40 things that no parent does not want to hear

If you have children, these are the things you prefer to become undested.

Regardless of the circumstances, the addition of another human being in what we call it's already complicated life will, of course, present unique challenges. The inevitable difficulties ofbeing a parent will test your courage as almost nothing can therefore often other than the case that these battles can feel endless. That's why people say that parental role, more than anything else, is the hardest job in the world. Part of this difficult work faced a number of tasks, problems and challenges being thrown to you left and right. And these are often exacerbated by the way some information is communicated to you. Whether your own child or simply a particular Snarky, neighbors stubborn, there are many things that parents never want to hear ever.

"But Emma's mother leave us ice cream! »

upset kid sitting on couch with his arms around his legs

Even if you will not admit it, you probably havewant to be considered a fresh relativeYou know, the one whose fashion sense remained in the current decade and always takes the football team for ice cream after a big win. But often, it is important to be a good parent, not a cool relative. And if it's not a rather difficult awareness of coming, having to hear how to cool another parent in your child's group of friends is expected to do the trick.

"I would like you not to my parents. »

little girl upset with her mother, pouting

Children, by their very nature, are to say impulsive you are linked to hearing a few words less-than-nature of the mouths of children. Unfortunately, some of the things they say when overcoming emotion can be outright injurious-claiming that they want to have another family, for example. And while no parent likes to be on the reception end of such brutal critic, give him a week and they will sing a different look.

"I prefer to be with my friends. »

father and daughter sitting on rocks after hiking with each other

Even if you know in your heart that your child prefers to spend time with people of their age, it's never easy to hear that they do not want around you. The good news? Just a few years later, they will be begging to come homeGet your opinion on everything Taxation relationships.

"You like my brother / sister more than me. »

family relaxing while one child is sitting further away

You try to play just with your children, but it will not always feel that way to them. And while you feel like you have to try to level the playground, just know that even the most inflamed the children thus feel about their parents' relations with their brothers and sisters from time to time.

"I like dad / mom more. »

sad kid showing her father affection but ignoring her mother

Children often waver when it comes to their affection towards one parent or another. But like most things with children, their feelings are required to change quickly and frequently. Simply because you are not today their "favorite", does not mean that you will not be tomorrow.

"But mom / dad said he was ok."

young girl calling someone on the phone

Playful children are constantly trying to find cracks in the armor who their parents are the reason why it is always beneficial to be on the same page as your co-parent, lest they use this line on you.

"I do not want to be like you when I'm older. »

father teaching his son how to work on the motor of a car

If you are a Brained left engineer, so they want to be a creative right brain. If you are a filmmaker, they went to Wall Street. After all, he is "totally not cool" to continue the passions of your parents. But rest assured, it's just the teenage rebellion. In reality, parents have a significant influence on their career choices of their children. In fact, an analysis by 2017The New York Times have found that the sons were almost three times more likely to have the same job as their fathers and girls were almost twice as likely to follow the traces of their mother.

" Do not tell me what to do. »

shot of father scolding his young daughter

It can be undeniably frustrating to hear your children insist on the fact that you stop giving advice and instruction. After all, if you did not say what to do, so they would be paste the gum in their hair of my sister every day and eat dryer for dinner.

"I hate you."

mother yelling at her daughter over the kitchen table

This sentence seems to be around quite a little bit in the heated arguments between children and parents, and it's hard not to take personally. Fortunately, unless you are guilty of flagrant parenting, chances are they do not mean it.

"You are such a [swearing]! »

young daughter yelling up at her mother

Nobody likes to be called names, and even when he sounds a bit fun coming from someone's mouth that still can not say "spaghetti" correctly, it still spins.

" I do not do it! »

two small children fighting over an ipad on their living room couch

Ah, the game of blame brothers and sisters. So, you tell me that you have not done this mess that you are currently standing anymore?Suuur.

"Mom, mom, mom, mom,mom,MOM... "

child on tired mother's back while she's trying to sleep

After a few years of parenting, you start forgetting what your own-or silence has rang. And while you like the title, parenthood gave you, you like it a lot less when you screamed you and more when you try to read a book or take a quick snooze.

"Your child has chickenpox."

young girl with chickenpox scratching her back

It's a scenario just about all parents at a given moment - but that does not make it easier. Ross says that this disease is "almost inevitable" for each child, but get a nurse's call from the school that "your child's varicella lottery has been called can be extremely boring." Because you just know that for about the next 10 days, you will be stuck to try to prevent them from scratching all these two reds that are itching every two seconds.

"Your child does not go with other students."

family talking with their young daughter's teacher looking serious and worried

One of the most difficult things to hear - sometimes even more than to hear that their child has had trouble at school - it's because their child does not get along well with their peers, saysLynell Ross, a certified child development coach and founder ofZivadream.

