Here is the sexy Halloween costume "Handmaid's's's Halloween sparkling so many reactions

Yes, the lingerie store Yandy shot it.

In addition to the pumpkin Spice Lattes and Instagram photos in pumpkin patches, one of the most reliable annual traditions of autumn consists in seeing what kind of a new Halloween outfit the Yandy lingerie store can be possible.

The online retail store is infamous for debuting sexy versions of costumes for things that are not really supposed to be sexy, such as "Sexy Donald Trump" and "Sexy Pizza Rat".

Often, these little orthodox costumes inspire the shock and laughter, but this time they took it a little too far with a sexy version of the red caillette and the white hood worn by the slave women of the dystopic world of the dystopian world ofThe tale of the hand of the hand.

"An upsetting dystopian future has emerged where women no longer have any words to say. However, we say to be bold and say your mind in this courageous red girl costume with a mini red dress, an assorted coat with a hood Attached and a white helmet hood. (Pantyhose not included.) "The description read.

The costume has become something of a symbol in the women's rights movement, with activists around the world doing red dress at events and walks. Earlier this month, a group of women dressed in hand hand-son stood in a silent event outside the confirmation room of the judge of the Supreme Court of CandidatesBrett Kavanaugh, A vocal anti-abortion.

Since the entire costume has come to represent the struggle for women's rights, especially with regard to their body, you can see how some people have been scandalized to see a "sexy" version of the outfit for sale.

However, to be fair, there are other people who think that the costume is somehow subversive and represents the right of a woman to possess her sexuality.

Nevertheless, Friday, Yandy released a statement indicating that they remove the costume because of the reaction:

"Yandy has always resisted and will continue to stand up, at the forefront of encouraging our customers to" own your sexy ". We support our customers being comfortable in their skin, whatever they are or what 'They choose to wear. Our business ideology is rooted in female empowerment and gender empowerment. In recent hours, it has become clear that our Yandy' the brave suit of red girl is considered a symbol of women's oppression rather than an expression of women's empowerment. It is unfortunate, because it was not our intention of a level. Our initial inspiration to create the play was to attend its Current use in recent months as a powerful protest image. "

For more information on sexism and female fashion, checkWhy every dress should be equipped with pockets.

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Tags: Halloween
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