That's why the beavers build dams

These enormous rodents are also expert engineers.

If you know one thing about beavers, it's probably they build dams. (Here are some other things: these rodents are only for humans in their ability to manipulate the environment and that the biggest dam they built are 2,790 feet long and can beseen from space.) But return to this whole thing. Why are the beavers build dams? And how did he do the job?

Happening, the main reason of the lovitating brats is to protect themselves from the predators - Pesky animals like bears, hawks, wolves, wild wildlords and otters - and to guarantee easy access to food, especially during the colder months.

According toWashington Department of Fish and WildlifeCastor dams are built in shallow streams and rivers to create flooded areas called beave ponds. (Beavers living in areas that maintain a constant level of water, such as lakes and large rivers, build burrows instead of dams.)

It's a complicated engineering feat, but these animals are more than cut for that. To build their dam, beavers choose their location and gnounted close trees and branches. Ideally, the wood falls directly into the river, cutting the flow of water. These pieces of wood create the basic structure of the dam. Beavers further strengthen their new home by adding twigs, stones, leaves, mud and plants to the mixture to seal things. The average dam is five feet high and 330 feet long - but these things can be as high as 10 feet.

Near a Castor dam, you will find a Beaver Lodge. This is where the beavers spend most of their time! The pavilions are constructed in the banks of a stream or river. Similar to the dam, these dome-shaped structures are made of sticks, herbs and mosses. They have an average of about eight feet wide and three feet high and usually shelter a single beavers family. (This includes a couple of Castor Monogame, their offspring and their offspring of the previous year - usually about two to 12 beavers.)

But back to why beasters do all this.

First of all, if there were not for their dams, beavers would be a prey easy. "They are very agile in the water, but they are a bit slow on earth", Sharon Brown, a beavership biologist: the wetland and wildlife, an educational organization in North America, told theTelegraph. "They create a habitat with lots of water like a ditch around their pavilions so that they can swim and drive and keep a step ahead of predators."

Second, these beaver ponds create unique ecosystems capable of supporting some aquatic plants than beavers can feed. And in some cold water environments, beavers use deep and intestinal water in the dam castor pond to store branches of food and shrubs by digging them in the mud at the bottom of the pond .

These little guys love their homes. As a general rule, a beaver will remain in the same place until their food supply is exhausted, which could be a few years or a few decades. And as animals live only five to 10 years in the wild, it means that they often stay in their lives. How can it be a favorite neighborhood? It does not mean you should feel too comfortable around them. Beavers are also on the list of23 cute animals much more dangerous than you think.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: animals / Trivia
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