Rejoice, <em> Star Wars </ em> fans! Ewan McGregor wants to make a movie Obi-Wan

"I would be happy to play it again."

NewStars wars trilogybrought some of our favorite charactersPrevious movies: Han Solo, Chewy, Princess Leia and, of course, Luke Skywalker. But there is a familiar face that we have not seen yet: Obi-Wan Kenobi, played by Ewan McGregor in the prequel director of George Lucas.

McGregor had a time of confidence on all movies, thanks largely to Lucas's demanding direction style. (In fact, I was once in a panel on which someone asked McGregor if he "loved" playing in the movies, and he answered with a long minute laugh and impatient who said everything.)

Nevertheless, when it was placed at Golden Globes if it would or should not be able to use the role - something thatStars wars Fans have more and more lobbying for social media recently - he replied, "I would be happy to play it again."

Unfortunately, no project is confirmed to integrate it with future films or create a spin-off.

"" That's just that. There is a lot of conversation. I would be happy to play it again. I do not know more than you anymore. I saw the new on Christmas. I thought it was really, really beautiful. I liked it."

Obviously, it has defined on the Internet with a new hope.

The fans have noticed that he is looking for the game, noting that he "is already growing the wan wanbean".

And earlier this week, his coach, Tony Horton,Posted a photo of them Training which could very well be a little laser sword.

ewan mcgregor trains with tony horton

So, the fingers crossed. And if you are a huge fan of a galaxy far, far away, check itStars wars The locations you can visit today!

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Tags: Movies
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