There is a good chance that you have been dropped for this reason

A recent investigation says that one in three people dropped someone to be bad at that.

It happened to the best of us. You are really about your appointment, you have been released a few times before, and everything is fine. You decide to return to their place to close the night and after all this constant tension, you finally head to the bedroom. But it turns out, the sparks you have passed dinner and the drinks do not translate. What are you doing? Well, if you are like most people,you call it left. According to a new survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Sex Tech Company Lora Dicarlo, 68% of sexually active respondents said the bad sex is a Casfreaker. In addition to this, one third of respondents report to havebroken with someone because of the bad sex. For more things about how to overcome a lack of sexual chemistry, read it. And for other dating misfortunes, checkHalf of the men say they break with a woman who does it.

"TheAnother chart This can not and should not be watched the past is sexual chemistry, "saysFran Walfish, Psyd, a family andpsychotherapist. Walsfish says that chemistry can build throughout the relationship, but after a certain amount of time, it can be insulvable.

Walfish explains that "most couples who advance to a deeply engaged relationship have their highest levels ofphysical attraction In the first three months of meeting, "that you probably know like the honeymoon phase.

But this is not the case for all couples. "However, it is not unusual, however, that some people develop chemistry during their court," said Walfish. "If, after three to six to six months of meetings, good communication and an expression of verbal and physical condition, there is no spark, the probability is that these two people do not do it, and do not will not be sexual chemistry. It'sAnotherbreaker. "

Couple stressed in bed about awkward intimacy

Relationships arrive at an end For various reasons - some in our control and others completely out of our reach. It's still a little bit more when a break is happening because of something we feel like we can not change, like a bad sex. However, much of what people refer to "bad sex" actually stems from mediocre communication.

The One Survey / Lora DiCarlo survey revealed that 54% of sexually active respondents wish to have a conversation with their partner onHow to improve their sex lifeBut are nervous that they will offend them so they opt to stay silent. In this case, nothing changes.

"Sex-free relationships and bad sex highlight common communication failures in relations," sayssexologistJordin Wiggins, Nd.

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So, if you find yourself in a relationship that checks all the boxes, but your sex life leaves something to be desired, try to chat with your partner before calling everything. And for more advice on constructive communication in the bedroom, checkThe worst thing you can tell someone in bed.

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