The Qantas Airways CEO responds to an adorable 10-year letter, VA viral

High level tips from CEO to another "CEO"

Alex Jacquot is a 10-year-old boy who lives in Australia. It is also a CEO of the grass airline, which wrote a letter last month to the CEO of Qantas AirwaysAlan Joyce, asking advice on obtaining his future society in the field.

He starts him by presenting himself and asking the CEO to take it seriously. After all, he is already the CEO of his own airline, which he named "Oceania Express". He has also already hired a CFO, chief, a maintenance manager, an embedded head of services and a head of law. And he has a co-founder in the form of his friend Wolf. Oh, and he has already started things, as what kind of aircraft will need, flight numbers, restoration and more. "

He only has three questions:

1) "Seeing that these are the school holidays, I have more time to work. But I have nothing to do so that I can think. Do you have any ideas of what I can do? See as you are The CEO of Qantas, I thought I would ask you. "

2) "Do you have advice on starting an airline? I would be very grateful to know what you would have to say."

3) "As you are, as you are, A350 for Sydney / Melbourne at the flights of London. Seeing how it's a flight of 25 hours, we have a hard time thinking about sleeping. Do you have any advice? "

Alex Jacquot, the self-proclaimed co-founder and CEO of

Now, Qantas does notusually give advice to competitors. But as they mentioned in a tweet who has since become viral, they made an exception this time.

Joyce wrote to Jacquot to thank him for bringing the new airline to his attention, as he had "heard some rumors from another participant in the market". He also noted that, even though the young leader of the "newly appointed Leader of Legal" could be a question with him accepting the advice of a competitor, he would go in advance and answer his questions since he " Also was once a young boy who was so curious to fly and all his possibilities. "

He stated that his "number one advice for starting an airline is to put safety" first and "do everything you can do to travel as comfortable and affordable as possible" for passengers.

He noted that the issue of sleep on very long stolen is an issue that they believe they are also in running because they are developing the logistics of their non-stop flight from Australia to London, since they were Would like to do "the more comfortable trip for all."

As such, Joyce ended the letter by proposing a meeting between "CEO of the oldest Australian airline" and "the CEO of the latest Australian airline", to compare the notes and take a look at the center of operations.

Alex Jacquot, the self-proclaimed co-founder and CEO of

Unsurprisingly, the 10-year-old child was eliminated when he received Joyce's response.

"I torn the envelope and I read it quickly and I was so excited, I was running around the house for ten minutes. I can not believe it," said Jacquot4BC of Brisbane.

It might seem stupid, but things like that can have a major impact on a young person's career. For proof of this, discover howA letter to Steven Spielberg has changed thisJurassic Park Fan life.

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