Is that what these pings on a really average plane

Learn the secret language to know what's going on during your flight.

If you stole in recent decades, you are well aware that the modern aircraft is essentially a giant, noisy R2-D2, permanently send a flow of entitlements, pings, and chimes appearance at random times during your trip. Lift-off? (Ping!) Turbulence? (Ping!) Landing? (Ping!) Or any time your plane is cruising 38,000 feet? (! Ping) The question remains: whatare These noises constantly hear in mind?

Well, the truth is, pilots andstewardess Count on this simple system of bells and whistles to communicate on board. If you are already asked what exactly say, read-because here we decoded their secret language.

"Pick up the phone."

pilot talking on intercom

During the flight, the crew is obviously separated:The drivers are in the cockpit, While the edge agents are distributed in several kitchens at the front, middle or back of the aircraft. As you can imagine, which makes it a bit difficult for everyone to communicate. As such, there are phones distributed in the plan that connect crew members in different parts of the plan, but they do not really sound to indicate someone's call. In order to draw the attention of crew members to another part of the aircraft, pilots and edge agents often use a two-tone chime of the other alert to take the phone.

"You have reached 10,000 feet. »

plane window hole flying facts

Although cruising altitude is usually above 30,000 feet, a carillon often sounds up when the plane reaches 10,000 feet, which indicates that it issafe for passengers To move in the cabin and crew can start preparing for service. It is also a signal that the WiFi should operate shortly, you are allowed to turn on your electronics again.

"Fasten seat belts, please."

seatbelt sign on airplane things that horrify flight attendants

A unique tone accompanied by the illumination of the light-fasten seat belts above yourseat Indicates everything you expect a better looked. And when the light is off, you will hear a chime, and you can safely your belt once unbuckling more. (Although you still have to keep on sitting!) The driver checks these signals from the cockpit, and they are used during take-off, landing and turbulence.

"I need help. »

flight attendant talking to man

By pressing the button to call a dashboard to your auditory security triggers (a calm bell) and visual marks (a light above you and one in the kitchen) to alert the crew that seat and The passenger requests help.

" We have arrived. »

an airplane parked right outside of an airport terminal

After landing, passengers and crew must sit until the aircraft is safe at the door. Although you are probably itching to unbuckle your seat belt, take your bag from the luggage compartment and dart to your destination, you shouldstay curly Until the plane stops moving and you hear a finish Ding which is the captain who lets you know that your turn is officially over.

Categories: Travel
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