50 amazing facts that we learned in the years 2010

These facts about animals, space and our bodies have all been discovered over the last decade.

Scientists, researchers, and even ordinary people who are going to their lives to make amazing discoveries every day that change the way we see the world around us. That's why he's so exciting to take a look back how much we learned that in the last decade. Animals in extra-atmospheric space at our own bodies, here are 50 amazing facts that we learned in the 2010s.

More people die from selfies than shark attacks.

friends making a duck face while taking a selfie, smart person habits

People are ready to do some prettycrazy things to capture a superb selfie. And although some waterfalls are simplyDefying death, Others, unfortunately result in serious injury and death. In September 2015,Health.com found that while eight people had died following shark attacks since the beginning of this year, a total ofTwelve people died because of dangerous selfie attempts. The deaths involved falling precarious places while trying to get the perfect image, as well as being struck by a train, electrocuted, and even to be enorganized while trying to take a selfie during the race of bulls .

What we eat may have changed the way we are talking about.

Close up of unrecognizable man eating pasta for lunch.

We were already aware that what we eat can have a major impact on our body. But in March 2019,Science Published a study from the University of Zurich that must be proven that a change in human food in the distant past actually changed the way we speak, even the addition of new sounds to our speech.National Geographic explained that "the rise of agriculture thousands of years plus there is every chance that people would start to use sounds such as F and V. The idea is that agriculture has introduced a worse food range in the human consumption, which has changed the way the teeth and jaws of humans used with the age in a way that makes these sounds a little easier to produce. »

We can "hear" the universe.


"A new era of astronomy has begun,"Space.com said 2017 when researchers discovered that they can "to listen"The universe with gravitational waves. In a revelationScience Considered the discovery of the year, the waves were the result of two neutron stars that collide, something ever seen before by scientists.

Cats recognize their own name, but probably do not care.

sleeping orange kitten

If you have a cat and a dog, you know that your puppy is much more likely to come running when they are called. In a study published in 2019Scientific reportsThe researchers found that cats can recognize their own name, but they are also ready and able to ignore you when it suits them.

There is a black that is even darker than what has been considered as black black.

black brokeh texture

Vantablack was formerly considered the "darkest substance by man in the world", according toCnn"The original Vantablack is so black the human eye can not quite decipher what he sees. However, in the late 2010, MIT engineers have developed something even darker. "Made from carbon nanotubes, the new coating [still unnamed] is ... 10 times all black that has already been reported," saidMIT NEWS.

The dinosaurs were able to cast their skin into small pieces instead of all both as modern reptiles.

dinosaur skull at a museum, dinosaur puns dinosaur jokes

Anyone with snakes or animal lizards knows that these animals lose their skin in a long piece. Scientists believed that dinosaurs got rid of their skin like modern reptiles, but they now believe old animals may have poured small pieces that theBBC considered "dinosaurs' dinosaurs. »

"Shamrock Color" puppies exist.

st patricks day pug

Dogs come in a range of shapes and sizes,all of thesemigning. They also come in different colors, even green! In 2017 and 2019, the "Shamrock Color" puppies were born. Verdish color, which ends up fakes, is considered due to "biliver pigment biliverdine in the uterus", according toIFL Sciences. "Biliverdine is a greenish color and can be found in the bile, bruising, the placenta of dogs, and many other biological phenomena. Scientists have even found Biliverdine in dinosaur egg shells aged 6 million years. »

A duckcoat dinosaur lived in Japan.

himeji castle

Kamuysaurus Japanicus Has been officially welcomed in the dinosaur family just this September thanks to the discovery in northern Japan of an almost complete skeleton between marine deposits that go back a fee of 72 million years. After being examined, it appeared that the bones belonged to a "Hadrosauridated herbivore" "dinosaur hitherto unknown.

A "third eye" allows sea turtles in the sense that seasons change.

Sea turtle in ocean

You may think that the shell of a turtle is its most Snazzieuse characteristic, but their "third eye" is rather amazing. In 2014, scientists published conclusions that discussed the pink square which is located on the head of the turtles of the Lutey Sea. The researchers found that in this field "the layers of bone and cartilage were remarkably thinner than in other areas of the skull," according toScience. "This slim area of ​​the skull allows the passage of light through a brain area, called the pineal gland, which acts as a biological clock, regulating night cycles and seasonal behavior models." Therefore, the location acts as a "skylight" which allows the turtles "" Sense the subtle changes of sunlight that accompany the changing seasons, telling them to return to the south when autumn approach ".

