20 biggest viral moments of 2017

These moments shaped our year.

In 2017, we experienced incredible high and incredible. We saw Longime Bachelor Prince Harryto proposeIn Meghan Markle, we looked at the dual political facts to support their causes, and we lost stars like Linkin Park Frontman Chester Bennington and Classic Rocker Tom Pety. While our minds got up and our hearts were broken in an equal measure, these 20 viral stories attracted our attention this year and were worth sharing. Fortunately, even if 2017 let you feel, these40 things we should all be grateful for could still brighten your day.

The solar eclipse

Eclipse viewing

When could you say the last time you have experienced an event once in life? Fortunately, those who caught the 2017 solar eclipse had a chance to; The last time a total eclipse was visible in the 48 lower states was in 1918.

Announcement of Beyonce's pregnancy

Beyonce Knowles

After all, dirt spread overLemonade, we could hardly believe that Beyoncé and Jay Z still stayed at work. However, the couple rallied and announced that Queen Bey was pregnant twins in February 2017, fans with an overloadMother Earth Instagram This has almost broken Internet. Beyon-Z's second pregnancy is far from the surprising thing about this pair A-List; They are also one of the most remarkableCelebrity couples with a huge age gap.

The Charlottesville gathering

NY Anti-Trump Rally

Supremacist White Richard Spencer sent shockwaves in the world in 2017, when his unit the right rally walked with Tiki Torches in Charlottesville, Virginia, August. Heather Heyer, a paralegal based in Virginia, was touched and killed during the fray of Charlottesville and many others were injured. The gathering sparked counter-protests in cities like New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and Boston.

The wrong week of Anthony Scaramucci

White House Press Director Anthony Scaramucci

Anthony Scaramucci, a former Goldman Sachs investment banker, probably thought he struck him big when he was appointed Director of the White House Communication in July. Unfortunately, after a few less than Flatter comments on the Trump President of Scaramucci, lost the position he had only ten days. To add an insult to the injury, his wife left him too. And talk about the Mooch: Can you choose whichQuotes He said compared to Frank Miller's black film quotes "Sin City?"

La La Land Oscar

Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling
Summit entertainment

Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling are one of the pairs on America's most loved screen, but that was not enough to land the Oscar for a better image. Unfortunately, during the Oscars of 2017, the presenters Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty announced thatLA THE EARTH had won the best picture, when, in fact, Barry Jenkins'Moonlight had nabbed the best honor of the evening.

Michelle Obama and Melania Trump's Gifting Gifting

Michelle Obama Speech
Michelle Obama

First Lady Melania Trump's Gestures of Goodwill at the former First Lady Michelle Obama - Gifting a great Tiffany gift - should have been a business of No Fuss. However, the perceived side eye, Michelle gave Melania made waves around the world, becoming one of the most popular mows of the process.

Floyd Mayweather Bat Conor McGregor

After many garbage disorders and tons of hype, Floyd Mayweather has defeated Conor McGregor in the 2017 ring. The fight, for which Mayweather came out of retirement, was an important silver manufacturer for both parties, however, , with Mayweather winning aestimated at $ 300 million and McGregor with one of $ 100 million reported.

Trump paper towel

President Trump at a Rally, when it was the beginning of the end

Cleaning after a hurricane is a major company and some paper towels simply not cut it. Unfortunately, President Trump did not receive this message - and offended millions of people in the process - when he was throwing paper towels in a crowd of hurricane survivors in Puerto Rico. However, despite indignation, Trump stated that people loved his monksters. "They screamed and they liked everything," he said in aInterview with Mike Huckabee. "I had fun, they were having fun."

Harvey Weinstein's Hollywood Evousto

Weinstein Company exec Harvey Weinstein

The rumors of the sexually inappropriate behavior of Harvey Weinstein had a head in 2017, when many women, many former employees of Weinstein and a handful of famous actresses, including Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd and Asia Argento, reported lobby on, forced or violated. Weinstein was then dismissed from Weinstein, who co-founded with his brother Bob and was expelled from the Academy of Movement Articles and Sciences of the Image. His wife, Marchea Designer Georgina Chapman, also left. If there is another upside down on the Weinstein scandal and the spin-offs is that we have learned that there are someTrue gentlemen in Hollywood, such as David Schwimmer.

