The justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio reveals sex with "50 attractive women", VA viral

Yes, we call it overloaded.

On Friday, November 17, DemocraticBill O'Neill, 70 years old who manages the governor of Ohio and who was currently serving the associated justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio,wrote what must be the most hilarious post Facebook all time.

This leader of the government, who, just to reiterate, is a justice of the Supreme Court, wrote the post of Facebook next, at noon, in response to the fact that Senator Democrat MinnesotaAl Franken is, very rightly, under fire to accumulate a woman in her sleep:

"Now that the war dogs call the leader of Senator Al Franken, I think it's time to speak on behalf of all heterosexual men. As a governor's candidate, let me save my opponents of research time . In the last fifty years. I was sexually intimate with about 50 very seductive women. He went from a beautiful blonde who was my first true love and that we made passionate love in the hay of his parents Grange And ends with a dead straight mouth of Cleveland.

Now, can we give ourselves to discuss the legalization of marijuana and open the state hospital network to combat the opioid crisis. I am so disappointed by this national frenzy food on sexual indiscretions decades ago.


Now, obviously, everything about this post is terrible and lost, offensive and false. Saying that "war dogs" call for a man who was captured in a photo photo logbookLeeann Teeden's The breasts, as if the honorable senator assaulted someone in his sleep (and would have the kiss of force), is not at least worthy of the heated conversation; Act as because these "sexual indiscretions" occurred "decades ago", they do not matter; And call for a watershed moment in a fight against sexual assaults a "national frenzy of food" - -yeah, all this is not definitely not funny.

But the rest of them, oh my God. Why, why, for the love of God, would you ever say to people: "In the last fifty years, I was sexually intimate with about 50 very attractive women"?

How can you not expect the internet to answer like this:

In addition, why, could you, a 70-year-old man and a 70-year-old Supreme Court justice, give yourself details like "he went from a beautiful blonde who was my first true love and that we have made passionate love in the Hayloft of his parents Grange. "

Are you trying to tell us something, Bill? Are you secretly in the moonlight as an erotic novelist? Is your autobiography?

Maybe the worst part is that it was the revised version. The first version was even more disgusting, not to mention the names named people who probably do not want the world to know that they left once shared a thrust in hay with him.

And in case you think it was false or written during a spasm of pleasure that turned his mind in Mush, he has already told a local radio station that he wrote the post and stands upright.

Here hasBetter life, we often tell you what to do to be your best me. This right here falls very lowly under what not to do.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: News / Sex
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