A third of the sushi is not what you think it's.

sushi on a plate

The next time you buy fish, you may want to be sure you really get what you've asked - whether salmon, tuna or halibut. A study conducted between 2010 and 2012 by the International Conservation OrganizationOceana found that "consumers are often given insufficient, confusing or misleading information on the fish they buy." The massive investigation, which implied the DNA testing fish samples of the retail in 21 different states, "found that a third party, or 33% of the 1,215 seafood samples being poorly clear, according to the guidelines. American food and medicine administration (FDA). "

Bees stop buzzing during total solar eclipses.

Close up of flying bees. Wooden beehive and bees, blured background. - Image

Many people give up what they do to observe a solar eclipse, and it turns out that beestoo Pause during the sun-related phenomenon. Researchers at the University of Missouri used mini-microphones to observe small creatures during an eclipse of 2017 anddiscovered That the bees have stopped buzzing when the moon blocked the sunlight and created the dark on earth. "It was as if someone turned out that the lights and bees ceased to fly," said the ecologistCandace Galen, Chief Author of the 2018 study, published in theAnnals of the entomological society of America. "It was suddenly, it was not gradual. It was like falling off a cliff, which suddenly."

Human bodies can move for more than a year after death.

hand coming out of coffin

Strange things happen to human bodies after death, and this includes the fact that they can continue to move for more than a year after the death of a person. In 2019, Australian researchers used timefall cameras and "found ... that the arms [corpses] moved significantly, so that the weapons that started next to the body ended up on the side ", according to the center of the Queensland of the UniversityAlyson Wilson. She explained: "We think the movements concern the decomposition process, because the body momifies and ligaments dry up."

Venus probably was a lively planet.

the planet venus in space

Venus is certainly not a place you would like to live through flamboyant temperatures and clouds of wicked sulfuric acid. However, it turns out that it may not always have been so incredibly inhospitable. According toSmithsonian"The simulations show that the planet could have maintained moderate temperatures and liquid water until 700 million years ago." In fact, it was "downstairs from 2 to 3 billion".

Your eardrums move when you move your eyes.

human ear closeup

Your eardrums have nothing to do with your sense of sight, as much as we know. That's why it was so surprising when a 2018 study inPnap revealed that our eardrums move when we move our eyes.

The most intense natural color of the world comes from an African fruit.

wild banana tree flower in Madagascar forest

Polished condensata is a small blue fruit that grows in African forests in countries like Ethiopia, Mozambique and Tanzania. Although this can not be eaten,Smithsonian Reported that a 2012 study "determined that the fabric of the fruit is more intensely colored than any previously studied biological tissue, reflecting 30% of the light, compared to a silver mirror, making it more intense than even the renowned color Morpho's butterfly wings. "

Tasting sugar helps stimulate self-control.

sugar health tweaks over 40

It is no longer secret that sugar gives you a thrust of energy, but it turns out that it could also help self-control. For a 2012 study published in thePersonality Bulletin and Social Psychology, Participants who participated in certain tasks received a rinsing with the mouth of blood glucose when they felt falling. As a result, they have "worked significantly better on a subsequent self-control task".

Humans remember 5,000 faces on average.

faces side by side

If you were in a room of thousands of people, how much do you think you could remember? Depending on the results published inProcedure B In 2018, you would probably be able to recall the faces of about 5,000 people, which is the average number that humans can remember.

Plants can learn and remember.

destroying your garden
Shutterstock / Dean Drobot

We already knew that the plants are surprisinglydangerous and have genius ways ofprotect themselves. But in 2014, we learned that plants are even smarter than we realized. When the biologists of Australia and Italy tested plants in the same way they would test animals, they proved that "Mimosa Pedica- exotic grass originating from South America and Central America - can learn and remember as well we would have been expected animals "Sci-news.com Explain.

Our galaxy is probably filled with thousands of tiny black holes.

black hole in space

When you think of a black hole, you can imagine a massive vacuum in space. But for years, astronomers suspected that thousands of smaller versions floated around our galaxy. And in 2018, scientists have published evidence toNature Save this theory. According to their research, "up to 20,000 black holes should settle in the central trace of the Galaxy".

