25 cities in the United States which were state capitals

Once upon a time it was Savannah and Charleston, not Atlanta and Columbia.

Although we can not love admitting it, some of us would have a difficult time naming all theCapitals of the US state correctly. Wait, Philadelphiais not The capital of Pennsylvania? Nope! It's actually Harrisburg. But if you had the impression that it was Philly, do not stress, you are not quite incorrect - at some point. In fact, many state capitals have moved around several times over the years. It is therefore easy to lose a track. To help erase things, we gathered 25 cities in the United States, which are former state capitals.

Detroit, Michigan

capitol park in Detroit downtown Summer

Although it is not the current home of the Capitol Building of Michigan, Detroit was actually the first capital of mitten-shaped state. This was the case from 1828 to 1847, how muchIt has been moved to Lansing. The reason for the decision being that Detroit was too close to the border of "hostile Canadians", which were still a threat of the war of 1812.

Savannah, Georgia

famous fountain in savannah georgia

These days,Georgia's Capitol Building is sitting tight in Atlanta, theThe most populous city of the state. However, it was not always the case. In fact, Savannah-the oldest city of the state-Served as theFirst capital of the state And has carried this title and extinguished between 1777 and 1796. Meanwhile, increasing tensions between the coastal people and the highland Georgia have turned the capital regularly between Augusta and Savannah.

New Orleans, Louisiana

exterior architecture in New Orleans, southern and festive

It would not be illogical to assume New Orleans is the capital ofLouisiana-After everything is probably the most popular city of the state. However, although it may not be correct now - the current capital is Baton Rouge - it was at some point in history. After aFamine struck then-capital biloxi-killing thousands of residents - the capital of the statehas been moved in New Orleans in 1722, where it stayed until 1825. After changing destinations a handful of times, New Orleanswas appointed again The capital in 1864, but it was finally transferred to Baton Rouge in 1879.

Shreveport, Louisiana

Shreveport, Louisiana, USA downtown skyline over the river.

Follow the mandate of New Orleans, Shreveportserved in the capital of Louisiana During the civil war, 1863 at the end of the war. He moved here after the previous capital of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, was taken up by the troops of the Union and served as such that the last major Confederation force went to Shreveport in 1865.

Charleston, South Carolina

St. Michaels Church from Broad St. in Charleston, SC

Many people visit the state of South Carolina for the historic and charming town of Charleston - assuming as well as the capital of the state, when this honor actually belongs to Columbia. However, in 1756 at the first meeting of the South Carolina Assembly of Charlestonwas actually the capital. But in 1786, a vote decided that Columbia would suppose that the position due to its more centralized location in the state.

San Francisco, California

san francisco bridge and city skyline

California is, well, a very large state - it is not surprising that it has had many different capitals over the years. And in the case of the still evolutive city of San Francisco, being designatedTHE CAPITAL OF STATE was the result of the extreme weather. When heavy rains hit the Sacramento River in the early 1860s, California was forced to move their Sacramento legislature to the merchant exchange building in San Francisco. However, after the end of the 1862 session, Sacramento had recovered rainfall, the city took over its title as California capital.

San Jose, California

old building at the San Jose State University; the modern City Hall building in the background; San Jose, California (Old building at the San Jose State University; the modern City Hall building in the background; San Jose, California, ASCII, 117 comp

Before San Francisco or Sacramento, when California acquired a state in 1850, San Jose was incorporated as the first capital of the state, because it was the legislature of the previous year. But because of alack of suitable housing Facilities did not stay as long. In fact, within one year, Vallejo has been temporarily named the new capital of California.

Portland, Maine

Casco Bay Bridge spans Fore River connecting South Portland and Portland in Maine.

When Maine separated from the Massachusetts and became his own state in 1820, Portlandwas considered the temporary capital. Even though PortlandisThe most populous city of the state, many people wanted the capital to be more centralized. Thus, in 1827, the legislature moved the capital to Augusta, and remained there since, despite the best efforts of Portland to recover it.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

the landmark reproduction of Robert Indiana's Love sculpture located on John F. Kennedy Plaza in downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Philadelphia is not only one oflarger cities of the USIt was once the capital of our nation. Yet this has not been the state capital since 1799, when theGeneral Assembly of Pennsylvania Moved to Lancaster, a much more rural location. From 1799 to 1812, Lancasterserved as state capital Before Harrisburg named the permanent place of residence. And makes pleasure, Lancastertoo served a sinAs a capital of the nation-For one day, at least.

Iowa City, Iowa

iowa city old capitol building in iowa before being moved to des moines

The city of Iowa would seem the practical choice of the capital of Iowa - after all, it literally wears the name of the state. But thiswas only the capital All the way back in the 1800s. In 1847, the City of Iowa was appointed capital of the state because it had been in the reign of Iowa as a territory. And while the Iowa General Assembly voted to move the capital at most centralized monks - the current capital - in 1857, theOld Capitol building Can still be seen in Iowa City, currently used as a museum.

Kaskaskia, Illinois

overview of kaskaskia illinois separated by mississippi river

The first capital of Illinois is unique unique, seeing that it is now an island with few residents. Kaskaskia became the capital of the state in 1818, when the Illinois was admitted for the first time to the Union. But, just two years later, in 1820, aThe new Capitol building has been erected in Vandalia. In 1837, however, the decision was made to make Springfield the third and current, capital of Illinois.

What happened to Kaskaskia? AfterThe Mississippi River broke a new pathThe city was cut off from the rest of the state where it remained isolated for more than 135 years.

