30 signatures Hilariously bad celebrities
Angelina, are these hieroglyphs?
The signature of each, like a snowflake of Inky, is different. But some signatures tend to attract more attention than your daily checked check-namely celebrity autographs. Because there is no formula for perfection - and because these people are probably wondering every day to put on their Hancock - many A-Listers have signatures that look more like a chicken claw of child child as the name of an adult.
The authors and artists, actors and actresses, authors and athletes-celebrities of all the horizons of life do not seem to be able to simply nail the art of writing his name. For the evidence, read. We have rounded the most flagrant signatures on the planet. You will never feel bad again on your own. And for more hilarious trivia a-list, do not miss the30 wildly entertaining celebrity photos using public transport.
1 Christina Aguilera
The Pop star could kill him on the stage and in the studio, but, as shown by the fog scribble, it always has ways to go with a pen and paper.
2 Michelle Williams
Michelle Williams: Big Screen Beauty,Dawson Creek Lady and scribble extraordinary.
3 Mel Gibson
Mel Gibsonputs passion to each of its performances, but the same can not be called autographs of the actor.
4 Will Smith
It could be able to murder foreigners and survive the apocalypse, but if there is one thingWill Smith I can not do it is to write his own name. And for ancient more hilarious celebrities, check these25 funny stuffing of the sets of your favorite movies.
5 Paris Hilton
Given how much the Hilton name is omnipresent, you would think thatParis Hilton Really know how to write it.
6 Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso is well known for interpretive works of art that line the walls of museums and private galleries around the world. It looks like his signature is "interpretable" too.
7 Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinsonmade big after marking the main role in theduskSeries. But despite the number of autographs, the actor had to sign during the franchise, it seems that he still does not understand quite the difference between his name and a straight line.
8 David Bowie
David BowieWas one of the best composers of a generation - but although the musician wrote countless timeless hits, he never really managed to write a readable autograph.
9 Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie Can bring an irresistible magnetism to each assassin, hacker computer, tomb tomb, but the simple task of writing his own name the elude. As you can see, this chicken scrape looks like it was discovered an old grave.
10 Tim cook
Apple ExecutiveTim cook Is a whiz technology, after all, so it is that the use of a pen and a paper is a skill that it is forgotten for a long time.
11 Jason Statham
Let's be honest: Star ActionJason Stathamis far too busy pursuing bad guys to stop and sign readable autographs.
12 Heath Ledger
Heath Ledger could have given its role in every role it has ever undertaken - it is probably the best joker that the world has ever seen - but its signature looks more like kindergarten scribbles than an actor autograph once in a generation.
13 J.K. Orifice
MaybeJ.K. Orifice Had a magic wand to sign autographs, so his signature would not be so illegible. And if you likeHarry Potter, then check the35 waysHarry Potter Is still crazy relevant.
14 Sylvester Stallone
Difficult guys just want to be misunderstood and, with this mysterious text, actorSylvester Stallone Certainly reached that.
15 Val Kilmer
TheMachine gun The actor has not even tried with this one.
16 Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep The actor career should speak for herself, so there is no need to decipher this scratch chicken.
THOM YORKEmanaged to leave a serious brand on the music industry, both by its main act, Radiohead; His concert, atoms of peace; And his solo work. Put one's name on paper, however, and that gravity disappears.
18 Derek throw
Now that the legendary New York Yankees ShortstopDerek throwIs removed, he will have a lot of time to work on his signature.
19 Mariah Carey
Of course, it can hit the high notes, but can it spell its own name?
20 Al Pacino
The Godfather The signature of the actor transmits a silent deviation, similar to what Pacino brought to the screen.
21 Johnny Depp
This incredibly accomplished actor is too busy in the world in the world to worry about his pillarchance.
22 Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook CEO, just like the rest of us, aspiring to transmit importance in its signature. However, unfortunately for Mark Zuckerberg, he only transmits anything more than confusion.
23 Leonardo DeVinci
Like any other good work of art, you have to turn your head in all directions to really see the message hidden in the signature of the legendary painter.
24 Bailiff
A question: is notBailiff only a word?
25 Jack Lew
Since his signature is on all paper currencies in the United States printed from 2013 to 2017, you would think that former US Secretary TrésorJack Lew would like his name to be a little more readable.
26 Keanu Reeves
WhileKeanu Reeves is skilled on the big screen, displaying impressive driving farms and "Gun-fu" skills in films as disparate and revolutionary thatJohn Wick andThe matrix, his autograph efforts are less impressive.
27 Lady Gaga
Lady Gagacould be a pop icon that teens are on the market, butanybody Should try copying his signature of chicken scraping.
28 Tom Hanks
ActorTom Hanks' The signature is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you are going to get.
29 John F. Kennedy
WhileJohn F. Kennedy May have dealt with other presidential issues with ease and precision, it is clear that the improvement of a signature was the least of its concerns in the White House.
It is prudent to assume that the directorWES ANDERSON Note not his movie plots in the same writing he wrote his signature differently, there would be no film. And call all the movie buffs: do not miss the50 roles of emblematic cinema that have almost went to someone else.
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