The man goes viral to send photos "sexy" of himself do housework at his girlfriend

"I thought it could be nice for her home to a clean house," he told the best life.

When you clean the toilet or scratching this last little barrel of the pan after dinner, "sexy" is probably the last word you would use to describe. CornMichael Oonk, 39,Plano, Texas, proves that there is no better way to court your lady - or any internet - only by simplydo household chores.

The girlfriend of Oonk,Murray, is a real estate agent and "a very busy woman," he saysBetter life. It is also a survivor of domestic violence, which volunteers with theAccommodation and support of Genesis Women, who helps women recover their lives in a safe space after having domestic violence. This means that only women are allowed to be there.

On a Friday night in March, Murray was volunteering at the shelter and Oonk found himself with a little free time on his hands. "I'm sitting at home with nothing to do," he recalled. "I thought I could watch TV for five hours, but I saw that the house was messy and I thought it could be nice for her home to aclean house. "

Michael Oonk's viral photos of him doing chores
Courtesy of Michael Oonk and Wool Murray

He did what seems to be all that is imaginable, especially to clean the kitchen, clean the toilet andwashing-It the least preferred chore.

"I will clean cooking on laundry every day, "he said.

Michael Oonk's viral photos of chores
Courtesy of Michael Oonk and Wool Murray

All the time, he broke selfies so he could show his hard work in Murray, who found his version ofsextage Be very funny.

Michael Oonk goes viral for sexy photos of chores
Courtesy of Michael Oonk and Wool Murray

"Then I did what the man of my age would, who is Gloat about this," said Oonk laughing. "So I put the photos on Facebook."

Michael Oonk viral chores photots
Courtesy of Michael Oonk and Wool Murray

Oonkblocked the photos on Facebook, "How to send sexy photos to your lady."

They immediately started to go viral and received more than 88,000 tastes because they were posted on March 8th. The women rented from the Oonk like "The perfect boyfriend"And labeled their own partners, tell them to take notes.

Michael Oonk viral chores photots
Courtesy of Michael Oonk and Wool Murray

He even had a fair share of romantic progress!"She's not so happy about everyoneproposals, "Said Murray Oonk, Ridge." She had a shirt made with her face so that everyone knows that she is in a relationship. "

Oonk said he was "shocked" that he had the attention as much as he did to have done something so ordinary. "I thought this post would arrive between seven and tastes," he said. "Wool and I both take responsibility forrun the house. It was just something I did for her that night because she was doing something and I could not be there. "

Michael Oonk chores viral photos
Courtesy of Michael Oonk and Wool Murray

Oonk and Murray met a little over a year, once he contacted him on Facebook on the roof and construction of construction work for his real estate company.

"We stayed in contact after, and then I asked him to navigate with me on mySailboat one day and the rest is history, "he said.

Michael Oonk Laine Murray
Courtesy of Michael Oonk and Wool Murray

Theyto fall in loveAnd Oonk said he plans to propose soon.

"Every day, I clamp myself, "he shouted." She works hard, she has many values ​​and ideals that she represents.I'm blessed to be with her. "

Michael Oonk Laine Murray
Courtesy of Michael Oonk and Wool Murray

And sweet gestures are not only going in their relationship. Murray does alsolittle things Every day to show that she cares about Oonk, as leaving love notes in her cooler and sending sms sms from blue to tell her she is proud of him.

small gestures make people feel the most loved
Courtesy of Michael Oonk and Wool Murray

Oonk hopes that the photos are reminiscent of the people he is often theSmall daily gestures This shows our partners how much we love and appreciate them.

"In the end, your actions are what you are judged, not your words or what you say you are going to do, "he said." If she has a difficult day,buy off. I buy wool flowers every week to always have fresh flowers to watch. Small things add up. "

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