Have you been "bombarded r-?" Here are recent meetings trendy fear

Silence can be cruel.

You have already "Ghosting "," in orbit "and" breadcrumbing "on the long list of online dating terms Which describe the terrible ways that people are dealing with the digital age. But now you can add another to the list: r Attack at the bomb.

The term only applies to exchanges that include, such as confirmations of reading Facebook and iPhone messages (if you choose to activate this function).

In r-bombing, the author will read your message, but do not manage to answer. This is different from ghosting, in which you have at least the luxury of assuming the person did not get the text, or, I do not know, is dead. With R-bombing, it is very clear that the person has received your message, and voluntarily chooses to ignore it.

"[A bomb attack] is incredibly common both by text and social media," meetings coachJames Precene RecountTheIndependent."It is very similar to Ghosting, which you have no doubt they got your message. You will be confused and I wonder why they do not answer. The truth is that the other person does not want to answer, but does not want to hurt you by saying explicitly. »

PREECE added that it is common for a R-bomber on occasion throw you a bone and answer them, excusing their behavior by saying that they were "super busy" or that they are "just not terrible to send text messages. This makes the behavior even worse because it gives the reasons for the victim to hope that ignoring your texts do nothing medium, and that they are them to be psychopath to wait for someone to answer, while In fact, their frustration is a very normal emotion answer to be labeled along.

Needless to say, we encourage you not to the R-Bomb. It's not difficult to send someone a message that you had a good time, but focus on your career or need to be alone right now or (idea of ​​genius!) Whatever the truth . When you do not answer, remember: you are good for you and not to the person waiting to hear from you.

If you are the victim of this kind of behavior, precede suggests not to give in to any R-Bomber excuse can give, especially since the victims of bomb attack are prone to getting crazy by trading social media d 'A person represents to try to determine whether or not they are really busy to answer.

"It's just not healthy to torture you constantly checking what someone else is at," he said. "Focus on someone's search if you get r-bombarded, stopping pursuers and do not recontact them that treats you with respect. "

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: dating
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