Windsor, Vermont

cityscape of windsor vermont

When Vermont became an official state in 1791, Windsorwas nicknamed the capital As it was known as the "Vermont birth place", where the constitution of the state was framed and signed. However, in 1805, the state moved its centralized capital of Montpellier, where it is still today.

New Haven, Connecticut

Fair Haven is a neighborhood in the eastern part of the city of New Haven, Connecticut, between the Mill and Quinnipiac rivers.

For a while, New Haven and Hartford acted asCo-capitals of Connecticut-A decision proposed all the return in 1701. The General Assembly of Connecticut turned when it carried out activities between the two sites until 1875. Next to that time, the State questioned the "Financial ramifications" of maintaining two distinct capitals and held a public vote for which city deserved the title. Unfortunately for New Haven, this vote went to Hartford.

Newport, Rhode Island

newport is a city in Newport County, Rhode Island, United States, about 30 miles south of Providence. Newport, also known as The City by the Sea, has been one of America's premier vacation destinations. Newport has more historic structures from the eighteenth century than any other city in America.

Rhode Island hadfive Co-capital cities In the 1800s, the city of Newport being one of them. However, in 1854, the state assembly minimized its rotation cycle to only two cities: Newport and Providence. And then, in 1900, Providence became the only capital.

Huntsville, Alabama

huntsville alabama cityscape

These days, the capital of Alabama is located in the city of Montgomery centralized. But when thatwas admitted At the Union in 1819, the capital of Alabama was located further north, near the Tennessee border, in the city of Huntsville. This is where the first Constitutional Convention of Alabama took place. However, Hunstville could only oppose the capital for a year before it was transferred to the city of Cahaba and possibly in 1846 Montgomery.

Kingston, Tennessee

kingston tennessee lake water

Kingston, Tennessee, had aSpecial tenure as the capital of the state-For one day, that is to say. One of the terms of Cherokes in the Treaty Tellico of 1805 was that the capital is transferred to Kingston and the state accepted the treaty. However, Cherokees failed to clarify howlong Kingston had to be the capital. So on September 21, 1807, the legislator met in the city for a few hours, making it the capital for exactly one day before returning the title to Knoxville.

Zanesville, Ohio

high angle view of the city of Zanesville, Ohio.

Many people know that Columbus is the capital of Ohio. But before Columbus,There were Zanesville. This city is located about 50 miles east of the current capital, replaced Chillicothe as the capital of Ohio in 1810 as a means of solidifying political control over Ohio Oriental. However, efforts were short-lived because the capital returned to Chillicothe just two years later.

Wheeling, West Virginia

Housing Congestion. Wheeling, West Virginia. Compressed houses in the foreground.

Wheeling served as the first capital of Western Virginia when it reached the state in 1863. Then he played aCat-and-mouse game with Charleston, who received the title in 1870. He stayed there for five years, but then movedback Rolling for ten years. Finally, in 1885, Charleston was appointed permanent capital of Western Virginia.

Guthrie, Oklahoma

guthrie oklahoma old town

Guthriewas the first capital Oklahoma, from 1907 to 1910. However, the city had a long battle with the nearby rival, the city of Oklahoma. And even if Guthrie was supposed to stay as the capital until 1913, a majority vote in 1910 of Oklahoma citizens chose Oklahoma City as a new location of the state government.

Washington, Arkansas

civil war weekend in old washington arkansas

During the civil war, the troops of the Union had won the control of the little rock - the previous one, and current, capital, so theArkansas Confederate Government Was forced to move to Washington for a year before returning to Little Rock in 1865.

New Bern, North Carolina

New Bern North Carolina is situated on the Neuse River and was the states first capital

New Berne served asCapital of the Colonial North Carolina from 1746 and remained then when the territory became a state in 1789. But during the revolutionary war, the new location of the beachfront of Berndoes the vulnerable stateSo it was notexactly The only capital used. In fact, the legislature turned its activities through various places during this period to "evade" the enemy, and they knew they had to finally choose a new home. Thus, in 1792, the "reign" of New Bern ended and the title of capital was given to its permanent house, the city of Raleigh.

Saint Charles, Missouri


Unfortunately, the popular town of Saint-Louis has never been the capital of Missouri, but another city "Saint" was: Saint-Charles! This city was actuallyThe first capital of the state and served from 1821 to 1826. However, since this city was located throughout the oriental border of the State - next to Illinois-Missouri, it was busy planning and building a more permanent capital in The more central city of Jefferson.

Corydon, Indiana

historic buildings in downtown corydon, indiana, the first capital

When Indiana was admitted as the 19th state in 1816, Corydonwas the state capitalAs it had been the territorial capital the previous year and was close to the Ohio River. And Corydon had actually caught the capital of Vincennes, the first capital of Indiana, in 1813. But, as much more as the state had been settled by 1820, legislators sought a different location for its center of government. Thus, in 1825, they moved to the center of Indianapolis, the current capital of the state.

New Castle, Delaware

old new castle delaware

Delaware can be one of the smallest states of the nation, but even they moved their capital. TheCity of the new castle Had served as capital of the territory, then when Delaware reached the state of the state in 1776, it became the capital of the state. However, it lasted only per year. Through theThreat of a British invasionAs the new castle was located on the Great Delaware River, they moved the Capitol building to Dover, where it stays today.

Williamsburg, Virginia

horse drawn carriage along the street in Williamsburg in the Fall.

Jamestown, the first permanent English colony in America wasThe original capital From the Virginia colony, but the title was given to Williamsburg in 1699. However, a year after Virginia acquired a state, the capital was changed to the more central location of Richmond, where is still still.

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