A quarter of women say they went to a just date to get a free meal

Do not be a victim of "the call of food".

There's a newTerm that anyone in the world of modern encounter must know. It's a "food call", AKA a date that someone installs to get a free meal and, according to a new study published in the newspaper.Psychological Social Sciences and PersonalityIt is more common than those from which we seek love would like to think.

The online study of the University of Azusa Pacific in Azusa, California, asked 820 women-85% of people identified as heterosexual issues on their personality traits, a traditional gender roles approach and frequency to which they went free food dates. Twenty-three percent of women reported having occurred on a date with a person they were not romantically dining for free, but this number jumped up to 33% when the interviewed group was only heterosexual. Most of the women of the study felt that making a "call for food" was moderately to extremely unacceptable, and those who random it stated that they were only occasional or rarely.

It is interesting to note that women who believed in traditional gender roles were not only more likely to accept a free meal date, but were also more likely to consider it acceptable. In addition, these women have marked on what is called the "dark triad" of personality-psychopathy, machiavellic and narcissism. It's not too surprising, since starting at a just date to score a free meal, at the very least, hits most people like a little self-involved.

The study of the University of Azusa Pacific only includes women, but the authors noted that this could happen with any sex, especially now that men are no longer obliged to pay on a date . And for news of extra boarding meetings, checkScience says women are not interested in flashy men.

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