33 important ways to prepare your children at divorce

How to make a painful situation as painful as possible.

Whether you are together five years or 50,Divorce is rarely painless - and when there iskids Involved, it's much more complicated. Between making custody arrangements, determine how to divide the stuff of children between your two houses and worry about Sa-said - she says, the process is required to stay hard on everyone involved.

However, with adequate planning, you can handle your divorce in a way that does not have to feel as if the world of children crashes on them. Of course, this will not be easy, but these 33 leading divorce expert advice can make this split easier on your children - and on you, long-term.

Make the announcement once the wheels are already moving.

Divorce papers Being signed, prepare children for divorce

An error of many divorced relatives is to tell their children their intention to divorce long before thebullet is driving.David Reischer, Esq., Lawyer in the family law in New York and CEO ofLegaladvice.comsaid that if parents have a change of heart, it can finally be damaging for children, noting "people frequently change the mind".

Make sure you and your ex are on the same page before delivering the news.

man fighting with girlfriend on couch, things you should never say to your spouse
Shutterstock / Wavebreakmedia

Before deciding to break the news to your children, get the same page of the exact language you will use to tell them what's going on. "Strive to have an agreement with your partner on how the situation will be treated," says the clinical psychologistDr. Carla Marie Manly, author ofAging happily. "Children are doing much better with the news of divorce when parents are positive and aligned."

Plan a good time to deliver the news.

calendar page flipping sheet close up background

Before breaking the news to your children, set a specific time and mounting location to do it. TherapistRaffi Bilek, LCSW-C, Director of theBaltimore Therapy Center, suggests finding a time whenstress is weak and nobody has expected at least a few hours. As Bilek emphasizes, making the announcement, then sending children toschoolFor example, could make it impossible for them to focus.

Limit distractions by telling them from divorce.

mom and dad sitting on a white couch playing with cell phones in front of their young daughter, prepare children for divorce

Take your childrenThe world of Disney To break the news may seem like a great way to cushion the shot, but to be in your home at home will really work better for everyone involved. Instead, "make sure they are in a quiet and safe space such as their garden, their living room or some serene setting that is free from distractions," says Manly. And to make sure that the message passes without confusion, ask everyone to put theirdevices Low during the conversation.

Clearly indicate that they are not responsible for what is happening.

Asian Mom With Two Kids, prepare children for divorce

Although repeating "it's not your fault" still and more may seem cliché, says it is important to reiterate the fact that your children have nothing to do with your decision to split. Make sure they know that your decision is "strictly two adults needing to separate because of differences."

Do not assume that you know how your kids will answer.

parents looking at son sitting on couch, prepare children for divorce
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As you could assume that your children will feel wounded, angry or confused about the news of your divorce, make room for them to have and express their own feelings about it.

If they are angry instead of sad, or seem neglected, do not push them to imitate your own response to changes in the family. According toGRADY SULLIVAN ofDivorce parenthood Program in Kansas City, Missouri, it is important to realize that "children can meet an emotional answer completely different from you".

Ask your child how they feel after making the announcement.

a father sitting down next to his son child and talking, prepare children for divorce

The best way to understand how your children feel about your divorce is simple: just ask. Sullivan suggests that parents are asking for how their children feel specific changes in the family structure, as will live where, or what divorce means for special occasions in the future.

Accept that divorce itself may not be the most difficult thing for them.

mom hugging young daughter, prepare children for divorce

It's easy to assume that the idea of ​​their parents separate can be the most difficult part of the process for your children. But let them tell you what they are the mostconcerned about his projection. Since the concept of divorce is difficult for young children to fully seize, they might have different concerns that are as valid, like who will pick them up from school, where their late animals will live, or how close they will be livefriends.

Have a call therapist.

therapist sits in chair as young boy sits on ottoman during therapy session, prepare children for divorce

Before announcing your split to your children, align atherapist, suggests a psychiatristCarole Lieberman, M.D. provide your children with a neutral ground to express their feelings - without the fear of the judgment or to hurt the parties involved - can help them treat some of the great emotions they cross.

And hire a mediator.

parent teacher conference with young child, prepare children for divorce

Have a hand mediator before making the announcement can make all the difference on how the situation plays your children. "Lawyers are there to fight for your rights and it does not always deal with what is in the best interests of your children - or from you in this field, "saysPaige Harley, trauma trained a trained mediator, a certified parent coordinator and a certified traumatic stress-based divorce transition coach based in the Nashville, Tennessee region.

