15 Secrets Jackie Kennedy never wanted anyone who knows

Meet the Jackie O that people did not know.

Kennedy family Captured the Americans for decades. And although the actual blood members of the clan are fascinating, perhaps that Kennedy's life may not be more interesting than that of the endJacqueline Kennedy Onassis, widow ofPresident John F. Kennedy. Even before and after his time in the White House, Jackie's life was full of secrets in the stage, his means of childhood rambling of clanders quarries and even more secret romances. Curious to learn more about life and moments of one of the most loved women in history? Continue reading to discover secrets of Jackie Kennedy that you have never known.

One of his legs was shorter than the other.

Jackie kennedy attending the opening of an exhibit jackie kennedy secrets
Abbie Rowe. Photographs of the White House. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston

Given his posture and a perfect balance, you never guess there is something about Jackie O. However, in his bookJackie's Girl: My life with Kennedy family, the old personal assistant of the first ladyKathy McKeon revealed that she had considerably unequal legs.

There was "a one-quarter thumb elevator affixed to a heel on each pair of marshamous shoes, apparently intended to compensate for a leg being slightly shorter than the other, written McKon. "Nobody would never have guessed: even in his storage feet, she had a beautiful flawless posture."

She was "full of devil" as a child.

Young Jackie Kennedy (Jacqueline Bouvier) at Old Belmont Park, Jackie Kennedy secrets
Collection of library books via ALAMY

Kennedy was not always asked as she appeared in public. According toJohn F. Kennedy Presidential Library and MuseumGrowing up one of his teachers describes it as "full of the devil". Obviously, Kennedy-or at the time, Bouvier - would take a lot of problems at the School of Miss Chapin in New York and the Miss DirectorEthel Stringfellower Even noted on his report card that "his disturbing conduct in hergeography class fact that it is necessary to exclude it from the room. "

She finally witnessed three different colleges.

Vintage Vassar College Jackie Kennedy Secrets

After graduating from the Miss School Porter in Connecticut, Jackie Bouvier enrolled in Vassar College in New York and studied history, literature, art and French. As part of his studies, she spent her junior year abroad with theSmith College Junior Year in Paris ProgramAnd when she returned to the United States, she was transferred to George Washington University (GWU) to get closer to her family. (Thanks to his connection to school, there is even adormitory At GWU namedJacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Hall.)

She refused an opportunity toVogue.

Twiggy Cover
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While at college, the young guy enteredVogueThe Paris Magazine Paris Prize contest in the hope of winning a one-year junior publisher both between New York and Paris. Among more than a thousand entrances, his essay, who spoke of the threeFigures in history She would have liked to know, was chosen as the winner. But because of the hesitation of his mother to leave herleave the countryShe finally refused the price.

Once, she interviewed Richard Nixon.

BTK359 jacqueline bouvier as the inquiring camera girl of the washington times-herald. 1952 Jackie Kennedy Secret Job

Herfirst work in the fall of 1951 was atWashington Times-Herald Journal as "Girl of the Information Camera", a concert that involved running around the city and taking pictures of those she met as she asked them about current events. During his time in the newspaper, Kennedy interviewedRichard M. Nixon and even covered the coronation ofQueen Elizabeth II. It's not a little feat for a woman just out of college!

She was committed before JFK.

Jackie Kennedy engagement announcement jackie kennedy secrets
Newport Mercury and Weekly News

John F. Kennedy was not the first man to Jacqueline Bouvier was engaged. On the contrary, the future Ms. Kennedy was supposed to be married early at a stockbroker namedJohn G. W. Husted Jr.

"On one day of december snowy on Madison Avenue, she tended to be so cautious and so tedious active impulsively and agrees to marry this young man she did not even know the month preceding", writtenBarbara LeaminginJacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis: The story unscathed. (Here's the announcement in theNewport MercuryJournal.) Of course, this short and swirling commitment has never been concluded and finally Bouvier has abandoned the stockbroe.

She was nervous that JFK was too much like his father.

John Vernou Bouvier III 'Black Jack', Jacqueline Bouvier, and John Vernou Bouvier Jr, ca. early 1940s, Jackie Kennedy secrets
Everett Historical Collection / Alamy Stock Photo Stock

Jackie Kennedy saw his father,John Vernou Bouvier IiiAs a running woman - and it was because of that she had had so much trouble trusting JFK.In a letter to the Irish priestJoseph LeonardBefore getting married, Kennedy expressed his doubts about his future husband, writing, "It's like my father in a way that loves the pursuit and bored with the conquest - and once married, he is always attractive, Then flirt with other women and comes out. I saw how it almost killed mom. "

She hated her wedding dress.

