Twitter highlights all the clichés of the movie for real jobs of life and it's hilarious

I am a writer who is always drunk but my copy is virgin!

It is natural that movies and television shows would offer a much more dramatic and romantic version of what someone's work is actually as in reality. After all, action films would not be very exciting if they showed an FBI agent who would complete the paperwork mountains instead of prosecuting criminals on scenic European roofs. And anyone who monitorsThe Gray Anatomy Would be disappointed that the callrooms are used for stopping eyes very although vapor sex among other surgeons.

Nevertheless, the way the professions are described on the screen, often strongly influence our perception of their lives in real life, which is perhaps why the last end of 2019 allows people to make fun of how to mocked in the way of reality overpayments with respect to jobs.

It all started last week, whenRory Turnbull, an assistant professor of linguistics at the University of Hawaii in Mānoa, has published a tweet saying: "Hello, I am a teacher in a movie, I only reach the main point of my conference, because the class ends . So I scream with students. About reading / homework as they leave. "

The tweet went massively viral and inspired other people to write about their own professions with the same delivery. As writers, who seem to be able to afford a superb two bedroom apartment in New York with a Italian wardrobe and should never have to make stories.

Or computer programmers, who are always "white, men and isolate" and who you know is well versed in technology because it's really fast, really fast. In addition, it does not need Google's error messages, never.

Then there are doctors who often detach their hair listening to the procedures that their film counterparts inflict on patients and are also a little concerned about the intimacy that occurred between the Chiefs of Staff and their employees. .

Journalists are still presented as functional alcoholics that succeed in a way to afford a winner story of the Pulitzer Prize between the episodes of the consumption of the frenzy.

Side note: Even if the journalistic landscape changes tremendously with the advent of technology, there is never recognition of the focus on numbers. Apparently, being a journalist means that you can simply write what you want while wasted chronically.

Lawyers certainly do not need to deal with endless phone calls and pour boring legal documents. They just make waking speeches in court and offer a brilliant idea to win the case at the last minute.

AndWhy do so many horror films contain serial killers of the university age?

The same extends soon beyond the professions to other rowdles, like those who hear from the hearing impaired and have apparently the ability of the superhuman to read lips in a scenario.

It goes without saying that autistic people can consider very well the cards and have no human feeling.

And the only goal of someone who is overweight medically is to provide gay emotional support to conventionally attractive heroin.

For more clichés, we would certainly be wise to fall, discover40 hilariously little practical things that always happen in the movies.

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