Here are many calories that you really burn during sex

An introduction to your new favorite workout.

It is easy to make sure after a passionate tumulate between the leaves. In fact, you could even break a sweat or feel your race to the heart. But is the action you get by getting some actionreally enough to count like a complete workout? And if so, how many calories really burn duringsex?

If this is given the chance, most of us would be happy to give up a laborious jogging on the treadmill for aSexy romp in the bag-But it is not that simple. Several factors come into play to determine howIntense of a workout You get your Horizontal Sesh sweatshirt. To help you understand, we undertook to investigate the subject. Here are many calories you burn during sex, as well as ways to increase this number.

How many calories does sex burn?

A 2013 study published inPlos a I found that the average woman burns about 69 calories for every 25 minutes of having sex, while the middle man burns around 100. The study broke more, noting that men have burned An average of 4.2 calories per minute and burnt women 3.1.

The researchers have defined their measure of sexual activity as "the appearance of preliminaries, sexual intercourse and at least one orgasm by man or woman". And while the study certainly has its limits - it examined only heterosexual couples in their 20 people identified as healthy and not obese, which gives a decent basis for the energy expenditure of aerobic and penetrating sex.

To put their conclusions in perspective, the study also had its participants completing a 30-minute execution on a treadmill at a moderate intensity. A little unsurprisingly, these people reported that having sex was more enjoyable and more appreciated than jogging 30 minutes.

It's understandable, but that did not mean that both tasks were equal in their calorie gain. During their race, women burned an average of 213 calories, more than twice as many calories per minute than when they did it during sex.

Always thelonger and more intense sexual intercourse, more calories may be burned by men and women.

"The level of intensity that is exercised of sexual activity could be higher than that of the March [3 miles per hour] but less than one of jogging [5 miles per hour]," wrote the researchers. "Taking together, these results suggest that sexual activity can potentially be considered, sometimes as an important exercise." We are happy to hear it.

What sexual positions burn the most calories?

At this point, you probably wonder: "Okay, how can I maximize the calories I burned during the sex?" In addition to important factors such as your weight, sex and length of your session, some positions are more engaged than others, allowing you to get better training.

Jaiya Kinzbach, a sexologist based in Los Angeles and author ofRed hot touch, Recommends that people identifying women try a position where they crouch on top and bounce from top to bottom. "It's an excellent workout for your thighs and your buttocks, and it can burn up to 207 calories in 30 minutes," she saidThe day of the woman.

There are also simpler positions that burn calories.Charlene Ciardiello, CEO of the Holistic Fitness ProgramShut up and moves, RecountThe cup Let a female doggy style burns 98 calories in 30 minutes while a man will burn 151, making it a pretty good workout for both participants. In addition, being the person on top in any position has been proven to burn more calories than the person downstairs.

In fgeneral,certain positions will be more tiring than others (like standing, for example). But while these can engage more muscles and you breathe faster, they are not guaranteed to burnthis many more calories.

Does the sex count like a workout?

Sex is probably not going to replace your regular gym time, but it definitely has some advantages of health and fitness, including the ability to reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart attack, improve the sleep and relieve stress, according toWebmd.

Not to mention, it's the best way to reconnect with yourself, your body and your partner. "For many couples, a sexual connection provides a kind of glue to renew their emotional links and the physical space to play creatively and explore new erotic arena," saysSari Cooper, Director ofThe center of love and sex At New York.

In the end, the longe and more torrid sex, the more calories you are likely to burn. And since theMAYO Clinic Advises adults to target at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity, we had the number of sex as a fairly decent workout. However, if weight loss is your main concern, evokeHow many times do you have sexwill not change that a lot. To see the results, you will probably have to burn CALS the old way: hitting the gym.

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