The absence of an Emoji white wine arouses a serious serious reaction

For wine lovers, it's a cold blood omission.

If you are aWine aficionado, you are probably aware that yourarsenal of emojis has flagrant monitoring: while there is an emoji red wine for when you enjoy a glass ofPinot Noir or Merlot, there is noEmoji white wine. So those who want to capture the crisp perfection of aSauvignon Blanc On Instagram is out of luck.

"I'm scandalized," New York City Wine CommunityCharles AntinRecountThe post of New York. "The absence of a white wine or rosé emoji is our Mueller report in the wine sector. That's the thing everyone is concentrating."

Mark Oldmanthe author ofHow to drink as a billionaire, RecountThe post office that he recently appreciated the Domaine Leflauive Montrachet. "We wanted Instagram about it and there was no way to do it," he said. "For people of wine, if I tweet on a white sauvignon of Duckhorn, it's a slap through the face to use an emotional red wine."

Certified SommelierWall dehan, a contribution publisherBetter life,Added: "As wine lovers and a person who works in the world of wine, it's extremely frustrating when you just sip on a Pecorino wine from Italy, or a white burgundy, and you try to post to this subject and you have to use an emoji red wine. How is we a champagne emoji, an emotional red wine, an emoji beer ... and yet no white wine One? While we move in Summer, postons #ROSEALLDAY while using a red wine Emoji clearly missing the brand! "

But things can just change early enough. In May 2018,Kendall-Jackson-Quique Chardonnay has been a bestseller in America for decadessubmitted a proposal To add the white wine Emoji to the Unicode consortium, a non-profit organization that decides that Emojis will be made available to generalized use.

The detailed proposal says that "the existing glass emoji of wine, described as a glass of red wine, does not correctly represent one of the most popular and consumed adult drinks" and notes that "this very important drink with Ancient debut should be properly illustrated in our modern and international language of Emoji. "

Kendall-Jackson invited other wine enthusiasts to join the cause and tweet on the need for an emoji White Wine using a "desired" poster created.

So far, the toleas of social media has been substantial.

People spoke.

Give people what they want!

Kendall-Jackson's proposal has been officially accepted for consideration by the Unicode Consortium and the Company will have a chance to present their case at a panel of 12 members of the vote on July 24. But even if it is approved, it could take two years before the White Wine Emoji is actually available on smartphones.

Until then, it sounds like those of us who appreciate the need for an emoji that celebrates this wonderful drink will simply have to continue to complain. And for more reasons why it's always a good idea of ​​# RoséAllDay, check the80 Extraordinary Benefits of Wine.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: food / News / Wine
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