Facebook's position of mom's relatible about his concerns like a parent becomes viral

The worries of Jess Johnston on the question of if she is "enough" connects with parents everywhere.

On October 25,Wonder bloggerJess Johnston shared a post on itThe Facebook page that any parent can relate to. Johnston, who lives in California with her husband and four children, described what sheworries about a parent and the way she thinks she couldbe a better mother.

"I do not play with my children as much as I should," she writes. "I'm grumpy. Yesterday, they ate a pizza for the second time this week."

She does not like not to cook or make crafts, even though she "wanted she did" and feels like she coulddo more household tasks. "My house is like a giant garment and an explosion of crumbs," she wrote. "I should really have them keep their rooms cleaner, but sometimes I just want to choose another battle."

She is worried that it is his fault that his children "getting bicker" and, at night, she is so tired that she fell asleep on the couch while eating snacks and looking at the television. And when she makes the bed, she wakes up worryingly she could beRaise your young children better. "I think I'm wondering if they brush all the teeth pretty well," she wrote. "I'm too hard on the oldest and too mate with the youngest."

She feels bad for being distractedOther concerns And not to listen to them. "I'm wondering all the time if I do a good job and if they know how much I love them," she wrote.

Johnston's position was asked as a conversation between her and God. In the end, God asks Johnston, "Do you love them?" "With all my whole heart," she replies. "You seem wonderful," says God in return.

The post was quickly viral, winning more than 60,000 shares in less than a week and its message has resoned widely.

"It was a difficult week for me and I had a mom's time not so proud. ... Every word of this is so true," wrote a Facebook user. "Thank you forlet me know that I'm not alone! "

"Do you absolutely like this," wrote another Facebook user. "Do not feel I'm doing enough things, but my boys are my world and I tell them I love them many times a day and give it a hug and kissing good night. Thank you for making me feel" normal " - ISH. "

After all, we are all humans and sometimes we fail. Wedo you worry too much, then we worry about worrying too much, and many of us are numerous on theanxiety All the time.

But Johnston's position is a reminder that, as a parent, if you like your children, you do enough. And if you are worried, you do not do a good job pretty good, so it's thea sign of a great parent.

Categories: Relationships
Tags: kids / News / Parenthood
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