"Every parent wants their child to be happy, healthy, and to make friends and integrate with other children," says Ross. "Many parents see their child" fitting "in" with others as a form of validation they have done a good job by raising a socially functional child, although it is not necessarily true ".

"Your child does not enter the material."

worried mother talking to her child at the parent teacher conference

It's always heartbreaking to watch your child fight through course material, especially when they work so hard to understand it. Fortunately, just because they have a hard time now that it will be like that forever. Everyone does not need to be - or will be a genius in the calculation, anyway.

"Your child missed school today."

woman calling a child's parent from the school

While you appreciateFERRIS BUELLER DAY OFF Just as much as the next movie fan of the 80s, does anyone really want to know that their child's "sick day" had actually spent being a truth? Have to explain to your child that they can not just jump from school - even if you did it when you were a child - is a conversation, each parent hopes theynot must end up having.

"I can not talk to you about it."

mother trying to talk to her older son as they sit on the couch together

No parent never wants their child to feel like you're not able to talk to them, says an authorized mental health professionalHaley Nedich. They want theirChildren communicate with them About their emotions, but often "commit the mistake of believing that their child will be open and honest with them without laying the basics of security and trust."

Nedich says it's essential to build this relationship of trust and openness with your childbefore You get angry that they feel they can not talk to you. This is not a one-way street. And also know that it is a common feeling that comes when children reach their adolescence.

"I hate myself."

sad girl sitting outside on the sidewalk of her elementary school by herself

Even when something like that is said by a hormonal teenager, it's a difficult thing for a parent to hear and he must always be taken seriously, saysAmanda Webster, a life trainer and a mother. WithAdolescence Suicide Rate The highest they have been for decades, parents must be diligent aboutLooking for some signs This may indicate that their child has trouble with something internally. According toCleveland ClinicThe main indicators are a loss of interest in the activities that once brought them joy, changes in appetite and increased irritability.

"I can not wait to move when I'm 18 years old."

annoyed teenage daughter standing there while her parents yell at her

The bad news: your children count in the days untilThey can legally take care of themselves. The good news: If nothing else, it shows that you have conferred a spirit of independence and determination that could make it take advantage later in life.

"I had a tattoo."

young girl taking selfie with tattoo in the office

This can be heard that your joy package adds ink to their perfect skin. Of course, some of your fears of their bodywork can be put to rest: as tattoos become more and more common, this small symbol on their ankle or forearm will certainly not make them unemployed.

"I was in an accident."

teenage kid calling his mom after getting in a car accident

Nobody likes to hear that their close was close to dealing with a serious physical harm and that few people are looking forward to seeing their insurance rates fly away. But if your child is relatively unscathed, you must admit that you both have been a lot of luck in the long run.

"Can you come jump me?"

close up soft focus on telephone devices at office desk for customer service support concept

There are few more terrifying things for a parent than having heard that your child could spend one night behind the bars. Unfortunately, all finishing schools, therapy and quality time in the world can not keep every child to engage in and be made for behavior that are not exactly regarded as complying with the law.

"I'm out of college."

female college student looking sad in a college lecture

And like that like that, all the future you have envisioned for your child seems to be in danger. AsVicki Nelson written forCentral Parent CollegeAs parents want to support their children and the decisions they do, it can be difficult to do it when it's something that can have such a profound effect on their future - both personally and professionally. In the end, it's about helping your child determine what is the right decision for them.

"I digress."

young woman having a serious discussion with her mother

That they moved some states or throughout the Atlantic, the thought of not seeing your child regularly can be a devastating shot, even if you knew it had to arrive at some point. Fortunately, it is a remote relationship unlikely to weakly. And they will eventually appreciate you even more with the extra element of the distance.

"I need a little help with the rent again."

rent money with keys on top

Although it is nice to imagine that your child will be financially stable, the second, they enter the adulthood, it is rarely the case. As if it were or not, when the economy is difficult, you will always be the first they call the bank card.

"Can I come and stay with you for a little while?"

young woman distraught calling someone on the phone

Yes, house your 27-year-old child can be a pain. But it's common these days. After all, the 2016 data ofPEW Research Center found that 15% of young adults in the late 1920s and early 30s lived in their parents' home. So, let's just call a makeup session for all these moments when they refused your business as teenagers.

"You were never there for me."

old man having a serious conversation with his elderly father

As a parent, it is normal to worry about if youYou failed your children in respect or another. Whether you are really distorted by them or not, it is a speculation, but the hearing of your child says that line confirms that they felt at least neglected under your care at some point.