The grapes take fire in the microwave.

grapes on a wooden table - funniest jokes

It's hard to imagine why youwant to Put a grape in a microwave, but if you try to try to heat one, you should know that it will catch fire in thisexperience conducted in 2011. In 2019, thePnap Journal explained that "by expanding this phenomenon to whole spherical dimers of various fruit water pearls and grape size hydrumbings, we demonstrate that plasma formation is due to electromagnetic hot spots resulting from interaction. cooperative resonances mined in the individual spheres. " Or more simply: it is the plasma created in the wet grapes that transform it into a spark snack.

The shuttle can be good for relationships.

couple on the subway

Make your way to and work tends to be a tedious task, especially if it's a long trip. But if you and another other switches, it could actually make your relationship stronger. A 2012 study in theJournal of Experimental Social PsychologyI looked at two different investigations - one of the United States and the other in Hong Kong - who found that the satisfaction of "partners of their relationship was larger when they traveled to work in the same direction as when they traveled in different directions. " What made it even more interesting is that it remained true even when "the partners left at work ... different moments."

Fonts that are more difficult to read can be more convincing.

writing, right to left

Whatever the police, you probably choose corresponding not only to your taste, but also to your goal. That's why, if you write something you hope to be convincing, you should use a strange font, which wasreported to be more likely to win someone more. A 2013 study in theJournal of Experimental Social Psychology I have shown that when readers need to slow down to decipher every word, it forces them to spend more time thinking about each fact and every argument.

Some spiders make milk for their babies.

Spider crazy news 2018

Thanks to their appearance probably frightful, the spiders do not have thebetter The reputation, despite being masters web-manufacturers and pillars. But perhaps these incredible researchers of spiders discovered in 2018 will infuse enemies. A study published in the newspaperScience explained the details of "provisioning of milk in a jump spider, which compares functionally and behavioral to lactation in mammals". Baby spiders-or spiders - "Ingest nutrient droplets" that their mothers produce and secrete.

Giraffes with dark spots are more dominant and more lonely than giraffes with light spots.

commonly misspelled words

It turns out that giraffe places can say a lot first - just refer to this 2019 study inAnimal behavior For details. Although it believed once the giraffes with light spots were more dominant than their dark stained friends, the opposite is now considered true. Giraffes with dark spots are also considered more solitary animals than those with light spots.

The world lacks sand.

White Sands National Monument New Mexico Magical Destinations

You may want to enjoy the beach before it's too late because the world lacks sand. We use too much! "In most regions, Sand is a common pool resource, that is, a resource open to all, because access can only be limited at a high cost", a 2017 study inScienceNoted. Basically, the sand is free and easy to access. Because of this, "people can selfish [she] without considering long-term consequences, finally leading to overexploitation or degradation."

There is an extremely rare flower that lives only on two cliffs in Spain.

river crossing with beautiful cliffsides in spain

If you want to spot a truly unique plant, you should plan a trip to one of two adjacent cliffs in Spain are the only places where rareBORDEREA CHOUARDIIII The flower grows up. ThePlos a Journal has published conclusions on the flower in 2012, noting that some of the plants are supposed to have more than 300 years. But if you find a solution in the Pyrenees, be aware that they are in danger - so look, but do not touch!

The search for a superhero can have a positive effect on the self-image of a man.

superman metropolis statue, state iconic photos

Do you have a favorite superhero? Anyone who gets your justice looking for Mojo, you need to know that they probably have a positive influence on how you see yourself. A 2012 study published the following year in theJournal of Experimental Social Psychology-Seveled that men looking for superheroes tend to take the confidence of the fictional character when it comes to their own body image.

The crocodiles of the Nile eating men live in Florida.

Crocodile yellow eyes

How is Florida's wild fauna scary? In 2016, DNA tests published in the magazineHERPETIC CONSERVATION AND BIOLOGYconfirmed that man eatingCrocodiles of the Nile had made their way into the waters of the state. Yikes!

Pluto has "floating mountains".

Pluto Bogus 20th Century Facts - is pluto a planet

On July 14, 2015, NASA's new space vessel Horizons stole by Pluto and gave us a look at the small planet. Among other amazing discoveries to get out of the trip, scientists have been able to identify whatNational Geographic Described as "huge floating water ice cream mountains".

There are sharks that look like tiny sperm whales.

shark fin

Mollisquama Mississippiensis, discovered in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, was considered a "pocket shark"In 2015, but other studies revealed that it is aNew species In 2019. Only 5.5 inches long, the tiny shark does not look like a big white or hammer, but rather looks like a mini-carrot of cum.

