27 signs that you are a terrible liar

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That you do this toprotect a loved one, Go out with a nasty act, or just try to explain why you are late to an appointment, saying Bobards is a bad taste central-part of life. But you have already asked if you really are a good to pass from these counter-truths? After all, all in a more acute voice with a too ambitious coverage story can give you. And just because someone acquiesces their heads that you do not mean they do not think secretly, "Who is this person who tries to lie? »

So, if you are going to invent falseness, at least go right and to avoid all these signs supported the science you piped to lie.

Your hands are too active

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According to researchers of theUniversity of Chicago, A bad hands of liar will often give them far. Becausegestures are less under our conscious control, they can often "reveal the information that the lie was supposed to hide. »

For example, a liar can say they simply do not know where an element is hidden, while their hands point to its exact location.

Your Pitch Voice Increases

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A study published in theSocial Psychology Journal found that the average height of theS It was higher when a participant was lying in relation to telling the truth. The participants' ground increased even more because they were invited to lie longer or respond todifficult questions with regard to their statements. The researchers say it's the stress try to maintain a lie that causes the tonal switch.

You are not a master at Red Herring

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"One of the easiest ways to shoot with a lie is simply to divert attention away from you so that you do not be taken in your lie," says Samantha Morrison, a well-being expert forWellness Glacier. "Because the details break the lies except, good liars know exactly how to avoid an interrogation by adopting the red herring method," explains.

How do you use a red herring, ask yourself? Well, it's when you change the topic of conversation to something else that is unrelated to the actual issue at hand. So, if your boss question you on you why you are late at an important meeting, and you make your answer less on your delay and more, say, the stress of being a busy parent. Understood? Good!

You do not have your preparation necessary

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According to a study published in theNon verbal behavior log, The lie most often fail "because the liar has not adequately prepared the false line he intends to maintain. »

Without a good preparation and the creation of another story, consistent, a liar will often be triggered by questions or if they have to repeat their lies.

You do not anticipate tracking issues

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When a liar can not anticipate the questions that will be asked to them in response to their lie, they are forced to find a credible answer on the spot. "In doing so, most people will attest to various behaviors that mean that they think they say they speak," writes Psychologist Paul Ekman in his essayDisappointment, being extended, and Demeanor.

Because an honest person will not be to put in the same amount of effort in speaking, these behaviors are a dead person is lying Giveaway.

You feel emotions on the lie

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Often, the emotions you feel in the sluing position will report to your conversation partner that you are indeed lying down. According toEkman, "Chef among these feelings on lies are the fear of being taken, the guilt of lying, and ... the pleasure and the excitement of putting one on. »

Conversely, a good liar tell their story with a clear conscience, almost to convince themselves that they speak the truth.

Your real feelings are written on your face

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Even if your story is in order, it seems, your face can be a dead donation. According to published searches inRelationship process and groups, A skin, especially forced emotion is often difficult if you are a bad liar.

For example, aforced smile can "include traces of muscular actions associated with disgust, fear, contempt or sadness. This means that you may want to consider a phone call if you really have to pass a fake.

Your story is too good

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According to Ekman in his bookTell lies, "Too smooth lie can be a sign of a well-running scammer. He actually reiterates, the stories ofcrooksContain for purposes in order to appear more credible. Even if a completely contradictory tale also give you, there is a middle ground between mumbled and debonnaire that an expert liar is able to reach the truth.

You can not keep your words straight

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According to researchersUniversity of RochesterAlthough the story of a liar is good, they can often pell-mell its semantic structure because of the stress of keeping things right. The study revealed that participants were able to determine the truth speaker liars only fromthe text a conversation. And for lies that go unnoticed always, see these40 children's lies say that parents always fall. For


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According to research inDetection of deception in judicial contexts, "In relation to the truth of good adventure, liars may seem less to come, and can tell their stories less convincingly. »

You make negative statements

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According to the social psychologist Dr. Bella DEPAULO in his articleDiscern truth lies, "Make statements and liars complaints more negative than the truth of good adventure do. In addition, "they seem a littleless friendly and agreeable. Unless the person you lie is just as hostile as you are, they are likely to notice your suspicious behavior change and pass something.

You tap your lips

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According toDr. DEPAULO, "Liars were more likely to support their lips. A result of the stress of trying to maintain a lie, this out of the ordinary behavior is sure to give you.