"I am pregnant."

woman holding a pregnancy test up close

This news is always a bomb-bomb - even when it is a cause of celebration. When your daughter or son shares this delicate information, you are afraid instantly for their future and how this baby will push them from the track they have defined for themselves or, alternatively, that you have defined for them. Even more horrible is the revelation thatYou are about to be a grandparent. Where is the time?

"I never want to have children."

mother and adult daughter talking outside on the porch

On the other hand, hearing your child say they never want to have children can be even harder to treat. And if you want grandchildren, but that you are not likely to have them, you should "have these feelings" and "find ways to deal with this desire," psychologistKaren Fingerman RecountAtlantic. It recommends volunteering in a local school or become a mentor to young children.

"You are surprised your child with all this affection."

father holding his baby in the air with a smile on his face

Any unsolicited counselor on how you elevate your child is usually not something that is well received, but it is particularly imported. After all, how can you like your childtoo much a lot?

"Meet people who insinuate that the holding of their own baby will somehow ruin the kid of life can be very detrimental to the fragile and emotional state a new mom can be in"Wan Carpenter, chief doctor ofDJC Physical Medicine Consultants, previously saidBetter life. She says there is no harm in holding a baby as much as parents see fit because "early later, they will not want to take place."

"It must be so relaxing to stay at home all day with children."

stressed out mother trying to do laundry while holding her baby

When your friends without child pronounce this sentence, it can even make the most calm parent wants to launch a conference on how muchwork with a home stay at home it is true. While others get the calm respite of a cabin for eight hours a day, you are on your hands and your knees that cleans the soil peanut butter - not exactly a vacation, by most standards.

"We have a party - No child authorized!"

man making a plate at a backyard barbecue party

What is so wrong with bringing your children well high to a barbecue in the backyard anyway? In addition, the people of the party without children without children are often those without children - which means they do not know how difficult it is to find a Saturday night's baby-sille.

"You never go out with us again."

smiling girlfriends at a dinner party with wine

Although you enjoy friendships that you have created before and after having children, find free time - and a baby-sitter - is often too much effort for one night with your friends. And this can be incredibly frustrating when your friends without children think you neglected them or have neglected plans. You can not plan at noon with authorized children?

"You look tired."

young, tired mom holding her child in her arms

No parents, especially those of a newborn, want to hear that. While you knew what had to come when you had children, you do not like to hear that you wear visiblesigns of all these white nights. After all, according toParents, a survey ofOWTLET BABY CARE found that almost "half of all parents with children six months or more" could only get one to three hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

"Was it planned?"

man talking to pregnant woman

Just like anything with your body or health, it's pretty rude to have someone to ask you such a personal question. May your pregnancy have been planned or if your business is your business and your only one.

"Just wait for them to be a teenager."

mother scolding teenage daughter for still being on her mobile phone

The parents of older children seem to find joy to inform those who are few who, like this, their precious angels will soon become supercaval, the teenagers fueled in hormone they will barely recognize. Why can not they simply leave the parents appreciate these first years of kindness and cuddling without emphasizing that things will inevitably change?

"I bet you look forward to waiting to go back to work."

young mother putting her baby to sleep

This frustrating sentence seems to be pronounced most often by those of your life that do not have children who do not have their own children and give the impression that have them at their disposal is about the worst thing that could happen to someone. They simply do not get it, so do not let you happen.

"Do you go back to work so early?"

young woman talking to employers

While many companies have shown signs of progress in terms of theirPaying family leave policies, according to the 2017 data ofNational Conference of State LegislaturesAlways only 14% of US workers have access to some sort of time paid when they have children. And often, it's the strict minimum, forcing parents who worked back in the office earlier than they prefer. This often leads to other parents, perhaps un working, to adopt a judgment on those who had to sacrifice the time with their newborn to make a living. Basically, whether you are aSTAY-TO-HOME PARENT Or the one who works, there is always someone there that says you hurt it. The best thing to do is to ignore them completely and focus on what's right for you and your family.

"Well, here's whatI would do…"

two young women talking to each other

The way you approach parenthood is quite unique for you and the relationship you have with your children. To put it as simply as possible, unless someone is looking for your advice or you are looking for theirs, it is preferable that all people involved maintain the pontification of the parent styles at an absolute minimum.


Little boys covered in baking ingredients during a messy baking session

Abby brand, mother of two and founder ofSincerely brands, says to think twice before saying that you give anything to your children to give you some peace and quiet, "especially in cases where you do not just hear them, but you can not see them too. Usually, you can hear bulky children, she says, but when the noise stops, it's usually when they 'face things they are not supposed. "

Additional report of Kali Coleman.

Categories: Relationships
Tags: family / Parenthood
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