The 11 things that men should never (never) do after sex

All post-cottage no-no, you should know now.

There is information information about what we can do forIncrease the chances of sex that happensand countless columns of advice and help articles onHow to behave better during the law itself. Interesting, however, there is not much information available to what guys should doafter sex. That's why we went to dig, spoke to a number of educators and sex therapists and had a handful exactlywhat we should do in the sticky suite of sex-And what we should not.

What you will find below is a cheat sheet on whichnot do after sex. Being familiar with these post-coital no-noories can often be a determining factor to know that you get out or fall into your partner's esteem, and perhaps your own too. And while you are in the state of self-improvement, make sure to know the5 things that smart men never say to a naked woman.

Fall asleep immediately.

ow testosterone man sleeping woman bored on bed having sex, after sex

Many men know the desire to zoner after their orgasm. Talk toHuffington position co-founderArianna Huffington,Better life'sDave Zinczenko-author ofMen, Love and Sex: The Full User's Guide for Women"What "men are going to bed because women do not turn into a pizza."

In all serious, however, there are some reasons that the guys want to hit the hay immediately after the sexual intercourse: it often takes place around bedtime, we are already in bed, it is likely that we have exercised physically, etc. . Orgasm also frees a cocktail of chemicals that often work like a mega dose of Nyquil. Your best move, however, is to resist the desire to drop until you have considered all the other elements of this list. But if you are looking for exact chemical explanation, checkWhy men fall asleep after sex (and women do not do it).

Turn on the TV.

after sex

In our recent article, we are talking about being present at the act of sex. Not surprisingly, it turns out that being present in the counterfeace is equally important. "Turn on TV or pick up your phone will leave his feeling abandoned and make it feel unimportant to you," says Certified Sexual Therapist and Advanced Therapist of the Imago RelationshipDeborah Fox. "By having sex with you, a woman went vulnerable. If you disconnect, you will leave his dangerous and unsecured feel." Check Facebook One last time before falling asleep is not worth it, so do not do it. (But if you have a free moment right now, you might be interested to know the11 Mark Zuckerberg signs is definitely running for the President.)

Put sex toys without cleaning them.

after sex

Several studies have examined the capacity ofBacteria and viruses such as the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) To get out of sex toys if they are not cleaned properly. Falling asleep before cleaning the sex toys that you used increases the likelihood of one or two of you to get an infection that requires a trip to your doctor's office, taking sex for a moment. Quality sex toys come with detailed instructions and specific to an article; Make sure you know what they are so that you can play safely to play more.

Give him the wet place.

erectile dysfunction having sex couple in bed sad, after sex

Sex can and some sayshould-Be a wet and wild experience. But a common consequence of unreserved sex is often a puddle of juice that can be rather uncomfortable to lie and not take into account the comfort of your partner after sex is a non-no. "This is just raw, uncomfortable and rude," said certified sexual therapist and sexually certified educatorKristen Lilla LCSW. "If you do not want the wet point either, offer it to change the leaves or throw a blanket." If you and your partner tend to have juicy sex, consider investing in an absorbing sex cover like theFascinator jet of liberator and put it before going down. And if you are in this category, you should definitely knowThe 6 best foods for Sentair (and tasting) as a million dollars.

Shower immediately.

after sex

As mentioned earlier, sex can be a sweaty, sticky and sometimes scented activity. (Indeed, that's what many people like about it!) Some people do not take advantage of this aspect of sex, however and crisiery to the bathroom to wash immediately after their end. There are actually someVery good reasons to wash after sexBut you should not be too in a hurry to do it. "You do not want to give him the message you wash it," says the therapist sexual in FloridaConstance Delgiudice ED.D, LMHC. "Land for a while. Give him a clear message that you like any she and you are not in a hurry to wash everything." (Unless it prefers fast cleaning, that is to say.)

To be too critical.

Single, unhappy couple, after sex

Sex usually means being naked. Literally naked, meaningless and figured, meaning without pretension or artifice. This means that being critical during this time is probably not a good idea. "After an endorphin rush and an oxytocin exit, people generally feel vulnerable," says Lilla. "Be essential as someone is bare in bed, it will not only be hurt, but can make them less open to new sexual experiences with you. If you really need to offer comments, wait for the next day when the Chemicals are back at the baseline base and you are both entirely dressed. "

Disclose information that it should have known before.

after sex

If you have a suspected ITV, have had sex with another partner, bet your joint savings on aMcGregor Conor Winning, or any similar similar information, retain it until you have sex is a serious non-no. "Nothing says awkward, dropping a bomb after the fact," says Lilla. "According to the information you disclose, your partner may also feel betrayed and angry. Be respectful and open in advance] So your partner can make an informed decision on whether or not they want to have sex, just as you must have the same informed decision. "

And while we are on the subject of transparency ...

Ask him to leave.

after sex

Maybe you have a perfect reason why you can not host a skeoop. Maybe you have early beginning the next morning, or maybe share your bed is not conducive to a good night's sleep for you for you now. It's totally legitimate. What is not cool, however, will inform your partner that a scientist stand is not the cards onlyafter You had sex. A woman we shared told us she would have been good with her partner telling her that she would not be able to stay at night in front of the drunk session they had - but he did not do.

"He awoke me after being asleep for 90 minutes and told me that I had to leave before his roommates woke up," she said. "In case of drunkenness and hippover, I had to make a metro driving hour of punch in the makeup and the tached evening wear. That's not what I had expected and that it was sucked." If you are not lifted to spend the whole night together, manage the expectations and tell him what's going on with you.

To be physically distant.

after sex

After sexual intercourse, our bodies and brains are flooded with good hormones that promote the link between people. If you keep a physical distance from your partner after sex, it will probably not unnoticed. "Stay connected is very important for a woman," says Deborah Fox. "If you do not touch, cuddle, let's say complementary things for her, she is likely to withdraw. Sex is not an event for her who ends in orgasm." So, that should not be for you either.


after sex

Smoking is clearly a bad idea at any time, but after sex is perhaps the worst opportunity to arouse. I mean, ending an intimate sex session by giving you dog breathing, then using a condom used as a fortune ashtray? Not as sexy as decades of cinematographic representations would have believed us. In addition, the usual smoking is strongly linked to erectile dysfunction, andexacerbate snoring, too much.

Describe his facial expressions during orgasm.

after sex

In honestly, we did not examine this one, but according to Delgiudice, many men take on themselves to revive what exactly they have witnessed one of the most crude and most vulnerable moments of Human experience. Which is not a good idea because, well, "women want to get lost during sex," says Delgiudice. "The last thing they want is that someone gives them a blast breath description of their most intimate moments. I have heard women say," I feel like a scientific project, and I hate it "or" it makes me conscious'. "

There is no reason why you should want to make the person with whom you have just had sex with yourself, do not be this Sack. Instead, be his hero knowing the5 easy ways of doing last sex (a lot) longer.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: Sex
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