Here is the incredible answer of Rian Johnson to hateful <em> the last Jedi </ em>

He is #Sorrynotsorry.

It was a weekly week packed by an actionforStars wars Fans. On Twitter,Mark Hamill andChris Evans discussion About whether the LUKE Skywalker sword could cut through Captain America through the shield. In London,John Boyegavisited His old primary school to help children train like a Jedi. And directorRian Johnson Hanging on some of his criticisms in a pretty epic way.

WhileThe last JediHe wrote and directed, was both a critical and commercial success, he also has a lot of heat from some of the most dedicated fans of Saga for his representation of Luke Skywalker. In particular, the fans felt that Luke's Cantikkererser attitude and cynical was out of character for the beloved protagonist, and they really did not appreciate the fact [major spoiler alert!] He was dead at the end of the Film - Even though it was disappearing peacefully in force while watching the sunset.

Johnson politely closed the enemies since the film came out and his last valve can be the greatest.

Last week, a fan dug an old interview withGeorge Lucas, in which Lucas said he would never kill Luke because it would alienate the public. "This is a fairy tale. You want everyone to live happy forever and nothing bad happens to anyone. All the emotion I'm trying to put me at the end of the movie is that you are real raising, emotionally And spiritually, and you feel absolutely good about life, "he said.

The fan put the interview on Twitter with the legend ", the difference between George Lucas and Rian Johnson". Ouch.

Wednesday, however, Johnson himself replied with a series of quite wild screenshots with various characters killed or mutilated in the trilogy and the original prequels.

The fan answered by thanking him for his answer, but arguing that his "main grips are that you have abandoned the spirit and the heart ofStars wars In favor of your own ideas, opinions and mentalities, rather than pursuing a 40-year legacy. Skywalker and the rest of almost everything in the film subverts all that was. "Bucket!

Fortunately, Johnson had a firm answer but polite to that too.

"For me, TLJ 100% distill what the spirit and heart of SW have been in my life. But yes it's personal, it's a certain pov, and it must be - the originals were personal for GL, That's why they are alive. SW movies really betray the hearts and minds of originals if they lose that and become unrelated tributes. But being alive means to be messy, and that means every movie does not attack exactly with what every fan expects each fan expects I'm sorry, TLJ did not manage your own pov, really, honestly, I'm. Mtfbwy [the force be with you]. "

They may not have reached an agreement, but the exchange is actually a very rare and an excellent example of how to have a civilized debate on social media. Now, can someonePlease explain this main plot hole with respect to Obi-Wan Kenobi's dress?

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