Your speech becomes impersonal

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"Liars a less immediate sound than the truth of good adventure do", writesDEPAULO. The way a liar often speaks "seems more distant, impersonal, evasive and unclear. Liars often use the passive voice, something that comes as a result of not reiterating a real event.

You make less contact with the eyes

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Liars often "make less contact with the eyes than the truth of good adventure," writesDEPAULO. A result of nerves, this donation increases the most motivated is a liar to go out with their falsity. A determined liar will be visibly shy away from locking his eyes with their interlocutor, a clear sign that they have something to hide.

You move less

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Liars often appear "more inhibited" than the truth of good adventure, writtenDEPAULO. In other words, their attempt to control their story can often in their control of their body, as well. They are ostensibly "less and footLeg movements," she explains.

Your speech becomes cream

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According to a study published in theNon verbal behavior log, "Disappointment caused a number of more breaks and words and more eloquence. »

In other words, the pension needed to invent a lie often herself revealed in the awkward speech of the liar and has increased vocabulary. Although the latter may seem counter-intuitive, it is a sign that the speaker does not speak fluid, an important index that they say does not come as easily in mind that the truth would be.

Your tone is flat, or erratic

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According to a study published in theNon verbal behavior log, The effort of a liar to control their voice often lead to either "over-controlled or totally devoid of control. In any case, will generally be broken down your voice from a liar.

You are too confident in your memory

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According to research inPsychology, crime and law, "Truth speakers raise more doubts about their own memory than liars. While a taleter truth is free to reveal that they are actually doubts about the exact unfolding of events like most people are liar will not be able to reveal this uncertainty, it concerns them.

You take too much time to tell your LIE

man talking to a woman

According to a studyApplied Cognitive Psychology, "Response time is a signal to deception. A liar will often take a lot more time to tell their story that a storyteller will be. The reason is that they must decide not only to lie, but also to build a story to wear this lie. "Every adds to response time compared to responding honestly," they explain.

You blink less frequently

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According to a studyLaw and human behaviorThe suspects in police interviews "blinked less frequently during the misleading clips than during the truthful clips. Although this factor varied according to the participants, he was probably the result of an overthinking liar their behavior.

You smile less

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A study published inLegal and criminological psychologythat "the offenders smiled less in the lying position. They hypothesized that this result was to believe that liars smiling and laughing would be a gift they were misleading.

You are not credible

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Sometimes, simply not being believed is a good enough signal that you lie. According to research in theCommunication journal, "Naive judges can detect deception at the highest as luck levels. In other words, if anyone thinks that you lie in the absence of warning signs-you could be right. Intuition is a powerful thing.

Your executive functions are missing

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Lie is a very difficult thing, which requires an excessive amount of mental capacity. According to published searches inGenetics, Social and General Psychology, "Executive Processes are central cognitive components for the production of lies. If you can recognize you miss any of these services such as inhibition and working memory without doubt you are not going to be a very good liar.

You do not use exclusion words

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Posted in the search for theAPA monitor have found that liars use less exclusion words, such as "except, but or not. In other words, the terms "distinguish what they did with what they did not do. »

While researchers have not theorist as to the reason for this gap, they conclude that "liars seem to have a problem with this complexity, and it is seen in their writing. And for more things that you can draw from someone's writing, see these17 amazing things your writing says of you.

You in your short answers

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According to a studyApplied Cognitive Psychology, "The duration of the message [was] negatively linked to deception. In other words, liars have kept their responses in the short and mild, probably a tactic to avoid providing too much detail. While too many facts also list that you have invented a truth, a laconic response can be a dead donation than you are something to hide.

You exaggerate when chatting

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According to the expert de the deception noted Pamela Meyer in his bookLiaspotting, Liars An online chat "were more talkative than their partners, using about one-third more words than truth-speakers. In addition, they "more pronouns used and included more sensory verbs" to embellish their history. To try to make a more devouring and convincing story, these liars simply betrayed too much.

Your hand gestures become more metaphorical

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According to a study published in theNon verbal behavior log, "Mentir has been associated with a decrease in deicing gestures, and an increase in metaphorical gestures. »

Like the increased use of impersonal verbs and the passive voice, it means that the feelings of withdrawal of the liar of their situation, their gestures of the hand cease to refer to their environment, and instead become abstract. If you are looking for back on foreign gestures, learn the23 Body Language Tips that serve your entire life well.

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Tags: Cheating / Myths / Science
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