Why this reddit thread on viral fatherhood

"What do you want your father to know girls when you grow up?"

Parenthood has changed a lot over the past 20 years. Before the first Aughts, the moms and the dads did not have to worry about the effectThe touch screens 24/7 had had on their children, andWhether or not it's all these screen times damaged their vision. Fast forward to today, not only parents have to pray their children from their phones and tablets, but alsoThe parents of Silicon Valley are also asking for the baby sitters of their children to sign contracts prohibit them from usingtheir phones on the pile.

Technology is not the only thing that shapes how we are parenting. Our understanding and our gender approach are also moving.

Back in the day, he would have been considered normal to buy a doll for your little girl and a set of action figures for your boy. Today, it looks more and more like parenthoodfake "box" your children in some expectations based on their sex, and some parents areeven refuse to assign a sex to their child until they take one for themselves.

In the backdrop of all these changes - and in the light of the landscape still changing from parenthood in the recent modern eraposter on reddit has become viral. A user simply asked women to name "something you want your father to know girls when you grow up." And the remission of the answers - many of which we included below - provide an excellent advice to any father looking for his daughter in today's world. So, read it, be moved - and for more tips on Daddyhood, see these15 chores every father should have to do.

Girls can love playing with trains

"I liked the trains. He was apparently really sad when my kind was revealed and I was a girl. He wanted a boy to play trains with and I was the last child they were going to have. The most young girls. I liked trains. My mother would buy trains from toys and train train movies for me, and I would play with them for hours, but my father never saw me play with them because That he returned from work, all I wanted to do was play with my dad, and he did not usually use toys to play with me. He would like to teach me cool things or tell me of Jokes and stories. He played using his voice. If I knew he wanted to play with trains, we would be 'I had an explosion. "-Miser.

How to treat your women will affect how it expects to be treated

"The way you treat your wife or girlfriend can teach what I'm supposed to expect men to treat me"A user wrote, to which another responded with this stellar comment: "That's why I changed tactics with my youngest girl. Instead of being the Father who cleaned his weapon, or sharpened his knife when the boyfriend came, I decided that the best way to help my daughter make smarter decisions on boys is to treat His mother with love and respect. Of course, my wife sometimes acts, but I'm not escaping it and I insult her [and] I have never lifted her hand towards her in anger. I lifted my voice, but it's more because I'm dull and I do not realize that I lifted my voice ... We have to teach our daughters how men should treat women. Do not threaten guys who want to go out with them. It does not look good for us as fathers and teaches them that violence is an acceptable path. "

Do not worry too much to embarrass them

"My father was a high school teacher who taught a very good school. As a teenager, I wanted to attend the school that my father taught but he and my mother insisted on another person who belonged to a better standard. "It was not before years later my mother admitted to me that the reason I was put in a different school was because my father did not want me to felt taquinated by other students from He or himself feels embarrassed by him. I wish my Father knows he could never bang. I love you dad. RIP "-Esotericgardenia.

Do not feel shame of their bodies

"Accepting the fact that your daughter will need OBGYN visits [and] birth control and will participate in dating and sex at some point. You do not have to be happy about it, but S ' I like, do not make me shame not shameful that I like to be human. I have to leave the room or wait for Dad to leave to call my Obgyn desk and I am 23 years old "-Nosiramadreamer.

"My father has just avoided the subject and let my mother make the strong lift"Another user responded. "On the side reversal, I have a friend who lost his mother when she was 10 years old ... she likes to tell the story about how she started her rules at 11 years old and accidentally said her father in the middle of at night when it happened. Poor Guy was just as lost as it was, but he walked in the car and went to a 24-hour pharmacy and bought as every product he thought would be helpful. could find. She was an emotional mess when he came back (she just wanted her mother) so he went to the neighbor and woke up at three o'clock in the morning (she was a nurse) and asked him to come to help . The neighbor sat down with my friend for hours, comforting it and giving his information, and then helped his father with information too. From that moment, it was never strange about it, helped set up appointments with the gynecologist, even taken to have control of births when she was a little older. Now it's a great dad. "

Learn more about hair care

"When I was little, I remember crying every morning before school because my father would simply take the brush and tear virtually my scalp. All he would say was" sorry, I do not know how to do Girl's hair "-AlienFreadSlurpee.

In addition, the most advanced comment on the entire thread was: "Do not use nature rubber bands like capillary ties." It hurts!

View affection

"It does not seem like you to show the affection from time to time. My father did not care about or said he loved us"A user deplored. And if you are just not a type of delicious guy, there are other ways to show your daughter as you care.

"My father was a bit like that, then I understood that even though he rarely said, he wrote a lot. In every book, he has never given me, [he included a note of ] What I needed to do my parents had come out ... He asked me already if I told me that I told you enough if I was growing up when I was growing up. When I told him: " No, but you gave me that I knew it, "he shouted. He never realized that he had written so much. I always have most books",A user wrote.

And for more stories that will warm your heart, check thisViral twitter wire that reveals the small quirks that love in their loved ones.

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