This country will pay you to visit after coronavirus

To strengthen tourism, an island nation is seductive travelers with the embarrassment of a lifetime.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the holidays were postponed and canceled while everyone in the world is safe from the square. However, now that someDestinations begin to reopen, people are temporarily researchingplaces where it is safe to travel And tourist advice are looking for ways to attract visitors. Japan, for example, leads the load by offering to pay to payhalf your total travel costs after coronavirus stabilization.

As indicated byJapan Times,Hiroshi Tabata, head of the Japan tourism agency, held a press conference in which he revealed this plan, called "Go to the countryside. "The Japanese government will invest $ 1.7 billion ($ 15.8 billion) in funding, which will go to booking vouchers and souvenirs. If you buy a trip via a travel agency, you will receive a 50% discount, according to Tabata. This program should come into effect at the end of July, as travel restrictions may be lifted from August 1st.

Japan has had one of the fastest and strongest covers of COVID-19. Until now, the country reported only17,300 cases and 865 deaths (Much less than 100,000 deaths related to Covid-19 in the United States, for example). With its fast-plan lock, the main sights were closed and the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo were postponed. It caused a99.9% Fall of Tourism In April 2020 compared to the same time in 2019.

In April, the Italian Island of Sicily released a similar measure, offeringPay half flights flights and one-third of their hotel stays. Sicily will also give free tickets to many museums and archaeological sites. While other regions open and consider their tourism strategies, the future of travel may look much brighter (and possibly, more affordable). And for more travel budgeting tips,That's what it will cost to steal after coronavirus.

Categories: Travel
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