30 best historical tips that are relevant today

Final proof that everything has a precedent.

PhilosopherGeorge Santayana Highlight, "Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Yes, this expression has been repeated ad infinitum. There is a convincing reason for that: we tend to forget the past and, of course, repeat it. But if something deserves to repeat, it is this tired expression. Look at the history books, people. There is a lot of wisdom there.

Do not believe us? Just check these 30 instances, all that you will find are extremely worrying today. The casting of characters and finished circumstantial details may differ, but the lessons remain. Consider the definitive proof that everything - regardless of how many times has been declared as a "ever before" case has a precedent. And for more wild explosions of the past, checkThe 28 most lasting myths of American history.

Mother Engineering Nature Can Backfire

locusts Relevant Historical Advice

The man likes to think that he can do anything to work in his favor with good intelligence and innovation, but trying to make nature make his offers often return fires. This was the case in China during the big leap forward. One of the government's campaigns was to rid the country of "the four big pests": rats, flies, mosquitoes and sparrows. The sparrows were added to the list because of all the grain they consumed, that the government thought could be better given to people. Unfortunately, after orchestra the murder of hundreds of millions of birds, the Chinese learned that sparrows also eaten locusts. And this triggers a disastrous string reaction.

"The locust populations have grilled the countryside without sparrows in sight", asGeorge Dvorsky the dish. "Things have so badly that the Chinese government has begun to import sparrows from the Soviet Union. The overflow of insects, as well as the added effects of the widespread deforestation and the misuse of poisons and pesticides, constituted a Important contribution to the Great Chinese famine (1958 to 1961). In which it is estimated that 30 million people died of famine. "And for more wild trivia of the animal kingdom, check40 amazing animal facts.

Forbid something usually concentrates

bad puns Relevant Historical Advice

And by "concentrated", we mean: make it more powerful and more dangerous. More than 13 years (1920 to 1933), the US government prohibited the sale of alcohol, resulting in rapid growth of bootleging and smuggling and increased consumption of difficult liquor and spirits, as opposed to the Beer and wine at low prices. After all, if you are going to smuggish with one liter of something, you should smuggle with the most powerful properties. More recently, similar results have taken place with marijuana, psychedelics and opiates. And for more great anecdotes of the past, learn the20 timeless liners of amazing women in history.

Forbid something does that people want more

breast cancer prevention Relevant Historical Advice

Also examining the prohibition, instead of causing people to no longer want to drink, the law not only leads to an antique peak, but aIncreased alcohol consumption. When people say they say, they can not have something - alcohol to firearms with prohibited records - he tends to make them want to try a lot more. It's just human nature.

The market will not solve everything

President Herbert Hoover Relevant Historical Advice
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When major events occur in the world that do not seem to directly involve your country, it may seem tempting to stay out of it, but even this decision has repercussions. It was a lessonPresident Herbert Hoover learned when it was based on the market to set the 1929 stock market crash, trying to keep the government outside of that. As resulted in the Great Depression, it was Hoover who was blamed for the market failure to repair things. And for more straight of the last century, learn the40 Facts Your learned in the 20th century that are totally false.

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The government will not solve everything, either

White House

On the other hand, leaving everything to the government to solve does not always pose the best results either. For proof, it is enough to look at the expanded share of Homestead 1909, which gave up to 320 acres of land less than large lands to farmers who were willing to do something to improve it. Farmers have tried to the ground, but they often used bad cultivation techniques, plowing on the grass that covered it before and turning on dry soil throughout the great plains, creating widespread erosion. This led to the dust bowl of the 1930s. Then check the20 professions of the 20th century that do not exist today.

Know when changing courses

Baby boy

The policy of a Chinese child offers an example of this, when, in the 1970s, the country has alarmed its growing population and took the extreme approach to require couples to be limited to having a child (after Birth control campaigns failed to make enough impact). The policy was controversial from the beginning, but even a government as powerful as China knew when loosening its rules and began to relax the law in the 1980s and 1990, beforefinally abandoned Absolutely in 2015.

Executive exceeding is not always a bad thing

thomas jefferson success quotes Relevant Historical Advice

While the term "executive repeats" brings images of a president doing everything he likes regardless of the needs or desires of the population, there are episodes in the history of the United States where unilateral action From the General Management has been effective and has led to something positive. It could not have happened otherwise. Case case, the purchase of Louisiana. AsMichael Austin writing About the event, "Jefferson knew perfectly knew that he did not have the constitutional authority to buy land on behalf of the United States," but since the federalists in Congress would not give him what he wanted, he took a liberal interpretation of "implicit powers" and "went from ahead and bought half of the continent, more than double the size of the country and fix the scene for a United States covering the sea at the Brilliant sea. "

Nothing unifies more than just a common goal

American Flag

In the war at the revolutionary war, the American rebels were numerous, with very different interests and priorities, but the desire to compromise and a concentration on a common objective (termination of links with the British) helped to unite this which would have been savagely different concerns.

