17 incredible facts about 100% truths true

These witches will blow the pointed hat on your head.

Witches are some of the most fascinating creatures in all history. Not only they abound infictional talesBut they also exist in real life - and have for centuries have been. But if you thought you knew everything there was to know about the witches of movies likeHarry Potter andHocus pocus, still think. Troubling origins from their sharp hats to the country with Easter witches, they are the mosthypnotizing facts On the witches who will leave you Spellbound.

A witch goddess inspired the first ballet.

ballet pointe shoes

Greek mythological witch goddess inspired what is considered the first ballet, theComic Ballet of the Queen, who could have been written for a real witch. According toThe Weiser Field Guide for Witches, "Circe, the beautiful dangerous woman, the fatal magic woman, has been a nice crowd and the inspiration for very popular entertainment. She has been the subject of the first ballet, directed in 1581 in Paris, possibly like A tribute to FrenchQueen Catherine de Medici, the long line witch. "

The pointed witch hats are rooted in anti-Semitism.

witch silhouette

The first witches' accounts have shown themselves with their shouted hair at fire and smoke, according to the reports ofSlate. It is only in the 1710 years that children's books in England began to present witches in sharp hats.

The illustrations could have been based on hats carried by other marginalized groups. In 1215, the Fourth Council of Lateran, a Council summoned byPope Innocent III In Rome, Jews needed to identify themselves with a "judnhat" cone-shaped. According toSlateIn 1431, "Hungarian legal codes need new offenders of witchcraft to walk among their peers in" Culminous Jews "caps."

And their slakes are symbols of "femininity and life domesticity".

witch silhouette on bright orange sky

While the exact origin of the Words-Boulais, too, can not be pinned, the historians have identified theFirst known image of a woman on a broom. In an illustration that was drawn in the margins of the 1451 edition of the French poetMartin the franc The ladies champion (The Defender of the Ladies), two women are surprised - a climb on a stick and the other overlap a broom.

Dylan Thuras ToAtlas obscura Explain that "the broom was a symbol of female family life, but the broom was also phallic, so there was a symbol of female sexuality, so femininity and wild family life."

One of the last recordings of a witch is in the Bible.

bible in a church building, crazy kardashian facts

You can not associate the witches with the Bible, but Samuel's book contains what we believe to be one of the last recordings of a witch. The entrance was probably written between 931 BC. and 721 B.C. According to theHistorical chainHe "tells the story of when King Saul looked for the witch of the endor to convene the dead spirit of the Prophet Samuel to help him to overcome the Philistine army. The witch woke up Samuel, who then propheimed the Death of Saul and his sons. The next day, according to the Bible, the sons of Saul died in combat and Saul committed suicide. "

Sweden has Easter witches.

girl dressed as easter witch

In the United States, witches are associated with Halloween. But in Sweden, there are Easter witches. According toTime, "Little girls dressed in rags and old clothes, too big skirts and shawls and go to the door with a copper kettle in search of treats. The tradition comes from the old belief that the witches would fly to a German mountain. .. Before Easter to Cavent with Satan. On the way back, the Swedes would light the fires to frighten them, a practice honored today by the fires of joy and the fireworks throughout the earth. "

There is a world record for the greatest gathering of people dressed as witches.

hooded figures on barren landscape

Dress like a witch is one ofMost popular costumes Each Halloween. And if you wanted to win theGuinness World Record For the "greatest gathering of people dressed as witches at a time," you would need about 2,000 people. The current registration was defined on November 16, 2013, in sorting, Lleida, Spain and included 1,607 costumed participants.

There is a legal book of nearly 600 years on witchcraft.

stack of damaged books

Sorcery had become such a serious concern in the 15th century than in 1484,Pope Innocent VIII issued a papal bull call For the destruction of the propagation of witchcraft in Germany. Following his bull, in 1486, two Dominican priests,Johann SnaprengerandHeinrich Kraemer, wroteMalfaisFicarum Malleus, whoIncluded detailed accounts on how to identify, investigate and punish witches. It has been accepted by both Roman Catholics and Protestants.

Puritan Christians believed that witches could turn into black cats.

black cat halloween

With magic and brooms, black cats are one of the most common things associated with witches. And it turns out, this association comes from a purity Christian belief of the fifteenth century that the witches could turn into black cats at a moment of notice to avoid death.

