This is what he really thinks after sex

The new science reveals that men and women are not so different after all.

InWhen Harry meets SallyThere is a great scene in which Harry tells Sally that, as a result of a night stand, every man thinks of himself: "How long do I have to lie here and hold it before power Rise and go home? " Sally is naturally stirred at this glance in the men's mind, and since then, women like Sally thought to themselves, "Is it really what men think?"

Well, there are good news and bad news. The bad news is thatEvery woman who has already been on a grumpy amadou date Know that some men really think like that, and the superhuman speed to which these guys can put their pants back after acting is not acrobatic. But the good news is that, despite what Harry said, all men do not think like that.

One of the most common things that cameIn a recent reddit thread on what men want women to know Was the fact that not only do some men actively enjoy hugs, they even want to be the little spoon sometimes. And now, a newto study inSex and matrimonial treatmentAdded to a growing research corpus suggesting that men and women are not as different as the Rommen of the 90s might have thought.

For a long time, it was believed that only women experiment with postcital dysphoria (PCD) - this feeling of sadness or irritability that some people immediately after sex. The hypothesis was that, from an evolving perspective, women are wired to attract and keep a companion, while men are wired to spread their seed, only women would feel emotional after sexual intercourse, while men have come down In a peaceful sleep (or wandered happily. On the way).

But researchers at the University of Queensland de Technology asked 1,208 men from Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, New Zealand, Germany and elsewhere to complete a Anonymous online survey in which they answered questions about the PCD and found that 40% of them said they had lived in their lives - and 20% had lived in the previous four weeks . Up to four percent even said they have experienced these feelings on a regular basis.

A man said that after sexual relations, "I do not want to be touched and want to be left alone." Another says, "I feel unsatisfied, bored and very intense. All I really want is to leave and distract me from all that I participated." Others simply commented that they would feel "without emotion and empty".

All this sounds pretty depressing, but here is the silver lining. According toto a smaller 2015 study, 46% of women reported experiencing PCD during their lives. And a 2011 study revealed that about a third of women experienced a "post-sex blues" even after a good sex. Which means that the gender gap is not as wide as we were previously imagined and that the idea that women are the only ones who feel emotional after being in bed with a kind of sexist myth.

According toJoel Maczkowiack, a master's student at the University of Queensland Technology and one of the authors of the study, this conclusion may also be useful in the marriage council.

"It has, for example, has been established that couples who are committed to speaking, kissing and cuddling after sexual activities report greater sexual and relational satisfaction, demonstrating that the resolution phase is important for the link and the privacy." So the negative emotional state that defines PCD has potential to cause distress to the individual, as well as the partner, disrupt the important relational processes and contribute to distress and conflicts in the relationship and impact on the operation. sexual and relationship. "

The study is also important because there has been a lot of research recently that focus on how men do not have that men have not only inaccurate, but also a harmful societal stereotype. "These hypotheses are omnipresent in male subcultation and understand that men still want and live such pleasant sex. The experience of PCD contradicts these dominant cultural assumptions about male experience, sexual activity and phase. resolution "Professor Robert Schweitzer, another of the authors of the study, said.

For more information on how we get it, be sure to read theNew science that proves men with this have a better sex life.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: dating / Sex
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