sell orphan suitcases through its exclusive contract with the UBC. (Note: The company also buys unclaimed products in train stations and car rentals.)

Known as the capital of lost luggage storage, UBC has its sorting process for science. First, all items are divided into three groups: sell in the store, garbage or donate to charities like the Army of Salvation. If the clothes are labeled for sale, it is washed on the on-site commercial dry cleaner, while electronic components are wiped and reset in accordance with the Department of Defense Protocol. There is no safety risk.

About 7,000 new items arrive every day, missing luggage themselves to clothes, jewelry, musical instruments, ski speed and other various possessions that were once packed inside. With that a lot of inventory, it is not surprising that theUBC is a treasure of bizarre and wonderful items-So much so he even has a museum dedicated to his most eclectic pieces, like a complete armor suit, a natural emerald of 40.95 carats and an old Egyptian burial mask.

What if your bags are misplaced

If the worst should happen and your duffel will completely mia - and you do not want a lucky customer in Alabama to buy your goods - here's what you should do.

First, drop a missing bag report with your airline as soon as possible. Most airlines define a deadline for you to file a claim to receive compensation, usually ranging from four to 24 hours after your arrival. TOlarge airportsThere will be a dedicated office for missing luggage, where you can submit your request in person, otherwise you may need to call your airline. Keep in mind that airlines (and travel insurance fonts typically offer a form of compensation for luggage delayed or lost, make sure you read the fine impression and request the total amount applicable to your case.

But be aware that even after submitting a claim, they can only give you $ 50 of $ 50 - a bucket drop if you have lost expensive accessories or sentimental items. The bright side? You have rights as a passenger. According toTransport departmentYou may be paid up to $ 3,500 of responsibility if your check bags were lost or damaged during a national flight and up to $ 1,545 on an international trip. Ching!

How to avoid losing your luggage

New developments in luggage processing technology help airlines and passengers to keep an eye closer to their tile bags throughout their trips. For example, in 2016,Delta spent $ 50 million To install RFID trackers in its bag tags and loading systems, which means that a passenger can see where their bag is in the process at any time using the application of the airline.

There are some preventive stages that you can take too.Mainly, photograph your suitcase and write its brand and model. The airline can identify it. Then, when you check your bag, the aerial agent will stick your receipt with a barcode and a tracking number on the back of your boarding card, make sure to keep this in a safe place!

You can also invest in an intelligent suitcase with integrated locators. One of these favorites is the elegant luggage company A WAY , which includes tile tracking tags that connect to your phone via Bluetooth. This allows you to check where your bag is in real time. If you are already attached to your suitcase and want a more affordable option, buy an individual tracker like Lugoc Where Trakdot , both use GSM or GPS technology. And for more initiated airport tips, check the 20 ways of Genius flying less miserable .

Categories: Travel
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