According toSfgate"While being sentenced to death, a German witch would have hidden the judge, feared threats to the priest and cursed his executioner. As the story goes, she was dragged from the yard and linked to a pile of tearing. So That the flames got up around her, there was a flash of light and a black cat jumped from the flames and crossed the surprised crowd. "

Up to 80,000 suspected wizards were put to death in Europe.

witch hunt watercolor 1555

Hysteria linked to the witch Excluded in Europe between the 1500 and 1660 and an unimaginable number of innocent innocent people were put to death. It is estimated that 80,000 suspected wizards died during these years, whether while being tested and tried or punished and executed. Germany has executed most witches, while Ireland has performed the least to execute the least.

The last time someone has been convicted of witchcraft was in 1944.

salem witch trial drawing

The last time someone has been convicted of witchcraft only 75 years ago.Jane Rebecca Yorkewas a way to eastern London whocame to the London police radar Because of his assertions, she could talk to parents who died in the war. It was judged to take advantage of the sorrow of people and was sentenced under the law of witchcraft, a law adopted in 1735. However, rather than being burned by the issue, it was sentenced to a fine £ 5.

There are many witches practicing in the United States today.

witch table

Witches have not only been around for thousands of years, but they are also very strong today. According to an analysis of several studies byNewsweekThere were about 1.5 million practicing witches across the United States in 2018, which means that they are slightly lower than the 1.4 million major members of the Presbyterian Church. Not to mention, the number of witches is on the rise; In 1990, there were only 8,000 practicing witches.

"Wicca has effectively reconditioned witchcraft forMillennium consumption," authorJulie Roy RecountTHE CHRISTIAN POST In 2018, "SatanicCraft and Paganism are no longer satanic and demonic, it is a" pre-Christian tradition "that promotes" free thought "and the" understanding of land and nature ".

Modern witches celebrate eight holidays per year.

wiccan book

Like most other forms of spiritually and modern witches following the Wiccan tradition celebrate public holidays. Represented overall by theWheel of the yearIndividual festivals are designed to celebrate the trip from the Earth around the sun.

They include Yule (which takes place on the winter solstice), Imbolc (the spring preparation, which takes place on February 1 and 2), Ostara (which celebrates the end of the winter), Beltane (which takes place the May 1st), Litha (which celebrates the summer solstice), Lammas or Lugharnasadh (which celebrates a hope of an abundant harvest), Mabon (who celebrates a moment of thanks) and Samhain (which takes place on October 31).

And Halloween is a new year of witch.

little girl holding trick or treating pumpkin on halloween

On October 31 can be Halloween, but it's also Samhain (Sow-in), a new year of Wiccan Witch and the most important holidays on their calendar. According toWicca living, "This [holidays] marks the end of the growth season and the beginning of the winter, which must be prepared for the moment serious ... the word" Samhain "comes from the old Irish and is thought by a lot to translate like "summer. "

Witches Wiccan do not believe in the devil.

the devil

Witches may have acquired a reputation throughout history as devil worshipers, but Satan is not part of their belief system. According toTanenbaum Center for an interreligious understanding,"Wiccans do not believe in Satan (contrary to the idea that Wiccans worship the devil). Some believe in good and harm, while others prefer more fluid concepts such as order and chaos. "

Some witches fly solo and others belong to croves.

witch coven

Whenmodern witches Gather with a selected group of other practitioners, they are called a cottage. While some witches prefer to do things on their own and are known as solitary witches - those who want to practice in a group can search for a suitable cagnant to help feed their needs.

A book of spells of witch is called a book of shadows.

witch spellbook

Many modern witchs have a collection of rituals or recipes they use in their ceremonies or festivals. When gathered in a place, this collection is called a book of shadows. According toWicca living, "A book of shadows is a bit like a newspaper, but with a resolutely spiritual and magical focus. This can include spells, names and dates of Sabbaths and Esbats [Wicca Holidays], incantations and Other ritual languages, magic correspondence lists for colors, crystals and herbs, and a host of other other useful magic miscels. "

The fastest marathony dressed in a witch ran in just under 3 hours and a half.

london marathon runners

April 23, 2017,Nicola Nuttall U.K. took the London marathon. It was his second time trying the feat overall, as well as his second time, while wearing the spellcaster costume (she even put on a pointed hat). Crossing the finish line at 3 o'clock, 26 minutes, 13 seconds, sheturn the world For the fastest marathon managed by a woman dressed in a witch. And if you want to put yourself in a fantastic mood yourself, check out the15 pieces of decoration of the target halloween for spoookacular holidays.

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