The 30 most funny reality years show moments of all time

Flying prosthetic legs! Bluetooth surgical! William hanging on!

Does reality show all scripts? It's like asking if the professional struggle is real or if Shakespeare really wroteMacbethandHamletOr if his pieces were written by another guy. We do not care honestly.Why should it import if the tragedy is still so intense and at least in the case of the shows of reality, involuntarily hilarious?

Is it not only when the shows of reality are at their best, after all? When people slide from their carefully constructed facades and show us who are really? They crush too hard, or cry too hard, or do the most embarrassing thing at least timely, or say something that seemed really great in the head but never should have said aloud. We like everything, probably because it's the part of reality shows that 100% is authentic.

Here are 30 of our favorite moments of the shows of reality, which are also the funniest. Because sometimes, when people behave insane and irrational and stupid, it's when they show us who are really. And for more reality hilarious-show moments, here'sThe 30 most funny reality years show troards of all time.

Selfies in prison,keeping up with the Kardashians

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Reality Show

Driving your sister to prison, she can therefore serve time for violation of probation, may not be the best time to take selfies. But do not tell Kim Kardashian.She does not even stop When his mother starts to shout, "Stop taking pictures of yourself, your sister goes to prison." And for more surreal times,Here are Paris Hilton Make a good impression of Kim Kardashian - Photos.

The pro shothe leg,Genuine women at home in New York

Real Housewives of New York Reality Show Prosthetic Leg

When Aviva Drescher felt faded by his molding companions during a dinner, she did what a reasonable person with a prosthetic leg would do. Sheremoved his false member, slammed on the table and said: "The only thing that is artificial or false about me isthis! "

Bros before the hair stuffed,Jersey Shore

Pauly D and Vinny Reality Show

How much does Paly D and Vinny love each other? PaulyExplain"On the beach, I had a piece of plush in my hair and vinny went out and it was the most beautiful thing that anyone ever made for me." AWWWW. And if you want to learn to look as well as these two, be sure to check the20 tours celebrities forever amazing on photos.

William Hung gives his best herself,American idol

William Hung American Idol Reality Show

How did a Civil Engineering Student at UC Berkeley did without any singing ability and a laughing sex charism becomes aAmerican idolBreakout Star By boiling a song by Ricky Martin?Watch William hanging in action and learn from the master. And then, if you always want to laugh, check the75 jokes that are so bad are actually funny.

The snake and the rat,Survivor

Survivor Season One Finale Reality Show

The first season ofSurvivorCompleted with one of the bizarre and hilarious monologues in the history of the show. The Hawk Truck driver evoked his frustration by comparing the two finalists with a rat and a snake, saving his greatest contempt from Kelly Wiglesworth.

"If I still had to convey to life in life, and that you were there, dying thirst, I will not give you a glass of water"she said. "I would leave the vultures take you and do what they want with you, without sick regret." To burn!

Is there chicken in the chicken of the sea?Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica

Jessica Simpson Chicken or Fish Reality Show

He has only taken one episode for Jessica Simpson to prove that she was not the brightest pencil in the box of Crayola. "Does this chicken, what I have, or fish?"she asked Her husband Nick Lachey, while eating tuna fish. "I know it's tuna, but it says" chicken ... By the sea "- Oh Lordy. And for more bad decisions of celebrities, here is the30 tattoos of the worst celebrities.

The ionic ear,Shark aquarium

Shark Tank Ionic Ear Reality Show

What everyone wants, a Bluetooth device that can be implanted surgically in your auditory channel. Wait What? Theshocked expressions on theShark aquariumInvestors are subject to summing our feelings exactly.

Justin Timberlake shouts,Punk'd

Justin Timberlake Prank'D Reality Show

Long before he was waiting for crowds at the mid-time show of Super Bowl, Justin Timberlake wasjokeBy Ashton Kutcher, who brought the pop superstar to tears by convincing him that his home, cars and dogs were being resumed at the IRS for $ 900,000 in return taxes.

"My beef is broken!",Incredible breed

Amazing Race Ox Reality Show

We have never used beef to plow an index during a reality competition. We therefore have no reference framework. But apparently it's pretty difficult thatA person could scream ostensibly, ignoring inherent hilarity, "my beef is broken!" Of course it's. And for more moments of goofy, here is the40 facts so funny are hard to believe.

50 cents will push you to a pool,The next model of America

50 Cent Pushes Model into Pool Reality Show

Listen, we are sure that Fidddy Cent is a pretty good guy, but if you continue to prevent it and you do not take a response for an answer, even if you are a super hot model, there is a very good luckhe will push you in a small body of water.

Menotter of ancient,Duck dynasty

Duck Dynasty Handcuffed Together Reality Show

If your uncle iswill handle yourself to you Without knowing where the key is, the least it can do is to put its drip by tilting next to the truck. It's just a common courtesy, right?

Ozzy does not like bubbles,Osbournes

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne Reality Show

"Oh come Sharon"Ozzy was heard to exclaim By learning that there would be an explosion of bubbles in his rock show otherwise dark and demonic. "I am (expletive) Ozzy Osbourne, the Prince of Darkness (expletive). Evil! Evil! What (expletive) bad about (expletive) of bubbles (expletive)!?" Uh-oh, everyone, it looks like grandfather is upset.

