A new survey shows the main reasons for fathers get "shameful dad"

It's not just moms who become a flack these days.

We hear a lot of so-called "mammon, "Critical meaning on how a woman parents. But we do not hear much about similar experiences of a father meeting when it comes to the education of his child. Now a new national survey on the part of theChildren's Hospital of C.S. Mott At the University of Michigan, exploded in the way men get "Papa shame".

The investigation requested more than 700 fathers who had at least one child aged 13 or under being ashamed for the way they areRaise their child. The most common reason for the fathers reported that the father was damaged due to do with theirdisciplinary methods (67%). One-third of the DADS surveyed said they say they are too difficult with their children. Behind the discipline, the rest of Father Shaming was centered on the diet of their child (43%),to sleep (24%), appearance (23%) and security (19%).

Surprisingly, many dads said that criticism had a positive impact on them, with about half (49%) by noting that inspired them to change certain aspects of theirparent style. However, the other half (43%) stated that the criticism that is directed to them was often or always unfair and 19% admitted that it had made them want to be less involved in the education of their child.

"Even subtle forms of denigration can compromise fathers' trust or send the message they are less important for the well-being of their child", co-director of the surveySarah Clark says in a press release. "Although some fathers say that critics encourages more information on good parenting practices, too many denigration that dads feel demoralized from their parenting role."

This has certainly shown in Clark data and its team collected. Nearly a quarter (23%) of the DADS surveyed felt sufficiently informed of their child's activities, 12% reported having a health professional that they did not know much about their health. Child and 11 other percentage stated that a teacher assumed that they did not know the needs of their child or how they behave.

But the most common source of Father Shaming is particularly interesting: more than half (52%) of the fathers interviewed reported having been criticized for their parenting styles most often by their spouse (44%), followed by grandparents of Their child (24 percent), foreigners in public places or online (10%), their own friends (9%) and their child's teacher (5%). Given that many of theCriticism seemed to cause spouses, Clarke also noted how important it is forparents Try to work together in a team.

"Fathers loving and engaged can have a positive impact on the development and well-being of their children," she said. "Family members - especially the other parent - should be willing to recognize that different parent styles are not necessarily incorrect or harmful. Family members should also be aware of comments or criticism that can make dads that may feel like you do not know how much the 'right way. "

And for a personal testimony on the challenges of being the main caregiver as a father, readI left my job to be a father to stay at home. This is what it's like.

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