That's how happy couples deal with the conflict, according to science
Choose your wise battles.

As for marriage, you would think that tacklingmajor problems- Case Why you do not spend as much quality time together - would be more important than determining whose turn is to do the dishes. But, according to a new study published in the magazineFamily processHappy couples tend to focus on problems that are easier to solve in the moment rather than growing in long-standing problems.
Researchers at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville studied two groups of couples who considered themselvesMarried and happy: 57 couples who were in their middle of 30 years and were married on average nine years and 64 couples who were in the early 1970s and were married an average of 42 years.
The two groups cited intimacy, leisure, housework,CommunicationAnd money like their most serious problems. But on the observation, the researchers have found that these happy couples focused on seemingly minor problems (like how to spend their free time or divide the housework) as opposed to more complicated and sensitive subjects (as why they do not had not to have a lotfun in the room)
"Focus on the perpetual and more difficult problems can undermine the partners"confidence In the relationship, "the main author of the studyAmy RauerAssociate Professor in Child and Family Studies at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, said in adeclaration. "Being able to successfully differentiate problems that can be resolved compared to those who can be set aside for the moment can be one of the keys in a long term,good relationship. "
Interestingly, researchers also noted that older couples married longer reported fewer important concerns than their younger counterparts, which is consistent with the previous conclusions that suggestConjugal happiness actually increases Once you have been together for decades.
And if you can do it through the long mail, you're lucky, sinceScience says that a happy spouse means longer life!
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