Cheetahs do not overheat.

running cheetah

Cheetahs are part of the fastest creatures in the world and can reach speeds of about 60 miles per hour while pursuing their prey, although some may befaster. However, fast creatures can only maintain their maximum speed for a short time, once scientists once thought because the cheetahs simply have too hot to continue. In 2013, this has been proved false. "Cheetah does not give up the hunts because they overheat," explained a study published inBiology letters. Scientists immediately measured the body temperature of the cheetahs in action and found that their indoor temperatures were not the problem at all.

Scientists have found seven planets of Orbian land size a star.

Space Roar

It was definitely an incredible discovery when, in 2017, astronomers found a group of land size planets surrounding a distant star. What made the discovery even more amazing was the fact that every planet could support life. Co-author of studyDemérie de Brice-Olivier, a teacher at the center of space and habitability at the University of Bern in Switzerland, said that if we are looking for life elsewhere, this system is probably our best choice from today. "

Humans have an organ called interstitium that represents about 20% of our body weight.


If you requested to point to the general area of ​​your body where your interstitium lies, would you be able to find it? Probably not since it was an organ that was only identified in 2018, as a study published inScientific reports. "The scientists have discovered the new organ, which consists of spaces filled with fluid, in the connective tissue of the body, including in the dermis of the skin," saidLive science. So where is the interstitium? Well, just about everywhere. "These fluid-filled spaces have been discovered in connective tissues throughout the body, including under the surface of the skin; alignment of digestive tubes, lungs and urinary systems; and the surrounding muscles."

A psychoactive parasitic fungus can drop the buttocks of Cicada.


When cicadas meet the spores of theMassospora Fungus, a psychoactive plant, it hardens their dosses. It was an old news, but a 2018 study published onbiorxivI revealed that these are the Trippy qualities of the fungus that make the apathetic cicadas to the sudden loss. "A week after these meetings, the hard panels of the abdomen of Cicadas get married, revealing a strange white" cap ". It is the mushroom, which grew throughout the insect, consumed its organs and converts the third party back of his body in a body of spores, "Atlantic Explain. Thanks to the psychoactive nature of the fungus, the "insects of deen-derrières go on their business as if nothing unusual has arrived".

Researchers have found proofs of liquid water on Mars.

mars opposition {best of 2018}

The existing life risk on another planet is much more likely if there is water to find. That's why it was so exciting when, in 2015, scientists followed evidence of"Liquid water flow" on Mars, which increases "the chances that life could exist on the red planet". Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta'sLujendra Ojha, the primary author of the study that presented the proof, explained: "The presence of liquid water on the current surface of Mars is therefore likely to be more habitable than that before."

Bacteria can lead electricity.

Electricity, lightbulbs, scandalous

Despite their small size, bacteria are powerful enough in their own way - they can even lead from electricity. A 2012 study published in the journalNature Revealed that filamentous bacteria can carry electrons over a centimeter distance. It may not look like a lot, but it's an achievement for such a tiny body.

Two genes can feed your dreams.

black and white illustration of DNA, biggest event every year

The genes are powerful enough too. In fact, scientists have identified two Gennes-Chrm 1 and CHRM 3 - which can be partially responsible for your dreams, as seen in a 2018 study inCell ratio. Mammals need to experience fast ocular movement (REM) to dream and, according toLive science, Without these two genes, "mammals would not learn ... Rem sleep".

Half of all foods are thrown away.

food thrown out

If you hate to waste food, it can prevent you from knowing that, between 30 and 50% of the food we produce, or about 1.2 to 2 billion tonnes, are never eaten, according to a report of 2013 of theInstitution of mechanical engineers (IME). "The amount of food wasted and lost in the world is amazing"Tim Fox, responsible for energy and environment in IME, saysPost Huffington at the time. He noted: "It's the food that could be used to nurture the growing population of the world, as well as hunger-hunger populations today ... it's also an unnecessary waste of land, water and water. energy used in the production, processing, and distribution of this food. "

An aging donkey experiments a crisis of mid-life as humans.

chimpanzees on a branch

Humans and monkeys share many similarities, including the fact that they both feel what we will call aquarantine crisis. In a 2012 study published inPnapThe researchers explained that, when it comes to humans, "a wide range of well-being measures, including happiness and mental health, [falls] at mid-life and rises again in the old age". They added that the "reasons for this u form are still unclear". However, what they know is that "a similar form of Us exists in 508 great monkeys" whose well-being was monitored in a study of their behavior.