Know when letting your enemy get tired

Founding Father and President George Washington

George Washington The force used cautiously, knowing that US forces have been exceeded by the British relatively stronger. He focused on the test to face them, but to wear them over a long time, to move quickly and unpredictability, possibly transforming the disadvantage of Americans into an advantage.

Dissemination has its advantages

D-Day Relevant Historical Advice

A similar lesson was learned during the invasion of day J during the Second World War, because the alloy paratroopers who aggressive from the beaches of France were inadvertently dispersed due to poor weather conditions and other questions. Although the troops were not centralized, it ended up confusing the Germans, who could not evaluate the full scale of the assault and failed to respond also with force as necessary.

Do not go to war in Afghanistan

Afghanistan tourists Relevant Historical Advice

Conquering this area is one thing. The decision is quite another, as an aggressor after the other discovered: Great Britain, Russia and the United States. The mountainous region has been nicknamed "the cemetery of empires" and pushed 3,000-year-old leaders:Alexander The Great was the last person to actually keep him.

Do not invade Russia in winter

russia in the winter Relevant Historical Advice

Like Afghanistan, Russia during the winter proved a great enemy to all kinds of conquerors. The Swedish invasion of 1707,NapoleonThe invasion of 1812, the intervention allied in Russia during the First World War and the German invasion during the Second World War resulted in a defeat, Russia came out on top. Just wait for the summer, guys!

Protectionism can make half fire

Movemember has raised hundreds of millions around the world.

Import tariffs can often resemble an appropriate response to foreign industries entering national production, but they often lead to the opposite result of those who impose them. AuthorBill Fawcett point towards The Tariff of Smoothley Hawley has imposed in 1930, which allowed to impose a high tax on Europe ... What has led to a tax on American property and a reduction in demand on these products abroad . "This tariff battle has accelerated the economic decline on both sides of the Atlantic, because without the sale of goods abroad, the workers who had done them were abandoned," according to Fawcett.

Create more money does not create more value

Crazy Facts About Dollar Bills Relevant Historical Advice

Following the First World War, Germany tried to pay its invoices (including massive return payments) simply more money. The merchants raised their prices in response and the government then printed more money, it quickly sought branded cabinets to just buy a loaf of bread.

The narrowing currency does not create more value, either

save 40 percent of your paycheck

Fawcett points to the first registered impact of national inflation to support this point - in ancient Rome, when Nero's expenses are out of control and there was not enough gold or money to pay the debts.

"Be creative Nero simply made money money 20% smaller"he writes. "But soon the merchants have seen this and raised all their prices. So, nero mixed cheaper metals in pure old pieces. Soon, everyone is both and the prices soon climbed. The ills of inflation are Venus less tax revenue. Then Nero added more even lead to gold coins and growing inflation again. It was one of the causes of the decline. "

Do not impose invoices that can not be paid

Adolf Hitler Kennedys
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These restitution payments imposed on Germany after the First World War appeared to be justified at the time, but depression and inflation resulting that the country suffered and its lack of solutions or means to come back on its feet led to despair, looking for a savior, looking for a savior, and finally the embrace ofAdolf Hitler. It is better to impose lighter and more durable penalties.

Quarantine a disease in order to fight it

Quarantine sign Relevant Historical Advice

Another event of Fawcett: If you want to keep a disease, you must isolate it. He points to theGreat plague of Marseille in 1720 for example.

"A ship arrived from Syria with a bubble plague on board"he writes. "Although the captain of the ship notified the authorities of the infected passengers, the merchants of the city who possessed the very precious cargo, persuaded the government to wave forty. In a few days, an epidemic broke out. With a thousand people dying Every day even the serious diggers could not follow. Tens of thousands are dead and that the precious cargo is drifting on the quays. "

Forget to do the dishes has its advantages

Dirty dishes Relevant Historical Advice

YesAlexander Fleming had not left one of the dishes of Petri in his laboratory in 1928, while going on vacation for a month, he would not have accidentally grown mold that destroyed the sample around it, sparklinghis culture From a bacterium-annihilant drugs, we could not imagine life without: penicillin.

