The most famous shipwrecks are still waiting to be discovered
One of these ships has about 2.6 billion dollars of treasure!

Shipwrecks are theMagic Tips of Cinema. Nothing is for the best blockbuster forage than a giant glamor vessel crashing in an iceberg and poured at the bottom of the ocean, just askJames Cameron. However, these incidents on the high seas are just as much because they are fiction. And while technological advances and the concerted efforts of treasure hunters haveleads to the discovery many of the largest vessels lost at sea (TITANIC included!), There are still dozens there. OfChristopher Colombus' Sainte Marie At "Titanic Australia", here are some of the most famous shipwrecks that still have to discover.
1 TheSainte Marie(1492)

Anyone with a knowledge of North American history knows this vessel, one of the trio of ships (with theNiña and thePinta) Who sailed withChristopher Colombus on his way to the new world. Although all three have done safely to the Americas, after having declared the whole place the property of Spain, Christopher Columbus on the search for gold, spices and othersValuable objects on theSainte Marie.
The story tells that Christmas Eve 1492, the explorer went to bed andleft a cabin boy in charge of the flying of the ship. TheSainte Marie Falled in the present Haiti and Christopher Columbus determined that he was beyond the repair. The remains of non-discovered ships and while an archaeological explorer claimed to have found in 2014,experts have concluded He could not have been the famous ship. The ship and its invaluable historical wealth remain lost to the sea.
2 TheEndurance(1915)

famous explorerErnest Shackleton of attempt at the terrestrial passage of Antarctica came to a tragic end in 1915. In October of this year, its three-mast barquentine, theEndurance, Have been trapped by dense ice in the Weddell Sea off Antarctica, making it motionless. He was finally crushed by the ice and sank in November. The crew of the ship was able to escape safety by floating on ice packs. Attempts were made to find "Shackleton lost boat," the most recentIn February 2019. Unfortunately, the researchers called for effort in the face ofExtreme weather conditions. The ship and the story he holds is lost.
3 The HMSEffort(1778)

Another ship that is renowned gained because more of his captain than his contents, this British Royal Marine Research Ship ordered by no other thanJames Cook At his first discovery trip between 1768 and 1771. But the historic shipis not going in a dramatic battle or fatal struggle with the elements. It has been deliberately poured by the British with more than a dozen other ships in 1778 to serve as a blockade against the French in the American Revolution. Attempts were made to recover theendeavor remnants, and while a team reduced its search "one or two sites"In the bay of Narragansett Rhode Island, the exact location remains difficult to reach.
4 theGriffin(1679)

This French sailboat was the largest ship crossing the Great Lakes, the sail of Lake Erie, Lake Huron and Michigan Lake in August 1679. It landed on an island of Lake Michigan and traded with Aboriginal local Americans, loading. On animal skins and starting from the current Green Bay. However,theGriffin has never reached its destination, and has been lost in aintense storm. Some suspected that fur traders on board may have been involved in destruction or thatGriffin had been attacked by First Nations people. Whatever the case, the ship bearing fur remains "White whale for large lake sinking hunters, "According to the atlas obscura.
5 TheRoyale Merchant(1641)

This English merchant ship exchanged between England and the Spanish colonies in the West Indies in the late 1630s, and was renowned for beingWearing 100,000 pounds of gold and many othersValuable objects When he took his final, fateful journey. On the way back in London, the ship started to flee dilapidated. In addition to this, the captain of the ship offered to transport an additional cargo of a Spanish ship that had caught fire. The condition of the weight and poor added of the machine, combined with a series ofbad weather, Leads his pumps to break and the set of flowing off the end of the earth to Cornwall County, England. In 2019, the anchor was found off the coast of R., but the sinking and his esteem$ 1.5 billion in gold-Mains not discovered.
6 USSIndianapolis(1945)

After making a delivery of top-secret of the nuclear variety to an American military base in the Northern Mariana Islands during the Second World War, this heavy cruiser was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine and cast in 12 minutes. While about900 of the crew survivedThe immediate attack, they were left blocked in shark-infested waters. It took days before they were found and saved by the aircraft of the Navy, with only 317 men. It would be known as theThe worst American naval disaster of the Second World War; The ship itself has never been recovered.
7 TheWasp (1814)

This sloop-of-war was the fifthWasp In the history of the American Navy and devoted himself to the issuance of British ships during the war of 1812. But in October 1814, on the way to the Caribbean, he disappeared without trace. Although theWasp did not wear theOpulent treasures of many other ships on this list, he had173 members of the crew on boardNone has lived to tell the story of what happened.
8 TheFlor de la Mar(1511)

ThisPortuguese browser of 400 tons, the 16th century Had an impressive nine-year-old career, making many trips across the Indian Ocean. However, he also had a history of leaks in principle and need repairs. When he was sent to support the Portuguese conquest of Malaca's Malays' Sultanate, he had been considered dangerous - but the conquerors needed each ship they could get. On his return trip to the end of the 1511, the "Sea Flower" was taken in a Storm of Timia Point in the Kingdom of Aru, Sumatra.General Afonso de Albuquerque and a number of his men survived the wreck, but there were many victims, including the ship itself, which has not been found again - and a so-called 2.6 billion dollars of treasure , according toThe daily beast.
9 The SSWaratah(1909)

Nicknamed "AustraliaTitanic, "This 500-foot shuttle vesseldisappeared in July 1909 As he was doing his way to Durban, South Africa to the city of Cape Town, carrying211 passengers and crew. It had been launched less than a year earlier and had a lot of opulent accommodation, including 100 first-class cabins, a luxurious music show anddelicious eats. The final view of the SSWaratah It would have been thought on July 28, 1909, during a violent storm. Nothing more has been heard from the ship again.
10 TheFellow Richard(1779)

This continental navy ship served the American Patriot causes well, capturing 16 British merchant vessels in the first few weeks, it was used underCaptain John Paul Jones. But during the brutal battle of Flamblorough head at the end of September 1779, it wasHammered by the British vessel better armed HMSSerapis. Despite the perseverance of Jones, he would have said, "Sir, I have not started to fight!" - The ship sank. TheFellow Richard and his artifacts have not been seen since (despite occasional meansGlimmer of hope)
11 Las Cinco Chagas (1594)

In 1594, this Portuguese carrack approached the end of a long trip from India to Portugal,carrying more than 1,100 people. Under the orders ofFrancisco de Mello,The ship was Providedfully charged with "precious stones and all the best in India, having taken the cargo of two other ships that had been lost in combat. According to reports, theHunterwearing 22 treasure chests including diamonds, rubies and pearls - estimated today to beworth $ 1 billion. But as he approached Portugal, theHunter was attacked by ships from British corsairs and bombarded without stopping for two days. Finally, he caught fire and July 13, 1594 heeminent.
12 USSCyclops (1918)

This American Navy vessel was one of the most famous victims of the notorious Bermuda triangle. First launched in May 1910, he was ordered for the First World War, serving along the East Coast of the United States until he was assigned to the Naval Transportation Service abroad in January 1918. Road to Baltimore After leaving Rio de Janeiro, the ship disappeared. Little knew what could have caused thedisappearancebut we thought we wereoverload, with 11,000 tons of manganese as well as 306 crew members. Some theoretics may have been a German submarine or Drunk captain who was to blame. For now, no evidence has been rejected to helpresolve the mystery. And for more real life stories that do not have ends, checkThe 30 most fascinating unresolved mysteries in America.
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