It's the best move to do when the flirting, the study says

The search shows that it is the most common flirting facial expression.

Flirting is not black and white. What some people can perceive as flirting, others can interpret as an innocent ban. However, there are some movements that will ensure the person at the end of your desire knows they areflirt. A September study outside the University of Kansas published by theJournal of Sex Researchfound that there is a specific facial tail that demonstrates womenundeniable flirting. According to the study, the flirting is within the way.

Complete the study, women - some professional players and some volunteers - have been invited to imitate the expression flirting they would use in a bar or date ofpay attention From someone interested. The study used the facial action coding system (FAC) to identify the morphology of the facial expression identified by most, if not all, men at the end of the reception. This coquetrating face expression includes "a head turned on one side and slept slightly, a slight smile and eyes turned forward (towards the implicit target)", according to the study.

Woman flirting with man using facial expression

This specific non-verbal communication has been constantly used by women to display the flirting and men systematically collected the tail, making it the easiest way to get your point of view without saying anything.

"Our conclusions support the role offlirting expression In the initiation of communication and coupling, "co-author of the studyOmri Gillath, PhD, says in a statement. "For the first time, not only were we able to isolate and identify the expressions that can be flirting, but we have also been able to reveal their function - to activate associations related to relations and sexual intercourse."

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The study marks the beginning of science research behind the flirtation. "There are very few scientific articles that have systematically studied this well-known phenomenon," Gillath said.

According to Gillath, this study was the first to identify a specific facial expression and tests its effects. These results contribute to drawing a roadmap for gloldled flirters by helping them to identify a more concrete way to demonstrate and understand desire. And to strengthen your call for potential buddies,This is the easiest way to get more attractive, says the study.

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