These living residents assisted go viral photos for their "return to school"

"There is so much value and so much value from our elderly."

In recent years, parents tookFirst day of school photos of their children proudlyholding signs This lists their age, grade and some of their favorite things. Usually, the responses are less than 10, less than 5th and princesses and / or dinosaurs. But the inhabitants ofView of the living garden living In Carroll, Iowa, decided to have fun and recreate this popular "back to school"Trend with a very soft trial. They took pictures by holding a white card with their age, the year they graduates and their advice for students today.

In just a few days, the photos havebecome viral, touching the hearts of the many people who saw them.

Living Director Assisted Garden ViewKARI NUZBACKRecountBetter life She first had the idea of ​​doing theseries series From a friend who told him about an installation that had done something similar. Two days later, she made it happen.

And the residents were immediately on board with the idea. "It's a really fun and outgoing group, so they did not think about it," said Nuzback.

seniors bacl-to-school photos
Courtesy of the Garden Assisted Living View

For example, meet Mary, who graduated "there are a lot of moons" and hopes that children today "do the best [they] can and have fun doing it."

seniors back-to-school photos
Courtesy of the Garden Assisted Living View

Even staff members participated in the pleasure, like Gina, who joked that she is "older than dirt" and graduated in the class of "would not want to know".

seniors back-to-school photos
Courtesy of the Garden Assisted Living View

The photos were posted on Facebook on August 23 and they received more than 11,000 tastes and tons of love and support since then.

"That's wonderful!" Facebook user andteacherSara L. Quigley written in the comments. "I saved your message to show my students. Thank you very much for all participants in their wise advice! I was also quite surprised by the age of the residents - they try quitescattered and healthy! "

seniors back-to-school photos
Courtesy of the Garden Assisted Living View

NuzBack said they were "shocked" that the photos removed the way they did.

"We are very happy in our narrow rural community, so we can get messages from people in Canada and Japan is overwhelming, but it's amazing."

seniors back-to-school photos
Courtesy of the Garden Assisted Living View

She hopes that the photos left people know this lifeshould not stop being fun After a certain age and that they change the way people are traditionally watching assisted living facilities.

"Of course, eachOld person wants to stay at home if it can because that's what they are used to, but many times, you get an independence arriving at an assisted living center because you have so much more choice, "said Nuzback . More, "your children become to bechildren instead of caregivers. "

seniors back-to-school photos
Courtesy of the Garden Assisted Living View

"We provide so much pleasure and socialization," she added, noting that the institution has a pub and that they do thematic evenings once a month. Recently, it was Woodstock.

seniors back-to-school photos
Courtesy of the Garden Assisted Living View

Before that, it was a luau. "Honestly, it's likeHalloween Every month here, she said.

seniors back-to-school photos
Courtesy of the Garden Assisted Living View

More importantly, NuzBack hopes that photos encourage people to visit andcherish the elderly in their lives.

"These are the most vibrant people and such a vault of information and, unfortunately, they are sometimes neglected," she said. "There is so much value and so much about our elderly and clearly that the world wants more."

And for more inspiring photos, seeThe magnificent portraits of the older couples of this photographer will make you believe in love again.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: aging / News / Over 40
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