Kardashian Pregnancy Boom

There will soon be enough Kardashians and Jenners to fill an infinite number ofKuwtk Benefits. In 2017, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West announced that they were waiting for their third child by striking out, and rumors turned like Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner expect children with their friends.

Poncho de George W. Bush

Former President George W Bush

The clumsy Mellania-Michelle gift exchange was not the only part of the inauguration that was viral. Former President George W. Bush also became the same when he could not seem to understand how to get his poncho during the rainy event. However, Dubya seemed to take everything in the wake, joking atPeople It was not as easy as it seems to "put this baby on".


DC Women's March

Worldwide, women pushed for health reform in 2017, with theMarch women Half a million protesters at DC on January 21, 2017. The event generated many other events for the equal health care and freedom of reproduction in the world, with many concerns specifically concerning the Regressive and anti-wives policies enacted under President Trump.

Shopping Bella Hadid

Supermodel Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid, the supermodel daughter of the millionaires, decided to show how she was during aSneaker Shopping Trip withComplex In 2017. Its use of pseudo-urban slang, abandoning expressions such as "better being fresh", "Homeboy's will do it", and many peppers with the word "dope", has earned him a lot of derision in Line. And for the photos of Bella Hadiid and a sexy Bahamian holiday of Kendall Jenner,See here.

Rick and morted Szechuan sauce debauchery

McDonald's exterior

After an episode of the sustained adult swimmingRick and dead Mentioned the short-life Szechuan sauce offered once by McDonald's, the chain tried to make its customers. McDonald's has brought the sauce into ultra-limited quantities in some places, angry clients everywhere and throwing online campaigns - and tons of exorbitable price packet sales on eBay.

Kendall Jenner's Pepsi Commercial

Kendall Jenner probably did not think it would be his participation in an announcement of Soda who would do the most talked about 2017 - celebrities. However, Supermodel's participation in an inspired black lifePepsi announces-The resolves the brutality of the police by giving a possible cop a soda, for the concern of Pete - became one of the greatest stories of 2017 and the announcement was finally drawn.

Winona Ryder's Sag's face

Winona Ryder red carpet
Andrea Raffin / Shutterstock

The second act of Winona Ryder withStrange things won the actress a lot of eulogy, but his face at the Sag Awards was almost also puzzled to the fans as the origin of the demography. Ryder, who seemed to have an intense internal conversation when accepting a reward with the distribution of the show wasapparently embarrassed By the attention that has since made him one of the most viral celebrities of the year.

Spicer Sean in the bushes

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer

The former press secretary of the White House was not ready for all the press coverage he was going to arrive in 2017, apparently. Spicer, who has since been ousted from his role of the White House, would have hidden between the bushes to avoid answering the questions about the director of the James Geeny FBI. Although the quarry of the White House of Spicer was short-lived, his hiding place has become the legendary material. 2017 was certainly not the year of Spicer Sean, but if you want 2018, start with the20 New Year's resolutions that everyone can keep.

Ryan Gosling Oscar Whisper

Ryan Gosling red carpet

A mistrust-free bus passenger who went to the 2017 Oscars found himself to participate in one of the most viral moments of the year, thanks to Ryan Gosling. TheLA THE EARTH Star murmured to the woman, maybe overthrownGame Of Thrones Spoilers, perhaps simply tell him how much he loved his perfume and the invaluable face she had made one of the most charming stories of the year.

Matt Lauer's shot

NBC star Matt Lauer

See today The career reception of Matt Lauer at NBC resulted in a steep end in 2017 after many advanced women alleging the anchor had assaulted him or harassed him. After being returned by NBC, Lauer admitted his role in some of the incidents while refusing others.

Prince Harry's proposal

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

In one of the most comforting stories of the year, the Royal Bachelor, Prince Harry, broke out the question to his girlfriend,Suit StarMeghan murderin November 2017. The couple gave an adorable interview toBBC NewsAfter the announcement of their commitment, and the fans of the pair were excited to see the royals welcome not only an American, but also one of the first British royals of the mixed race in centuries, to the family. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are not the only royal couple with intense marriages; those British Royal Wedding Facts could just shock you.

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