Do not react excessively to terrorism

Terrorism Relevant Historical Advice

This is where there in the terrorism is supposed to understand the dramatic and destabilizing and destabilizing fear of its victims. While the line between "appropriate response" and "excessive reaction" is often subjective, episodes such as Palmer raids in the United States are a reminder of the fear of a few scales, if they are frightening, incidents of terrorism ( In this case, anarchists the bomb attacks targeting industrialists a politician) led to the unjustified deportation and arrest of thousands of people.

Have an idea of ​​the room

Martin Luther King Jr Relevant Historical Advice
Shawshots / Alamy Stock Photo

Sometimes a speech can change history. It was the case ofMartin Luther King Jr. 'I have a dream "speech - but that the emblematic order would not have been blocked had not been for the skills of the improvisor king. The words "I have a dream" were not really written in the speech. They were words he had used in previous addresses, but when he delivered it, he realized that it would be a good sensor and deposited in the words that would forever define his philosophy and the movement of rights civilians.

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Check your calendar

bad puns Relevant Historical Advice

Leon Trotsky could have been the leader of Russia if he had not mixed the date ofVladimir Lenin's funeral.Joseph Stalin Foiled the communist thinker by giving him the bad date for the funeral, then Trotsky showed a day late andStalin took power. This should serve as a warning: double check your dates.

Sometimes shortcuts can cost you more time

donner party Relevant Historical Advice

Just ask forParty.

Give a gift horse a look closer

Trojan horse Relevant Historical Advice

If you receive an unexpected gift, you may want to approach it with some skepticism. It is a useful lesson from the Trojan Horses, when the Greeks have deceived the Trojan horses to accept a giant horse through their defensive walls, only to discover it was full of soldiers. It's not that you should not accept gifts from enemies, just give them a closer look before bringing them inside.

An exit can talk about volumes

Relevant Historical Advice

Degregation of public schools started with an exit ofRobert R. Moucon High school by four hundred black students, led by 16 yearsBarbara Johns. He led to a trial by Naacp and possiblyBrown c. Topeka Education Council, Kansas-And the deseggeration of American schools.

Image via Wikimedia Commons via an official white house Photo of Chuck Kennedy

Buy something because you want it

weight loss motivation Relevant Historical Advice

... not just for reselling it. The tendency to those looking to become rich by buying something from an eye to resale, it is at the root of all major major economic bubbles that come from centuries, from Tulip Mania in 16e Century Holland with mortgage crises subprime a decade ago. Do not buy anything simply because you think you can earn more money resell it.

Not lesinant on security


TheTitanic"S Human Loss is awarded not only to the accident that caused to flow, but the fact that there was not enough on the ship's lifeboats. Even if the ship is proven to be less "unsubmersible" than advertising, lives could have been saved if the ship had followed the security measures, it should have.

Do not lesinate on (workplace) security

Triangle_Shirtwaist_coffins Relevant Historical Advice

Trying to save money at the expense of worker safety can also lead to the disaster, such as the famous Triangle ShirtWaist Fire demonstrated. Locked their so-called factory owners' workers to prevent them from flying, but when a fire broke down and they were locked up, women had to jump for their lives or die in fire. One hundred and fifty people are dead as a result, galvanize the labor movement and leading to changes in the regulation of occupational safety.

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Respect weight restrictions

sunk ship Relevant Historical Advice

Although less famous than theTitanic, theTek sing In China poured as famous (90 years ago), which carries a cargo of precious silks, spices, and 1600 people with it. Rather than a lack of lifeboats, an important factor for the destruction of this ship was that it was so overloaded, not just with people, but the cargo well packaged.

The images are more eloquent than the words

Thomas Nast cartoon Relevant Historical Advice

A clumsy image or video clip can be devastating politically (see "47 percent"). There is a century and a half ago, it was political caricatures that could do this kind of damage. One of the most famous episodes was corrupted from New Yorkboss tweed, Who became furiously animated drawings widely seenThomas Nast drew inHarp"S, who, according to the legend, said," can not read my constituents. But, damn, they can see photos! NAST would be credited to help expose and take up to a few years later the Tweed ring.

Actions have unpredictable consequences

Gavrilo Princip Relevant Historical Advice

Consider the actions of a Serbian revolutionary,Gavrilo main. HeassassinatedFranz Ferdinand ArchduucAlmost by chance when he met the car of the Austrian chef while strolling nearby. The whole kill a chain of events shoot in a single European power after the other, causing the First World War the Domino effect created by this would have been anticipated by the revolutionary who took the picture. And for more wild historical details, see the 20 Craziest Rumors on Kennedys .

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