Jackie Kennedy wedding dress, Jackie Kennedy secrets
Image via Toni Frisk / Congress Library

When you are asked to be the future President and Future First Lady of the United States, yourwedding is less a love celebration and more than one public scented event. As such, Jackie O had not talked much about what his wedding looked like his dress. According toNew England Historical SocietyShe hastened the dress of haute couture and felt that "accentuated his flat chest" and "made it look like a lampshade."

She had trouble giving birth successfully.

Jackie Kennedy with her kids
Cecil Stougyton, White House / John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston

On November 27, 1957, Jackie Kennedy gave birth to her first child, Caroline. However, it was not the first time the first lady was pregnant. As theFirst National Ladies Library Stresses, she has already suffered a miscarriage and gave birth to a morna born she named Arabella before Caroline entered the photo.

She hastened the idea of ​​being a housewife.

Jackie Kennedy playing with her son
Robert Knudsen. Photographs of the White House. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston

Although Kennedy has doubts to be in the world of politics, the last thing that wanted to be a housewife. In a letter, the 23-year-old written in Leonard in 1953, she said, "Maybe I'm just dazzled and I imagined in a sparkling world of crowned head and men of destiny And not only a small housewife ... This world can be very glamorous from the outside - but if you are in - and that you are alone, it could be a hell. "

His famous pink costume "Chanel" was a fake.

Lyndon B. Johnson getting sworn in next to Jackie Kennedy Jackie Kennedy Pink Chanel Suit

One of Jackie Kennedy's most famous outfits is shepink suit and pill hat number, those she wore her husband's day was murdered in Dallas. And although most people believe that this recovery was the work of the French designer Chanel, hewas revealed by the last creative director of the company,Karl LagerfeldIn 2012, it was actually a "line-line copy". Obviously, after Kennedy was dragged in the press to spend hordes with money on internationalDesigner clothesShe had rather had similar clothes made in her home country.

After the death of her husband, she questioned her faith in God.

Jackie Kennedy at JFK's funeral
Abbie Rowe. Photographs of the White House. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston

After the assassination of her husband in 1963, Kennedy began to question her faith in God - or at least in his kindness. In a letter to Leonard, she wrote that she had become "bitter against God" after losing her husband and said that "God will have a little explaining to do me if I ever see it."

She had a secret romance with her husband's British ambassador in the United States.

Jacqueline Kennedy with David Ormsby-Gore
Everett Historical Collection / Alamy Stock Photo Stock

Between JFK and his second husband,Aristotle Onassis, Kennedy apparently had another lover:David Ormsby-Gore, the fifth lord of Harlech and the British ambassador to the United States under JFK. Around the time Kennedy lost his beloved first husband, Ormsby-Gore also lost his wife in a car accident, and it was this mutual feeling of loss and loneliness that made it possible to bring the pair together.

However, Kennedy finally felt that he was inappropriate to marry someone who was so close to her husband, and she refused the proposal of Ormesby-Gore.In a letter of 1968 explaining the decisionShe wrote to Ornesby-Gore, "if ever I can find some healing and comfort - he must be with someone who is not part of all my world of past and pain. I can find only now - if The world will leave us. "

She helped secure a transaction with Michael Jackson.

michael jackson cool 1980s style
Vicki L. Miller / Shutterstock

After the death of his second husband, Jackie Kennedy Onassis decided to remedy writing and publishing and took a job at Doubleday's books. While there is in the 80s, she was able to help secure a lucrative transaction with pop starMichael Jackson when no one else was. "She was the only person in America who could get it on the phone"Stephen DavisJackson's GhostWriterLunar walk, RecountReuters.

It had to have a restraint order against a paparazzi member.

Member of the paparazzi with a camera Jackie Kennedy Secrets

Onassis remained aPopular fixation in the media Long after his arrival in the White House ended. As such, she and her children were frequently targeted by paparazzi, includingRon Galella. According toTime, Onassis took Galleles twice and not only a court order that prohibits the photographer from being less than 25 feet of her, but finally won a case that prohibited her from photographing her of the family or his family. You're going, Jackie O! And for more fun facts about past and present celebrities, consult these 50 facts of crazy celebrities that you will not believe are true .

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