Madonna baby,Toddlers and Tiaras

Toddlers and Tiaras Cone Bra Reality Show

A 2-year-old contest in a beauty contest is quite offensive, but a 2 year old childdancing At a song of Madonna when dressed in a golden body with a pointed cone bra, it's when it's time to call child protection services.

Wash your Noots Toosie,That's honey boobo

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Dirty Reality Show

Mouseto explain Why it's important to wash your biscuit at least once every two weeks. What is, let's hope - something you already knew. It is important to have parental role models "in real on my toose".

"The Sanasa Song",Simple life

The Simple Life Nichole Richie Reality Show

What devil is aSanasa? We are still not sure even Nicole Richie knows it.

Microwave chicken,Flavor of Love

Flavor of Love Uncooked Chicken Reality Show

We still have nightmares about Schatar's gross chicken entrance "Hottie" Sapphira, which was barely warmed up in the microwave and his gross vegetables and uncut. Mmmm, feel like a delicious salmonella.

Loading a crossbow,Pawn Stars

Pawn Stars Loading Crossbow Reality Show

We know we should not laugh. We probably do not have the power of the top of the body to load a crossbow either. But there is just something about two chubby guys trying to load a medieval weapon whilesaying "It would take you to always kill someone" who makes us sex t'ilicker.


Project Runway All Stars Bad Outfit Reality Show

We appreciate the haute couture as much as anyone, but aa new outfit In the style of "Fragonard Madame de Pompadour meets the 21st century Rockstar Slash Williamsburg Hasidic Gentleman" It looks like a little bit.

Crabs passing from gas,The most murderer capture

Deadliest Catch Smelly Farts Reality Show

Who knew the secret to be a successful crab fisherman was as simple aslooking for "Fart Bubbles"?

Her Majesty, Sir Bonehead,keeping up with the Kardashians

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Knighting Reality Show

"I do not need to walk like a kind of peasant"noted Kourtney beautiful scott deherent, as an explanation of why he had to be knight at the U.K. It does not matter, it is always a tool. And if you can not have enough Kardashians, check whyThe last selfie Kim Kardashian is his most controversial again.

The man flying from "cannies",Flickers

Cops Beer in Jeans Reality Show

Many drunks have been explodedFlickersbut nobody stole our hearts rather like self-described "Las Vegas's lonely man", who was not only inxicated by brewing breweries, but he also had a bag filled with clothes for women. Oras he called them, "Pannies". Oy.

Wheels of cheese,Incredible breed

Amazing Race Cheese Comp Reality Show

Watch Try to roll wheels of 50 pounds of cheese up a hill should not be this entertaining, but in one way or another, it ends up being as satisfying as a brothers Marx movie.

Cooking Fish,The cooking of hell

Hell's Kitchen Raj Reality Show

Raj, our least favorite competitor ever onThe cooking of hell(If only because it was clearly incompetent), it is burst to eat fish remains in the kitchen, like a breaded raccoon in a leader brand. "Do not you have enough there?"Gordon Ramsey asked, expressing the least of our concerns.

Why would you like to eat the bow?Genuine housewife of the County of Orange

Real Housewives of Orange County Cake Bow Reality Show

Who eats the icing bow on a cake? More importantly, which is so upset when they realize that someone has eaten the frosted arc on a cake thatthey call it "Without class and disgusting?" A real housewife is who is who.

Call-up cleaning awakening,Surreal life

The Surreal Life Housekeeping Reality Show

When the new kid Jordan Knight was not satisfied with sleep arrangements, he decided to make life just as miserable for all the other celebrities in the list B in theSurreal lifeStart by striking on their doors of the hotel andscream, "Houseeeeeeping!" Act act all the way.

"Where -z-la-beeech?",Jersey Shore

Jersey Shore Snooki Beach Reality Show

We feel the pain of Snooki. Which among us did not drink too much cocktails and thenCan not find the beach Even though it was right in front of them? Oh yes, it's true, literally nobody does it.

Fruit buckle,Big Brother

Big Brother Fruit Loop Dingus Reality Show

You know how much some things have just a good cooler in your head they come out of your mouth? It must have been the case with Zach, when hetried to burn epic One of the household covers with "well, there is fruit buckle Dingus-I bet you did not see it coming." UM okay.

Paris Hilton never heard of Walmart,Simple life

The Simple Life Paris Hilton Reality Show

We knew that Paris Hilton was out of contact even before it and Buddy Nicole Richie had their own television show. But whenSimple lifeFirst and it was forced to interact with normal people and determine what Heck Walmart is -His best hypothesis: "They sell tricks walls?" - We have seen the true depth of his privilege.

Ozzy Osbourne goes after a wandering cat,Osbournes

Ozzy Osbourne Stray Cat Reality Show

Wait, did this guy not bite the head of a bat? How did he comefor that?

Horse pants,Shark aquarium

Shark Tank Horse Pants Reality Show

Leave it to Jimmy Kimmel to deliver the best other land ofShark aquariumThe story of this one. "Years ago, I took my family at a hospitality zoo"He told the panel of investors. "I was disturbed by what I saw, and more importantly what my family saw. Every animal he was naked."

He suggested the idea of ​​pants for horses, especially "Docker-style khaki", also available in Freight Shorts and Spanx. It was a joke, of course, but we could totally see these things becoming better sellers.And for more ways to tickle your funny bone, do not miss the20 funny things to ask your Amazon Alexa.

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