Watch Kate Winslet and Stephen Colbert fixing the end to "Titanic"

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Kate Winslet appearance onThe late show with Stephen Colbert Thursday night to promote his new movie,Wonderful wheel. Instead of talking about the widely contestedWoody Allen Flick, however, the two of them chattedTitanic, which is again reissued in the theaters this week in honor of its 20th anniversary. Colbert asked him a series of questions, two of whom the fans discussed over the last two decades: why did she leave Jack Go, and that both could stick on this damn door?

"In the famous line, you say," I will never leave you leave, Jack. "But ... you do," said Colbert.

"I'm lying", Winslet Deadpans. "I'm lying, I'm fully losing, I'm holding my hand, I let it go. In addition, he would have just had to have tried stronger to get on that door."

To be clear,James Cameron Defected in a vocational way the fact that Jack had to leave. WhenVanity fair recently asked him If they could have a boat at the floating door and survived, he gave a truly wild answer, "the answer is very simple because it says on page 147 [of the script] that Jack dies ... Obviously it was a Artistic choice, the thing was just big enough to hold it, and not big enough to hold it. He lived, the end of the film would have made sense. The film is on death and separation; He had to die. So, whether, or if a smoke stack fell on him, he went down. This is called art, things are happening for artistic reasons, not for physics reasons. "

Colbert and Winslet, however, are firmly firmly in #illewastotallynullunghrok camp. So when Winslet noticed that the Colbert counter was around the same size of the door, it was inevitable that they recreate the famous scene, this time, with the correct end. The results were hysterical.

You can watch rewrite, starting at 15:30, below. And for more good news, do not miss the20 biggest viral moments of 2017.

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