There are at least 100 billion planets in our galaxy alone.


From our perspective on earth, it can appear as if the space is filled with stars and only dotted with some planets here and there. But in 2013, the astronomers of the California Institute of California in Pasadena proposed a rather amazing number to contradict that. "There are at least 100 billion planets in the galaxy, just our galaxy," saidJohn Johnson, Assistant Professor of Planetary Astronomy in Caltech. Clearly impressed by the conclusions of the study he has co-written, he said, "It's the bewildering."

Some cats-cats have learned to kill pigeons.


With regard to birds and fish, you probably think of birds like hunters and fish as prey. But in certain circumstances, the opposite is true. In 2012,Discover the magazine reported that European catfish has learned to kill pigeons. Predatory swimmers start out of the water to target birds on the shore. If the fish successfully reaches a bird, the hunter flourished in the water where he can devour his meal.

Pop music becomes sadder.

sad listening to music

You do not just imagine it: Pop music becomes sadder. A 2012 study published in the journalPsychology of aesthetics, creativity and the artsFound "This popular music [became] more sad-survey over time." PsychologistE. Glenn Schellenberg and sociologistChristian von Scheve noted"As the lyrics of popular music have become more automatically concentrated and negative over time, the music itself has become sadder and more emotionally ambiguous."

NASA has found a possible source of energy for life on the ice moon of Saturn.

planet Saturn in front of the Milky Way galaxy (3d illustration, elements of this image are furnished by NASA) - Illustration

Most of us think of a possible life in existing extra-atmospheric space on another planet, but what about moons? In 2017, NASACassini SpacecraftFound a potential source of energy for living beings on Enceladus, the Saturn Moon. An icy, encelated place has a subsurface ocean that can offer chemical reactions such as the type that help life to survive around its own hydrotherm events of the sea.

Nearby friends really think like the same.

Friends using digital tablet in bed

If you and your besties seem to be on the same wavelength, there may be a scientific explanation behind that.Carolyn Parkinson, an Assistant Psychology Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, was the principal author of a 2018 study published inNature Communications This compared the brain activity of close friends. Parkinson explained in adeclaration That the "results suggest that friends treat the world that surrounds them exceptionally similarly".

The Australians ate a kind of unknown fish from science.

Movemember started out down under originally.

When a fisherman contacted the Fish Expert of the Queensland MuseumJeff JohnsonHe hoped Johnson could help him identify a fish he had caught but never seen before. Johnson did not have an answer, but he was willing to find the same type of fish in a regional market. After testing, it was determined that Australian inhabitants ate a species of fish previously unknown to science.

Children with authoritarian parents are more likely to be Republicans as adults.

father mad at son

Strict parents tend to produce right adults.Pacific Standard has broken the conclusions of the 2012 study published inPsychological science, indicating that the researchers were able to establish "a link between the attitude of a mother with regard to the parenthood and political ideology of his child finally adopts. In short, authoritarian parents are more inclined to produce Conservatives , while those who gave their children plus latitude are more likely to produce liberals. "

A star has been discovered to be two massive blue stars to merge into one.

stars in outer space

Located in the constellation of the giraffe (seriously), which rests between 13,000 light-years of the earth, there is a cluster of stars known as my Camopardalis. According to a study published in the newspaperAstronomy and astrophysics2014 was the year of astronomer realized thatMy cameraopardalis was not a star but two massive blue stars merged into one.

Video games can help fight depression.

couple playing video games

Play video games can actually help fight depression, according to a 2018 study published inBorders in psychology: "The results show that the rapid action video game of the rhythm used in this study has improved ... Performance and can reduce rumination and improve subjective cognitive capacity."

A body found in parking was King Richard III.

king richard iii

After years of research and speculation, it was determined in 2013 that the skeleton discovered in an excavation of parking in England belonged to the kingRichard III. It turned out that his body had traveled a rather indignant trip after his death during the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485.

The Knight Templar had secret tunnels in Israel.

the kights templar

The Catholic military order of Knights Templar was famous for keeping the Holy Grail, but they were also powerful men with the resources to make great distances to fill their quests. Even knowing that it was always a thrill to discover a series ofSecret underground tunnels In Israel, it was formerly used by the Templars when they flooded the Holy Land for their Crusades.

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