Plan your absolute priority.

back to school countdown calendar, prepare children for divorce

Of course, divide the guard or dividefinance are the most pressing problems for you and your ex, but for small children who do not necessarily understand the ins and the success of these decisions, a lack of clarity on planning can often encourage more stress - that's why he is important to tackle this first.

"Resolving problems with the annex of children should be the first priority of all parent," says Florida-based divorce prosecutorRussell D. Knight. "Money problems will always be waiting for you once the children's program is over."

To be expressive about your feelings towards them.

young girl hugging her mother, prepare children for divorce
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If you fear that to be lovey-dovevey with your children during a divorce, do not be an extra stress on them, it's not an important moment to reiterate how much they mean for you and that neither you nor your Ex never feel differently about them.

If you want to give them a sense of security, "communicate that both parentslove It does not matter what the result "the divorce process suggests a marriage advisorDr. Tim Barron LPCC-S, from Cincinnati, Ohio.

Tell them they do not have to choose a parent.

a father and his son sitting on a lawn in a park and talking, prepare children for divorce

Many children feel obliged to show their allegiance to a parent or to the other, especially in the case of litigation divorces, it is therefore important to clarify their clarification that it is not necessary. To help mitigate the issue, parents should "reassure them that they will see both parents and they do not have to" take advantage "," says Barron.

Explain exactly what will change day by day.

disapproving mom

Instead of changing major changes, such asvacation In the new houses or separatebirthday Celebrations, on your children, tell them exactly what remains the same and what is different. Barron suggests communicating the specific daily changes of their routine and maintain a permanent dialogue on these changes.

Give them a reading game of your next steps.

dad reading a book to his young daughter, prepare children for divorce

"See a packagedsuitcase At the front door before discovering that your parents separate creates a shock for a child, who is part of the trauma of the divorce, "saidAdina Mahalli, MSW, a certified mental health consultant and a Toronto, Canada family care specialist. To help minimize this shock and trauma, give your children a play of how the weeks and months after the announcement will tighten, when the movers will arrive for things when they spend their first night in a new house.

Make the two parents specify are always on the same team.

mother crouched down talking to daughter sitting on table, prepare children for divorce
Shutterstock / Lightfield Studios

While some children will act as parents of dual facts after a split, which says you are a unified front at the beginning, the process will facilitate things on all concerned. It is important that they know that "mom and dad are on the same team and can not be opposed against each other" before attempting to take advantage of the situation, saysTara Neenhard, a divorce coach and a mediator in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and author ofD-Word: divorce through the eyes of a child.

Hold regular family meetings on divorce.

women with their children, prepare children for divorce

Do not let the announcement of your divorce be the last time you talk about the process with your children with your family. Eisenhard recommends keeping regular family meetings to provide children with space to discuss their feelings and concerns. "It keeps family-related family and gives all family members of the valuable information to help determine how to continue moving forward in the most appropriate way," she says.

Make changes to the finances of your clear family before they occur.

Money for Travel Money Facts

Not to be coming about financial changes can possibly trap parents in expense patterns that they can no longer afford to maintain, require more significant and often drastic changes in the life of a child, instead of those they know how to anticipate.

"Sell the house, change schools, cutcampand the degradation or elimination of holidays must be explained to children in advance, "saysLou Cannataro, CHFC, Rebc, AEP, CASL, CLU, President ofCannataro Park Avenue Financial At New York.

If a parent returns to work, break the new early.

father picking up his child son from school and carrying his backpack, parent divorce

Divorce frequently means a parent who previouslystay at home must return to work. If this is the case, "just state it factually," Harley explains.

"Do not complain about your child or be naughty at the other parent, whether you choose or not." Instead, let them express their concerns about these changes and let them know how it will change their schedule as soon as you can possibly.

Refuse to blame.

finger pointing

Even if there has been serious hostility orinfidelityThese details do not need to be communicated to your children at the announcement. Whatever better, in the long run, it's "to be as objective as possible without blaming the party," says Bilek.

Make a pact to avoid talking negatively from each other.

