Anthony Scaramucci Cite-or Line of Frank Miller's "Sin City?"

The new director of the Communications of the White House has just taken a black-ish ride.

Earlier today,The New Yorkerpublished aDoozy of an article containing unfiltrated remarks from the director of the newly named New White House,Anthony Scaramucci, A man who takes on his new concert - and his new task of rooting leaks in the executive branch - without shortage of energy.

The article begins with Scaramucci requesting the writerRyan Lizza To reveal the name of a "top of the White House" that had been the source of a previous tweet - and it becomes a foreigner and foreign from there. There were threats, there were detours in the third person and there were more than some memorable graphic turns. In fact, it was so graphic that it looked like a character a scrambled and nourished film. As we read, we could not help think about the drama of ultra-violent crime, 2005Sin City, throughFrank Miller.

Thus, with that in mind, we picked some more colorful phrases of Scaramucci and we put them alongside lines of Miller's graphic movie. Can you spot who is which one?

  1. "Ask yourself if this corpse of a slut is worthy of dying."
  2. "This is blood for blood and gallons. These are the old days of man, the bad days, the days of all or nothing. They are not back! There is no more choice. And I am ready for war. "
  3. "Renence is a fucking paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoid."
  4. "Power does not come from a badge or firearm. The power comes from lying. Misant wholesale and Gettin 'Everyone to play with you. Once everyone agrees with what 'They know in their hearts is not true, you have them by the bullets. "
  5. "I'm not trying to suck my own dick. "
  6. "And after I withdraw this miracle, I may hit God."
  7. "It will be cleaned very little time, O.K.? Because I nailed these guys."
  8. "Well, the crime, they will be pursued, probably, for the crime."
  9. "I'm going to find this son of a bitch that kills you, and I will give him the hard bye."
  10. "Yeah, let me go, however, because I have to start tweeter from shit to make this guy crazy."

Key: 1) Sin City, 2) Sin City, 3) Scaramucci, 4) Sin City, 5) Scaramucci, 6) Sin City, 7) Scaramucci, 8) Scaramucci, 9) Sin City, 10) Scaramucci.

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