20th from St. Patrick's Day that Sham-rock your world

These same of the feast of St. Patrick are too funny not to laugh!

Every year on March 17, people around the world celebrateThe Day of St. Patrick In honor of the patron saint of Ireland. Technically, this celebration is a nun who commemorates the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, but in countries like America, it has become one day drinking guinness, eating Irish gossip and playing kisters in parades . To help you enter a celebration atmosphere this walk, we have compiled some of St. Patrick's fun on the Internet. Thosefunny are guaranteed for laughter of everyone!

A history lesson

Let's not forget the real reason for the feast of St. Patrick.

The legend is that back in the day, St. Patrick led all Ireland snakes in the sea.

Separate the facts of fiction

Saint-Patrick's Day Dwight ofr / dundermifflin

Office The same are always relevant.

Feel lucky

Happy St Patrick's Day Amirite? ofr / even

To dress like a leprechaun makes you Irish on the feast of St. Patrick, right?

Be careful!

These continue to worsen and worse ofr / comécématire

Unless you want to be pinched, you'd better find something green as soon as possible.

Better wear green just to be safe

Happy Saint Patrick! ofR / CLEANSMEMES

For people who give up pinching people in St. Patrick's Day: Thank you.

Is the Krusty Krab?

St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner! Invest early to reap the benefits for these once in a year ofr / eveneconomy

This same is only relevant once a year, take advantage of that while you can.

Billie AILISH, but do it the feast of St. Patrick

Irish Billie ofr / pewdiepiesubmissions

With a name like that, she was born to celebrate the holidays.

The beer is the answer

I think I found my gold pot ofr / funny

Saint-Patty's Day = unofficial beer holidays.

So. A lot. Beer.

Irish handcuffs ofr / funny

How much alcohol is too much on the day of St. Patrick? (Question Tip: The limit does not exist!)

Go green

It's my duty sir ofR / PREQUESEMMES

If you can not beat them, join them.

Funny St. Patrick's Day Memes

Just try to integrate

Merry Saint-Patrick's Day Everyone ofR / Dankmemes

How do you, compatriot Irishmen?

Saint Patrick's Day in America

In celebration of all the parades of the Saint-Patrick party this weekend ofR / Thesimpsons


The holidays that never end up

It's St. Patrick's Day for hours and I'm not really drunk! 9am will never come from? ofR / Thesimpsons

Who decided it was a good idea to start drinking at 7 o'clock?

Potatoes = Ultimate Irish food

Happy Saint Patrick!

The obvious solution is to buy twice as many potatoes and make both!

Logic of the Saint Patrick's Day

Happy Saint Patrick

How to avoid hangover 101.

Work on the feast of Saint Patrick

Celebrate the feast of St. Patrick and put in shape at the same time!

I think this pose is called "drunk slaughter".

Later, snakes!

Happy Saint Patrick!

We see your "snakes in a plane" and lifting you "snakes in a car."

Saint-Patrick's Day in the 21st century

St. Patrick's Day Gold!

It's a way to do it.

First World Problems

St. Patrick's Day of the world's first problem

Worth it.

Beers for all

Happy Saint-Patrick's Day, Imgur!

Be careful there, everyone!

Categories: Culture
Tags: Funny / holidays / Jokes
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