Shaking hands, prepare children for divorce

As difficult as it may be, especially in the case of an acrimonious split, Lieberman says that negatively talking about a parent in front of children will only cause long-term damage. So, clearly indicate to your ex soon that there will be no injuriant remark on the other parent when you have your children with you.

Allow your children to consult their new rooms first and foremost.

children's room, prepare children for divorce
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One of the largest stressors of divorces for children is the idea ofsleeping somewhere nine. To help them cross this, Barron suggests providing sufficient details on where they will stay, when and what is the new space. Show them pictures of the new house, talk about their new room and make the change seems exciting, not scary.

Let the kids have a voice on what's left and what's going on.

young girl and mother folding laundry, prepare children for divorce
Shutterstock / Yuganov Konstantin

Instead of moving everything for your children and show them a fully furnished room, let them choose what they move in the new home, suggests Harley. Although it may feel a personal loss when you see them by taking their beloved property of your home, it gives them a sense of control over a situation that is differently out of their hands.

Put a picture of your child and their other parents in their new room.

Photo Frame With Priceless Image

Complete your child's new room, "aPhoto From your child and the other parent in their room is an excellent idea, "says Harley." This sends a strong positive message, which is: I support you to love your other parent! "However, it warns against setting up a photo of the entire family, as can give your child for fake hope for reconciliation.

Take them "New House" shopping.

mom and daughter clothes shopping, prepare children for divorce

Getting your kids Some new things for their new room can make it feel like a special experience instead of a frightening. A new set of leaves, a new plush animal or just a cool poster for their wall can make all the difference when it comes to seeing space as at home.

But do not go to the sea with gifts.

mom giving teenage daughter gift-wrapped box, prepare children for divorce
Shutterstock / Fizkes

While buying some new things for your child's new room to make them feel at home, Harley warns against too much. "Do not give up at the temptation not to say no when you know you should", "she precarious.

Playdate Playdates at the house of your ex.

kids laughing outdoors, prepare children for divorce
Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

If you want the new home of your child seems as special as their old, create game shelves with their friends in the new space. In doing so, you will help ensure all fear about these who had to miss in time with their friends the days they pass with a parent or the other - something that can quickly acider a child on their new arrangement.

Ask your children if they hope you come back together.

father dad son

Films and television shows pretend as if divorced parents can be easily persuaded to reconcile, but it is important to ensure that your children have realistic expectations about the future of your relationship entering the divorce.

Instead of leaving these wishes disappear, "Ask your children if they fantastically come back with your old spouse," says Harley. This opens the door to a conversation that they could otherwise feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with and allow you to meet their potentially unrealistic expectations.

Discuss the meeting as an abstract concept before becoming a reality.

teen talking to dad, prepare children for divorce

Before starting to think of yourself asone person again, "Talk about dating before [you] start to that day," says Harley. Discussing the fact that you could, at some point, see new people, can facilitate the task that your children do not have fun with the idea before becoming a reality.

Explain that the new partner of a parent is not a betrayal.

interracial family, prepare children for divorce
Shutterstock / Halfpoint

It is also important to specify that your children who love another significant other does not mean they betray you. Let them know that they can tell you about your ex partner without it becoming an emotional problem for you.

Make sure the solo time you have together is focused exclusively on them.

woman holding baby and cell phone, reach a customer service rep

If you are suddenly feel good for your solo children for the first time, give them your personal attention on the days you have them. "You get to start fresh!" Said Harley, who recommends taking this time to really get to know your head-to-head children.

Tell them that the time of the family is always on the table.

playing a board game, prepare children for divorce

Just because you and your old spouse will not be together as a couple does not mean that your children will never see you in the same room. Arrange activities in which you can always spend time as a family can make the transition easier - just specify that your ability to be friends with your ex is not an indication that you will possibly revive yourromantic relationship.

Tell them that you will always be a family.

lesbian mothers with adopted child, prepare children for divorce

Divorce can mean that your children have two bedrooms, two holiday celebrations, and maybe even parents on the photo possibly, but it's important to let them know that your divorce does not make you any less family . Clearly indicate that no matter what changes, they stay the top priority for you and your ex, and your parent-child bond - and your love for them - will never change. And to prepare for your split, make sure to know the40 best ways to prepare for divorce.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: Divorce / kids / Marriage
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